about 7 years

there won't be any lobby mods

to help you cope with this startling reality I'll explain why you're wrong if you think lobby mods are a good thing

  1. lobby mods do not curtail the authority of site mods. site mods have and will always enforce community guidelines in the primary lobbies

  2. although lobby mods don't replace site mods, they enforce their own biased 'rules' and only serve to punish users who wouldn't otherwise be punished for trivial nonsense

  3. you might be drawing invalid conclusions from the fact we currently have two sandbox site mods (bebop and I guess merlot). they are not the product of lobby mods, they're site mods from sandbox and as long as sandbox has at least one site mod concerned with reports from sandbox you'll get your 'relatable' bans

and that's why there won't be any lobby mods

if you have a problem with it too bad

about 7 years
people want sandbox mods because site mods that actually do things in sandbox are inconsistent at best and irredeemably bad at worst

like i saw merlot chatban plissken for "being annoying" and then did nothing at all the hard ns cory was dropping
deletedabout 7 years

Sishen says

Ally says

Bebop says

if a mod is bad, it's not only sandbox's best interest for them to be demodded, it's in the interest of the whole site. and if the admin isn't working for the best interest of the site, then they clearly aren't a very good admin.

for me a concern would be that a site mod doesn't properly know how to handle sandbox and attempt to do so regardless, and i don't think an admin would care as much about that bc i don't think admins tend to care about sandbox much at all, but maybe i'm just cynical

good thing we have site mods in sandbox

that's not really relevant, if cub is leaving it up to site mods, then that's not picking and choosing what site mods can do sandbox reports

any site mod can attempt to do it, including ones that don't use sandbox

plus bebop and merlot have lives and might not be here all the time
about 7 years

Ally says

Bebop says

if a mod is bad, it's not only sandbox's best interest for them to be demodded, it's in the interest of the whole site. and if the admin isn't working for the best interest of the site, then they clearly aren't a very good admin.

for me a concern would be that a site mod doesn't properly know how to handle sandbox and attempt to do so regardless, and i don't think an admin would care as much about that bc i don't think admins tend to care about sandbox much at all, but maybe i'm just cynical

good thing we have site mods in sandbox
about 7 years
hey cub mod me ill fix all the problems
deletedabout 7 years

Bebop says

it's really not as bad as you're making it sound for most site mods

i haven't been a site mod and wouldn't know so i'll step back and take your word for it on that one :-)

Bebop says

if a mod is bad, it's not only sandbox's best interest for them to be demodded, it's in the interest of the whole site. and if the admin isn't working for the best interest of the site, then they clearly aren't a very good admin.

for me a concern would be that a site mod doesn't properly know how to handle sandbox and attempt to do so regardless, and i don't think an admin would care as much about that bc i don't think admins tend to care about sandbox much at all, but maybe i'm just cynical
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

how are you being lenient by banning people who haven't broken the rules

and if they have broken the rules

Ally says

site mods should only be brought in for circumstances like that

i don't think you're really getting what i'm saying, and using my quote doesn't really add power to your statement

using slurs and such is HC. sandbox is usually more lenient towards HC. this is why if someone says a slur, they are usually given a chatbox suspension to make them back away for a bit and cool off, like bebop said.

i don't think vios should be given in sandbox unless it's a more extreme circumstance
about 7 years

Ally says

ofc everything i'm saying depends on the mod, it's hard to generalize, but you can't deny that site mods have other priorities/commitments

it's really not as bad as you're making it sound for most site mods

Ally says

my above point still stands that lobby mods are more specifically dedicated

i'm just saying that site mods are capable of understanding sandbox

Ally says

we don't even have a real admin right now and when we do, i don't think they'll have sandbox's interests in mind when determining who and who shouldn't be a mod, where the owner (cub) would/should

if a mod is bad, it's not only sandbox's best interest for them to be demodded, it's in the interest of the whole site. and if the admin isn't working for the best interest of the site, then they clearly aren't a very good admin.
about 7 years
how are you being lenient by banning people who haven't broken the rules

and if they have broken the rules

Ally says

site mods should only be brought in for circumstances like that

about 7 years
the next admin is coming soon

sooner than the next owner took hopefully
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

