deletedover 7 years

so wtf is harassment then?

I am clearly getting harassed by 1 person multiple times a day for months and I have asked them to stop but they continue to do it everyday to just make me upset.

How is this not harassment really?

Everyone gets bothered by different levels of things. It should be enough to show that it bothers you. If this is the case, the person should stop and if they do not they should be punished i think.

We all have the right to play this game with out people intentionally trying to make you really upset with the intent to just try to make them upset.

deletedover 7 years
I'm not adding you on skype townyyy, also I *literally* told you my complete opinion on the report and told you that I also didn't no vio it, it just had my name under it because when I was perusing them I accidentally clicked to put it in progress so I had to re-close it.

Stop PMing me
deletedover 7 years
are there any mods opposed to banning dangelod
over 7 years

Apropos says

Saying that all mods don't give violations to their friends or aren't impartial is flat out untrue.

I don't want to give the impression that I dislike all of the mods. I do not like a lot of the various action or inaction of a few moderators. Please don't mistake that I'm always talking about every single one of you, or that I hate you in any way.
over 7 years
Did you guys hear Arsenal won the FA cup
deletedover 7 years
why are people not handling the report that their name says they did? Who the heck handled the report then and how do we know that the same mod did not handle the appeal?

This should not be happening...
deletedover 7 years
Saying that all mods don't give violations to their friends or aren't impartial is flat out untrue.

When I moderate things I try to be lenient and take into account all sides of an argument, including practicing empathy for the person being reported. I am probably one of, if not the most lenient person that is modded.

That being said, I am aware that not every situation is black and white, I am aware that I make mistakes or that other people might disagree with my opinions and I'm fine with that.

I've had some of my verdicts overturned by other moderators, and despite that being done I still respect them, their opinions, and the opinions of others despite not necessarily changing my own.

Not every single report is easily handled and often times there are lengthy discussions in the mod chat with multiple people deciding how things should be handled.

We aren't out to get anyone in particular, we don't try to give people violations for no reason, and honestly, I'm just trying to make the site better because I care about it and enjoy spending my time on it.

As for your PM

I literally already answered your question in one of the MANY other complaint threads that you've made. I read the game, I wrote out my opinion, I was insulted for doing so, then idk what came after that. Also note, I didn't even handle the original report, I only came in to add another opinion.
over 7 years

townyyy1 says

Volta says

why isn't xxerox mod already

because he p1sses off all the mods by like giving vios to their friends and standing up to corrupt mods.

I would do the same and p1ss them all off, Hence I would not want it either

Remmember when Edark got 3 violations after i reported him, while everyone else was too scared from him and everyone were protecting him?

And that was just for 1 day of gameplay.

Atfer that he pretty much quit playing xD
deletedover 7 years

Volta says

why isn't xxerox mod already

because he p1sses off all the mods by like giving vios to their friends and standing up to corrupt mods.

I would do the same and p1ss them all off, Hence I would not want it either
over 7 years

Volta says

why isn't xxerox mod already

Need more support.
over 7 years

CookieLuvrxD says

So your response to what I've said is to just go back to calling them slaves, subhumans, and trash.

Okay, got it

This is just WhitePimp007/

He is Slave to the Admin, Subhuman who only finds fun in harrasing others and trash in general.

I don't see why you would defend someone like that.

He behaves toward EVERYONE like that, even fellow mods.
deletedover 7 years

xxerox says

Shut Up Townyy. He is just baiting you and you bait back.

We all know how some mods are trash.

We all know some are disprespectfull and acts toward us like we are some toys to play with.

This is very true. Like expose's report on me yesterday. I think that they just no vio all my reports for the same reason.

over 7 years
So your response to what I've said is to just go back to calling them slaves, subhumans, and trash.

Okay, got it
over 7 years
why isn't xxerox mod already
over 7 years
Hey, Cookie, If you want us to treat Mods right, maybe they should treat us right too. This is not one way street.
over 7 years
Shut Up Townyy. He is just baiting you and you bait back.

We all know how some mods are trash.

We all know some are disprespectfull and acts toward us like we are some toys to play with.
over 7 years
I don't treat mods like humans because no self respecting human being will harass others just for fun and then keep being a moderator and be unpunished ;)

They are more like .... Trash?

I mean, WhitePimp007 acted like a dog for Edark when he was an admin so... Is it so bad to treat him as such?

He followed every his whim and commant like a pup around his Owner.
deletedover 7 years

CookieLuvrxD says

Ya I'm totally trolling when I say that *maybe* you should treat the mods like people as opposed to your personal slaves or pets who should be reprimanded when they don't follow your every whim or command

This is the whole problem with the mods currently. They are slaves for certain people and they do not act like humans. Humans are not perfect, so when they make a mistake they should fess up and fix it but they never do this here. They also work against certain people for other people. Like 90% of others would have gotten a vio for both the seven and dangelo stuff, but they did not get it because I reported it and a fraction of the mods have tried for a year to get rid of me...
over 7 years
youll survive not getting your way, just let it go and spend the time you'd use complaining to actually play the game or do something else and you'll be happier I bet
over 7 years
You reap what you sow

Being nice in one PM doesn't magically undo the 5000 reports and appeals you've made just to be annoying, or all of he posts and threads you've made
over 7 years

CookieLuvrxD says

Ya I'm totally trolling when I say that *maybe* you should treat the mods like people as opposed to your personal slaves or pets who should be reprimanded when they don't follow your every whim or command

"Maybe" you should read how the other mods complain against him.

But maybe no one reads WhitePimp007 as a human being.
deletedover 7 years

CookieLuvrxD says

Probably because you're not respectful in the first place and act like an entitled child

I am respectful in general. Its hard to continue this when they are rude back though. Like the email I sent him was not bad at all. I just asked for an explanation and his reply was to delete it without reading it and just send me a picture of that? like who is being mean here?
over 7 years
Ya I'm totally trolling when I say that *maybe* you should treat the mods like people as opposed to your personal slaves or pets who should be reprimanded when they don't follow your every whim or command
over 7 years
Cookie, we all know you are trolling.

It is obviously WhitePimp007 just doesnt care about anything but himself.

He wants people to worship him or something and harrases those that don't.
over 7 years
Probably because you're not respectful in the first place and act like an entitled child
deletedover 7 years

CookieLuvrxD says

This leads back to my first point:

If a mod doesn't do exactly what you want them to do then you spam reports, appeals, complaint threads, and PM them to whine and complain to get your way.

He deleted a PM of yours and called you a GT account in response to this.

Who's really harassing who?

If he no vios something, why cant I request him to explain why and get a respectful reply back?