about 7 years

there won't be any lobby mods

to help you cope with this startling reality I'll explain why you're wrong if you think lobby mods are a good thing

  1. lobby mods do not curtail the authority of site mods. site mods have and will always enforce community guidelines in the primary lobbies

  2. although lobby mods don't replace site mods, they enforce their own biased 'rules' and only serve to punish users who wouldn't otherwise be punished for trivial nonsense

  3. you might be drawing invalid conclusions from the fact we currently have two sandbox site mods (bebop and I guess merlot). they are not the product of lobby mods, they're site mods from sandbox and as long as sandbox has at least one site mod concerned with reports from sandbox you'll get your 'relatable' bans

and that's why there won't be any lobby mods

if you have a problem with it too bad

about 7 years
im going to pretend this discussion doesn't exist

you don't like rules then you love them just be a normal person
about 7 years

Merlot says

Furry says

Sishen says

he knows he's just acting like a rétard

hey merlot heres another word you dont think is hateful comments despite being an extremely derogatory term

i don't think it's a nice word to use to describe people but i'm not the one making the rules here so.

you're supposed to interpret the rules and apply them not pretend they dont exist until a report happens
about 7 years

Furry says

Sishen says

he knows he's just acting like a rétard

hey merlot heres another word you dont think is hateful comments despite being an extremely derogatory term

i don't think it's a nice word to use to describe people but i'm not the one making the rules here so.
about 7 years

Sishen says

he knows he's just acting like a rétard

hey merlot heres another word you dont think is hateful comments despite being an extremely derogatory term
about 7 years

BiIlyHerrington says

[quote=Sishen][/quote]he's acting?

good job dummy
about 7 years

Sishen says

he knows he's just acting like a rétard

he's acting?
about 7 years

Furry says

one whole word that gets you a hc vio. this is what woke is

about 7 years
hahahaah i was told to laugh here
about 7 years
one whole word that gets you a hc vio. this is what woke is
about 7 years

Furry says

Merlot says

i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically

you saw the conversation because you definitely contributed to that and talked within 5 lines of cory saying it lmao

BiIlyHerrington says

hey furry, when you say "hard n" that implies n.igger
n.igga is not a hard n

he knows he's just acting like a rétard
about 7 years

Furry says

Merlot says

Furry says

Merlot says

i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically

you saw the conversation because you definitely contributed to that and talked within 5 lines of cory saying it lmao

that isn't something that's moderated for hc lol

what is ? i still remember when your bf told me f slur wasnt homophobic

atm i think hc is a little more lenient than it is in the past, hard -er uses tends to get hc vios if used repetitively and/or to attack people. but ending it with an -a isn't considered hc right now from what i can tell at least in sandbox
about 7 years

Lono says

greetings, sandbox

wrong lobby idiot
about 7 years
hey furry, when you say "hard n" that implies n.igger

n.igga is not a hard n
deletedabout 7 years
greetings, sandbox
about 7 years

Negra says

hey cub mod me ill fix all the problems

100 more downvotes
about 7 years

Merlot says

Furry says

Merlot says

i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically

you saw the conversation because you definitely contributed to that and talked within 5 lines of cory saying it lmao

that isn't something that's moderated for hc lol

what is ? i still remember when your bf told me f slur wasnt homophobic
about 7 years

Furry says

Merlot says

i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically

you saw the conversation because you definitely contributed to that and talked within 5 lines of cory saying it lmao

that isn't something that's moderated for hc lol
about 7 years

Merlot says

i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically

I'll never know why he got so few punishments in the first place
about 7 years
if the user in question is not bringing any new content to the table punish them

I at least change what emotes I'm spamming which is fresh
about 7 years

Merlot says

i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically

you saw the conversation because you definitely contributed to that and talked within 5 lines of cory saying it lmao
about 7 years
i banned plissken because he was annoying, i'll admit that

but i didn't see anything else because i was, again, in an airport on my phone sporadically
about 7 years

Furry says

Sishen says

Furry says

people want sandbox mods because site mods that actually do things in sandbox are inconsistent at best and irredeemably bad at worst

like i saw merlot chatban plissken for "being annoying" and then did nothing at all the hard ns cory was dropping


edit: see

not proof
about 7 years

Sishen says

Furry says

people want sandbox mods because site mods that actually do things in sandbox are inconsistent at best and irredeemably bad at worst

like i saw merlot chatban plissken for "being annoying" and then did nothing at all the hard ns cory was dropping


Merlot says

i was in an airport at the time and was only on briefly before my flight left to come home. i was around about ten minutes at most and that was with me opening and closing the browser on my phone

about 7 years

Furry says

people want sandbox mods because site mods that actually do things in sandbox are inconsistent at best and irredeemably bad at worst

like i saw merlot chatban plissken for "being annoying" and then did nothing at all the hard ns cory was dropping

i was in an airport at the time and was only on briefly before my flight left to come home. i was around about ten minutes at most and that was with me opening and closing the browser on my phone
about 7 years

Furry says

people want sandbox mods because site mods that actually do things in sandbox are inconsistent at best and irredeemably bad at worst

like i saw merlot chatban plissken for "being annoying" and then did nothing at all the hard ns cory was dropping
