deletedover 7 years

so wtf is harassment then?

I am clearly getting harassed by 1 person multiple times a day for months and I have asked them to stop but they continue to do it everyday to just make me upset.

How is this not harassment really?

Everyone gets bothered by different levels of things. It should be enough to show that it bothers you. If this is the case, the person should stop and if they do not they should be punished i think.

We all have the right to play this game with out people intentionally trying to make you really upset with the intent to just try to make them upset.

deletedover 7 years
connor control ur woman
over 7 years
come join the dark side
deletedover 7 years
kerry.. modding.. wow
over 7 years
if someone's constantly annoying you about something when you've repeatedly asked them to stop that should be stopped
over 7 years
Whatever happened is probably not harassment, but whitepimps explanation that he gave you is the dumbest ive ever read LOL.

That blue eyes brown eyes scenario lmfao.

If I had to break down the harassment rule for you heres how I'd go about it.

So theres 2 routes to harassment (according to the written construction of the rule):

1) repeated/severe personal attacks against another user


2) slandering another user


The user has asked you to stop.

Simply put one of the first conditions must be met along with the user asking you to stop.

Further breaking down option 1) repeated/severe personal attacks:

So whitepimp is correct in asserting this is an objective test. His explanation that "the mods get to choose whats harassment" is pretty awful though.

So basically the attacks must be personal in nature which is an easy threshold test. Then they must be repeated and/or severe. Its easy to determine whether the attack is repeated. The only thing in question is severity.

So the objective test that should be applied for severity is this: "the objective severity of harassment should be judged from the perspective of a reasonable person in the 'victims' position considering all their circumstances and the context of the attacks"

Im not gonna bother getting into slander because most mods probably just apply the first half of the rule when applying harassment. If a person is being repeatedly slandered it will probably also come under a repeated personal attack. Slander just gives the defence that if the statements are true its not slander.
deletedover 7 years

townyyy1 says

private message from whitepimp:

Whitepimp007 says

Look, it's really simple and I'm only going to explain this once. The way harassment is modded is not subjective, it is objective. If I consider it harassment for you to mention that I have blue eyes, it doesn't make it harassment. The offended doesn't get to decide that because they want brown eyes or whatever the reason is, that this is harassment. We (the mods) get to decide what harassment is.

slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

I have never gt on this site at all, and this guy is saying this to damage my reputation and just bother me.

Some may not get bothered by this, but it really bothers me with the extent of him doing it almost every game and making many of the games unplayable for me.

Comparing this to someone saying you have brown eyes is a joke. Describing someone's eye color never has the intent to bother them. This guy is obviously trying to slander me as a player and make me upset since I told him that it really bothers me...

I agree that you should use judgement when deciding if its harassment or not. People report for the most stupid things.

This guy is clearly antagonizing me here though, and it really bothers me. He has had ample warning to stop, and I should not have to put up with this behavior. Its not like he is just saying that I have blue eyes or a frog av. He is literally slandering me, because he knows that it makes me upset.

You guys do not even give him trolling vios for this when it really disrupts games. You are protecting him because he must be friends with one of you mods or possibly even a gt account for you
deletedover 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

If you do not have the mental capacity to recognize from this single sentence, what it is that you are failing at, I could write you a book and it wouldn't help. We've explained to you that he will be allowed to join your games. Instead of realizing that you may have to get along with someone you don't like, you've doubled down. Spend some time thinking about yourself, your actions, and your reactions towards everyone involved in this situation.

This is clearly not an issue of me just trying to not play with someone that I do not like. I told you that I am not asking for you to ban him from my games. I just want him to stop intentionally harassing me and for him to be held accountable for continuing harassment when he does it

Yes i did get mad and spam reports when you guys no vio this, but this is clearly because I am getting harassed and you are just supporting this...
deletedover 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

You do not get to choose who joins your games. Period. And threatening to report him or telling him to leave is the reason he is treating you poorly. You're right, he is being mean to you. But we are not going to step in every time someone is mean to you. Instead of handling the fact that you dislike someone in a mature and responsible manner, you've gone around tattling to those in charge, loudly complaining to everyone who will listen that you don't like how someone is treating you, and demanding that the person be removed from your presence.

how this was handled:
1. I told him it bothered me many times starting like 5months ago.
2. I reported him 4 months ago in a side report saying that I do not like him doing this and asked him to either stop doing it or avoid my games
3. I tried to avoid his games when he continued and i started taking screenshots when it continued. During this time, when he would do this again, I would not just say many times dangelo you know that bothers me, and I asked you to stop. If you do not, i will report you
4. he continued to harass me so i reported him to try to get you guys to say the same thing: stop saying what he does to harass me or stop playing with me if you cant
deletedover 7 years
private message from whitepimp:

Whitepimp007 says

Look, it's really simple and I'm only going to explain this once. The way harassment is modded is not subjective, it is objective. If I consider it harassment for you to mention that I have blue eyes, it doesn't make it harassment. The offended doesn't get to decide that because they want brown eyes or whatever the reason is, that this is harassment. We (the mods) get to decide what harassment is.

slander: the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

I have never gt on this site at all, and this guy is saying this to damage my reputation and just bother me.

Some may not get bothered by this, but it really bothers me with the extent of him doing it almost every game and making many of the games unplayable for me.

Comparing this to someone saying you have brown eyes is a joke. Describing someone's eye color never has the intent to bother them. This guy is obviously trying to slander me as a player and make me upset since I told him that it really bothers me...
over 7 years
why is incest against the rules
over 7 years
why is faking afk against the rules
deletedover 7 years
Even if you do not think that this was heinous enough to warrant a vio, they are clearly antagonizing me to the point that I freaked out reporting them and even want to stop playing all together.

You guys allow this though. You would not even note it and tell him to stop doing this to me or avoid my games. All i want is for him to stop saying this * to me so I can play in peace.....

I was bothering jeff unintentionally even, but you stepped in. This guy is bothering me clearly with intent and they refuse to stop, but you support what he is doing so are not even warning them and telling them to stop playing with me. You just tell me to avoid them, which I already have been doing for months. Yet they still keep doing this to me and nothing is done about it
deletedover 7 years
Harassment note I got a week ago: "Granted nothing there was particularly heinous enough to warrant a violation I still think that given how many times Pinche has reported you and the issues you both seem to always have I think that you were baiting this kind of reaction out of him townyyy and deserve a note. Just let bygones be bygones and stop antagonizing him please.

Stop playing games together if you can help it. If you can't, then please stop @ing each other or commenting towards one another and just play the game"
over 7 years

townyyy1 says

mods have no right to judge if its offending someone or not

deletedover 7 years
seriously though what is harassment if this is not? Its not like its 1 incident and I did not ask them to stop because it was really bothering me.

mods have no right to judge if its offending someone or not. It obviously is offending me and this should be sufficient to show harassment considering that there is plenty of evidence that I asked them to stop doing it because it offended me and if they could not do that to just not play with me at all

I try to not join games with them in it for this reason for months now, but they always join mine to bother me. The mods just tell me to avoid them, but like its kind of hard when they just follow me to harass me
over 7 years
Agreed, whitepimp has no balls.
over 7 years