about 7 years

It's time for some new pinned setups, show me what you've got and I'll rotate them every few weeks or so. Also, there are two kinds of pinned setups...

Featured Setups (2) • These appear at the top of the list and will most likely be played the most since people are lazy. Standard sandbox setups go here

Stickied Setups (5) • There's supposed to be five, so let's pretend there is. It only lets me pick 2. These will be novelty setups rotated the most to add something different

What kind of setup do you like?
PR clusterf*ck
Every kind of role
Novelty & gimmicks
almost 7 years
Can this be the pinned default sandbox setup instead of parubox?


almost 7 years
Can you sticky an 8 or 9 player setup?
almost 7 years
Updated the front page! I'll be choosing setups randomly, but always trying to have at least 1 12 person closed role setups because sandbox has separation anxiety
almost 7 years
Volta recommendation for Featured Setups (quick access):


Made by user Parudox, setup doesn't really have any bad role, and you can get the occasional zombie win. Nice, eh?

Superior 5AM Setup

May look like bragging but I did it. It's not perfect, but it's not like anyone made a better setup.
almost 7 years
can we PLEASE get rid of the official sandbox setup its so terrible just put any of these in its place
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Hi sorry I'm just seeing this now. I'm going to try to do a daily rotate thing. Thanks for reminding me!
almost 7 years
Why do we have only 2 setups pinned - one featured and one stickied? I know you are not able to rotate the pinned setups without a server but can you at least update them to full capacity? :/
almost 7 years
bumping bc I'm going to add 4 setups before I figure out sandbot
about 7 years
about 7 years
added to closed sticky pool
about 7 years

it is kinda fun? i like rival role
about 7 years
i dont know what a tsukkomu is
about 7 years

cub says

nadaaver says

lets honor this classic 2012 setup https://epicmafia.com/setup/504647

let's not
village has to be unique otherwise claims mean nothing. i can think of few exceptions and this doesn't qualify. you need strong straightforward reporting and acting roles so mafia can't just cc every town

that was a bad tsukkomu
about 7 years

nadaaver says

lets honor this classic 2012 setup https://epicmafia.com/setup/504647

you wont understand the beauty of this setup until you play it, there's a hidden special feature in it
about 7 years

dooze says

night actions only https://epicmafia.com/setup/1419237

kinda gimmicky but ok

nadaaver says

lets honor this classic 2012 setup https://epicmafia.com/setup/504647

let's not
village has to be unique otherwise claims mean nothing. i can think of few exceptions and this doesn't qualify. you need strong straightforward reporting and acting roles so mafia can't just cc every town

lucaskart says


no thanks

AnderKu says


the voodoo/bleeder was a joke setup to spam bleeding in a big game
gun haven shouldn't be closed roles, the categories are closed and open roles and faux closed setups don't fit into those two
idk what the difference is between this battle royale and the current one
about 7 years
im really hard rn
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
lets honor this classic 2012 setup https://epicmafia.com/setup/504647
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years