Ally says

cub says

what does a sandbox lobby mod do when handling a report worthy of a violation

site mods should only be brought in for circumstances like that. there can still be offenses that aren't necessarily vio-worthy, that's why ppl have received 3 hour chatbox suspensions and such

you want people to be banned when they haven't even broken any rules? if they have broken rules, they need site mods to give vios, and if they haven't... you want them banned anyway?

i'm saying that sandbox is meant to be more lenient and chatbox bans etc allow people to take a step back when they go too far instead of being given a vio
deletedabout 7 years

Bebop says

depends on the mod

ofc everything i'm saying depends on the mod, it's hard to generalize, but you can't deny that site mods have other priorities/commitments

Bebop says

sandbox mods probably play here more but the rules are for the most part still the same. failing that, there are a few site mods well versed in sandbox.

my above point still stands that lobby mods are more specifically dedicated

Bebop says

that's true. if a site mod isn't working, an admin demods them.

we don't even have a real admin right now and when we do, i don't think they'll have sandbox's interests in mind when determining who and who shouldn't be a mod, where the owner (cub) would/should
about 7 years

Negra says

whats a 3 hour chatban gonna do.

if i get b& for saying fagoat do you think im gonna stop saying fagoat

it's used more as a cool-off period rather than rehabilitation
about 7 years

Ally says

cub says

what does a sandbox lobby mod do when handling a report worthy of a violation

site mods should only be brought in for circumstances like that. there can still be offenses that aren't necessarily vio-worthy, that's why ppl have received 3 hour chatbox suspensions and such

you want people to be banned when they haven't even broken any rules? if they have broken rules, they need site mods to give vios, and if they haven't... you want them banned anyway?
about 7 years
whats a 3 hour chatban gonna do.

if i get b& for saying fagoat do you think im gonna stop saying fagoat
about 7 years

Ally says

sandbox lobby mods focus only on sandbox and have more time/can respond quicker

depends on the mod

Ally says

sandbox lobby mods generally play in sandbox/are active in sandbox more than site mods and have a better idea of what can slide and what can't

sandbox mods probably play here more but the rules are for the most part still the same. failing that, there are a few site mods well versed in sandbox.

Ally says

if sandbox lobby mods are doing something that isn't working, the sandbox owner can unmod them, whereas the sandbox owner has no say in site mods

that's true. if a site mod isn't working, an admin demods them.
deletedabout 7 years

Sishen says

good thing we have 4 site mods regularly in sandbox then

who are u talking abt besides bebop and merlot

cub says

what does a sandbox lobby mod do when handling a report worthy of a violation

site mods should only be brought in for circumstances like that. there can still be offenses that aren't necessarily vio-worthy, that's why ppl have received 3 hour chatbox suspensions and such
about 7 years
what does a sandbox lobby mod do when handling a report worthy of a violation
about 7 years
good thing we have 4 site mods regularly in sandbox then
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

now since you had a whole bunch of questions i'll ask one in return:

what is the difference in moderation policy between sandbox lobby mods and sandbox site mods?

sandbox lobby mods focus only on sandbox and have more time/can respond quicker

sandbox lobby mods generally play in sandbox/are active in sandbox more than site mods and have a better idea of what can slide and what can't

if sandbox lobby mods are doing something that isn't working, the sandbox owner can unmod them, whereas the sandbox owner has no say in site mods
about 7 years

Ben says

sandbox mods are more likely to ban someone they dont like

sandbox site mods or lobby mods? either way i think most people aren't that biased
about 7 years
I would believe that sandbox site mods have to moderate the entire site instead of one lobby
about 7 years
sandbox mods are more likely to ban someone they dont like
about 7 years

cub says

now since you had a whole bunch of questions i'll ask one in return:

what is the difference in moderation policy between sandbox lobby mods and sandbox site mods?

lobby mods are quicker to react to meaningless chatbox bullsht
about 7 years
i already don't think it's worth the effort but im a tragic hero don't you know that means i'm going to try anyway even though no one will appreciate it
about 7 years
cub will never stop caring about this place, she has a thing for abusive relationships