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about 7 years

Announcements concerning Sandbox and stuff will be chronicled here for everybody's convenience.

It's like a personal blog, but marginally relevant.

Sign to Care
32 signed
By signing this petition, I formally confess that I care at least slightly about what's going on in Sandbox today and I've even read a few posts in this thread.
about 7 years
Okay I updated sandbot to cycle the lobby announcement as well, in the format:




The BIO_BODY is always the same (currently the standard link to community guidelines), BIO_PRE cycles between some cute little taglines, and BIO_POST cycles between useful links (currently to Discord, Setups, Monthly Banner, and this thread). This way we can put useful links there without making it way too cluttered!

This should keep things fresh, enjoy ❤️
about 7 years
So I decided to try more cool scripts to make the lobby feel more alive in lieu of Lucy. You might be familiar with the setup rotation script I wrote last week. Well, this builds on that.

So far it'll rotate setups every 12 hours and banners every week (monthly is too long!), with a unique banner set for Fridays and another set to choose from for the rest of the week. There are only two right now, please help.

Additionally, the script has Discord integration since that was easy enough to do, so it'll send annoying messages every 6 hours as well as inform you when setups are rotated and wish you a happy Friday.

I might remake the Setups and Monthly Banner threads and have the script also update them with its current lists, but I need a break for now.
about 7 years
Okey-dokey I just eradicated the Entertainment forum since it's mostly just a General Discussion clone. I moved most threads to GD but there were also quite a few Personal threads (lots of drawing and post-for-x/give-me-x threads), Spam threads, and even a few Forum Game threads for some reason.

Aside from Personal, which represents everything wrong with Sandbox today, the Entertainment forum very much started desperate for threads and ended suffocating GD for threads, both being the two least active forums lately.

If you don't remember: General Discussion is the forum for threads about TV, music, books, games, and everything else not covered by existing forums. No, that isn't what Spam is for; that's for actually worthless threads like this.

Now we're at 6 forums, nice and cozy.
about 7 years
So, I'm thinking about stickied threads and how most of them (especially in the Epicmafia forum) aren't particularly engaging, useful, or up-to-date.

I'm also thinking about the structure of stickied threads and I don't think we need both aggregate "resource" threads and the threads they link to all stickied. That's, like, really redundant, you know?

Instead, I'd ideally like to have one "resource" thread for each forum, like this one (Sandbox/Community) and this one (Epicmafia).

Then I think the other stickies should be in some way engaging and useful, like Poll Suggestions in the Community forum. Maybe 2-3 of these so things don't get cluttered.

Lastly, actually important threads: Temporary, notable threads about things that might have some significant meaning to certain users or the forum, like Banned? (a recent policy) or a notice for a forum just added or about to be removed.

So, to summarize, sticky:
1 resource thread
2-3 engaging threads
any notable announcements (briefly)