deletedover 7 years

so wtf is harassment then?

I am clearly getting harassed by 1 person multiple times a day for months and I have asked them to stop but they continue to do it everyday to just make me upset.

How is this not harassment really?

Everyone gets bothered by different levels of things. It should be enough to show that it bothers you. If this is the case, the person should stop and if they do not they should be punished i think.

We all have the right to play this game with out people intentionally trying to make you really upset with the intent to just try to make them upset.

over 7 years

Merlot says

going by the literal definition of slander, yes, but in the context of this website and what is considered reportable and moderated slander it is perhaps too mild to be considered slander by other people on the website

but yeah it is slander, just not a very harsh kind by any means

Then if it slander, does mtlve show any sings that he is annoyed by it ? Mybe he dislikes to be slandered in such way?
over 7 years
i'm on your side, i was one of two people who wanted to give a note to this person for bothering towny like this; even if it's not a severe personal attack, it's still a form of harassment imo.
over 7 years
what time is it for you right nwo xxerox
over 7 years
going by the literal definition of slander, yes, but in the context of this website and what is considered reportable and moderated slander it is perhaps too mild to be considered slander by other people on the website

but yeah it is slander, just not a very harsh kind by any means
over 7 years
Is mtlve being slandered as a gt alt and by this definition, harrased as the rules state?

Is calling someone GT alts with monts a slander , when the user is not a gt alt?
over 7 years
Do you think by calling him a gt alt with months may make other players leave his games and ignore him, try to kick him out and dodge him?
over 7 years
Well, Merlot, Do you think mtlve is being slandered?
over 7 years
i already tried to argue for the harassment note but i was outnumbered
over 7 years
over 7 years
How about you give harrasment violation to this guy who is slandering mtlve?
over 7 years
I will if you agree to accept my 40 tokens in exchange for a furry alt.
over 7 years
i will if you accept my skype request
over 7 years
Stop derailing the thread you filthy moderators.
over 7 years
Okay, 40 tokens.
over 7 years
Xxerox, if you make me a furry alt to use and pick everything out for me and make a great bio with furry pictures, I'll give you 80 tokens.
over 7 years
i tried adding you on skype but you never accepted my contact request
deletedover 7 years
never have i ever trolled xxerox. i apologize for my fellow mods
over 7 years

Merlot says

xxerox says

Merlot says

no youre not serious about it

Seems like someone lied to me saying you are a decent user who doesnt troll as much as the others.

im not trolling :(

Me either. I'm gonna give Bselser back his alt to make room for my new furrsona.
over 7 years

Merlot says

xxerox says

Merlot says

no youre not serious about it

Seems like someone lied to me saying you are a decent user who doesnt troll as much as the others.

im not trolling :(

Then you could have pm or skyped me.
over 7 years

xxerox says

Merlot says

no youre not serious about it

Seems like someone lied to me saying you are a decent user who doesnt troll as much as the others.

im not trolling :(
over 7 years
who was that someone i thik that they tried to trol u
over 7 years

Merlot says

no youre not serious about it

Seems like someone lied to me saying you are a decent user who doesnt troll as much as the others.
over 7 years
xxerox please answer my inquiry
over 7 years
good night mtlve u must quit now
over 7 years
Well, sorry mtlve. WhitePimp007 thinks you are a gt alt and you deserve to be slandered by his own way of acting.

You should quit the site for now.