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Poll Suggestions

about 8 years

Suggest future polls below!!

Also PM Shwartz if anyone is interested in doing a storyline poll? I'm pretty sure Chris did this and it sounds cool

How often should polls change?
every day
every 2-3 days
every second
every week
every other week
almost 6 years
Favorite class struggle

- Working class vs. elite class
- Middle class vs. elite class
- The poor vs. elite class
- Working class vs. middle class
- The poor vs. everyone
- Poor-working class coalition vs. middle class
- Poor-working class coalition vs. elite class
- Working class vs. the poor
- Middle-elite class coalition vs. poor-working class coalition
- Battle royale
- Working class vs. shadow government
almost 6 years
Who would win in a fight?

10 duck-sized horses
1 horse-sized duck
almost 6 years
what's your favorite HC word?
almost 6 years
minecraft vs roblox
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
Is y'all's
1. Horses in the back
2. Horse tack attached
3. Hat matte black
4. Boots that's black to match
about 6 years

char says

daily reminder that the C word is not HC, please stop reporting it

What is the C word that char is referring to?

-Literally "C"
about 6 years
What filling do you most enjoy in your omelettes?

Assorted mushrooms
Diced peppers
Cheese (cheddar, Parmesan, mozzarella)
More eggs
Rice & ketchup (you cannot pick one or the other)
Prosciutto di Parma (not regular ham)
Basil leaves
Onions and/or garlic
Butternut squash
Sweet potato
Berries (straw, blue, rasp, boysen, etc.)
(Brown) sugar
Various illicit psychoactive substances
The defeat-borne fluids of my enemies
Compressed neutron stars
Sugar-coated Mobius Strips

(some of these options are more applicable than others, so take your pick for the 10 slots)
about 6 years
are you gay?
about 6 years
Adam Sandler
1. Adam Sandler
2. Adam Sandler
3. Adam Sandler
4. Adam Sandler
5. Adam Sandler
about 6 years
What Remote Button would you want for your life?
1 Pause
2 Fast Forward
3 Rewind
4 Volume/Mute
5 Guide
6 Off
about 6 years
Favorite lolchurros-ism?

Ever farted so hard?
weird flex but okay
obama or Oosama?
over 6 years
What is a tomato?

1. Fruit
2. Vegetable
3. Scientifically, its reproductive process is similar to a fruit, but its taste and nutrients more resemble that of a typical vegetable.
4. Meat
over 6 years
um the only rule that works here is HC
over 6 years
rule you want to remove:

Game Related Suicide
Game Throwing
Outside Game Influence
Insufficient Participation
Lobby Camping
Repeated Suicides
Copied Mechanics
Lobby Trolling
over 6 years
best caregiver

Adoptive Mom
Adoptive Dad
Older Brother
Older Sister
over 6 years
best quasimodo
over 6 years

Shwartz99 says

they're all important tho

You can still have favorites tho
over 6 years
they're all important tho
over 6 years
Most important/favorite sandbox commandment
over 6 years

123emilS says

Favorite YellowPear thread

- Star Wars, Masturbating at birds (don't vote this one), The Sandbox report issue 1, God damn furries, Pickle Rick, Message for roblox users, I have a huge crush on golbolco, Giraffe, Goodnight, > and here's why, hey there..., daily noodles, Santiago Maldonado case, creame cbeeae banana pie, making not stupid but funny threads, knock knock, disrespect, The Greatest Day Cometh, Jinga Campaign Thread, harry botter transcript, Daily Daily stuff (1), Herredy is the reason i work out, Daily Daily stuff (2), nonsense in a can, what's the point of 10 upvotes, Original Ghost Busters Theme Song, Favorite Dinos!, tkens for a kul bakgrund, im leaving epicmafia, We are living in a bot community, Soldier Eecruiting, Avoid using the word very, the game review

reminder this is still a suggestion
over 6 years
Did lucid just change the poll lmao
over 6 years
f***************************ck you
over 6 years

rigby says

favorite cgi childrens halloween movie
-the nightmare before christmas

not cgi
over 6 years
favorite cgi childrens halloween movie
-the nightmare before christmas
-monster house
-scary godmother
-scared shrekless