about 7 years

there won't be any lobby mods

to help you cope with this startling reality I'll explain why you're wrong if you think lobby mods are a good thing

  1. lobby mods do not curtail the authority of site mods. site mods have and will always enforce community guidelines in the primary lobbies

  2. although lobby mods don't replace site mods, they enforce their own biased 'rules' and only serve to punish users who wouldn't otherwise be punished for trivial nonsense

  3. you might be drawing invalid conclusions from the fact we currently have two sandbox site mods (bebop and I guess merlot). they are not the product of lobby mods, they're site mods from sandbox and as long as sandbox has at least one site mod concerned with reports from sandbox you'll get your 'relatable' bans

and that's why there won't be any lobby mods

if you have a problem with it too bad

about 7 years
now since you had a whole bunch of questions i'll ask one in return:

what is the difference in moderation policy between sandbox lobby mods and sandbox site mods?
about 7 years
it's not a generic question it's a legitimate worry. Most lobby owners stop caring after a while. I think you'll stop caring after a while because you will think it's no longer worth the effort

I'll ask again in a few weeks
about 7 years

Alyssa says

I like boosting activity and seeing the lobby be more active but every owner stops caring after a while, will you be caring or will you give up after a few weeks or months because not everything goes your way

how would i know

i dont have answers for generic questions and platitudes i know what's going on right now not in the future
about 7 years

Christopherzilla says

cub says

i prefer site mods FROM sandbox, as does all of sandbox.

i prefer unbiased site mods not from sandbox

if site mods are biased they shouldnt be site mods
about 7 years
in other words making sure site mods from sandbox prioritize sandbox reports
about 7 years

cub says

i prefer site mods FROM sandbox, as does all of sandbox.

i prefer unbiased site mods not from sandbox
about 7 years
"outline and negotiate moderating policy with site mods who can actually give violations for offenses"

This is what I want an answer too.


I like boosting activity and seeing the lobby be more active but every owner stops caring after a while, will you be caring or will you give up after a few weeks or months because not everything goes your way
about 7 years
ill update polls whenever i feel like the previous poll ran its course

backgrounds will be a surprise because you don't want everything to be too predictable that's boring

there's another discussion going on about forums go there

what? i said no lobby mods, site mods will do what they've always done. i prefer site mods FROM sandbox, as does all of sandbox. these aren't sandbox lobby mods, these are site mods from sandbox who understand sandbox. lobby mods are redundant
about 7 years
about 7 years

cub says

update polls, banner, background, setups, forums; outline and negotiate moderating policy with site mods who can actually give violations for offenses (in case you don't know, lobby mods can't, so lobby mods can only ban you without due cause); manage lobby community events and user interactivity (e.g. submitting setups/banners); everything else you
seem to have forgotten about

How often will you update polls

Will you be making a backgrounds thread soon like you did with banners and setups

I don't agree with how you plan on handling the subforums. I prefer organization and more broad areas of discussion means more organization and it's easier to find things and see what's actively being talked about. Less subforums means new topics are more easily drowned out.

You said negotiate but before you planned to just leave stuff up to the site mods, are you going to tell them how you want them to moderate sandbox? Doesn't that go against the point of your policy?

Also you've stated that moderators have a completely different set of guidelines in sandbox. Read through mod actions and tell me how most of them would be no vio's by actual site mods, certainly with bebop overseeing it. I'm honestly curious.

I like boosting activity and seeing the lobby be more active but every owner stops caring after a while, will you be caring or will you give up after a few weeks or months because not everything goes your way
about 7 years
uh sure although i have a few of my own
about 7 years
cub will u still take poll suggestions
about 7 years
although that'd still be better than lobby mods ill pass
about 7 years
make jink a mod so that if you win a minigame you can win a prize of banning someone
about 7 years

Bebop says

Furry says

cub says

kumi says

when can we start applying for mod

apply in this thread, first person to 100 downvotes gets modded

if we count all the downvotes on my daily furries i should be modded several times over

i pressed the mod button 4 times hope that's enough

need to press it 1 more time
deletedabout 7 years
Thank u cub I agree I do add character
Let's start hosting epicmAfia tinychats again now
about 7 years
about 7 years
epicmafia was better when everyone came from /v/
about 7 years
cub already showing defiance to the moderators
about 7 years
9 more mod negs to go lads
about 7 years
mod votes don't count
about 7 years
downvote lilin's comment so she gets mod
deletedabout 7 years
mod me
about 7 years

Furry says

cub says

kumi says

when can we start applying for mod

apply in this thread, first person to 100 downvotes gets modded

if we count all the downvotes on my daily furries i should be modded several times over

i pressed the mod button 4 times hope that's enough

about 7 years

cub says

kumi says

when can we start applying for mod

apply in this thread, first person to 100 downvotes gets modded

if we count all the downvotes on my daily furries i should be modded several times over