deletedover 7 years

so wtf is harassment then?

I am clearly getting harassed by 1 person multiple times a day for months and I have asked them to stop but they continue to do it everyday to just make me upset.

How is this not harassment really?

Everyone gets bothered by different levels of things. It should be enough to show that it bothers you. If this is the case, the person should stop and if they do not they should be punished i think.

We all have the right to play this game with out people intentionally trying to make you really upset with the intent to just try to make them upset.

over 7 years
Even i can see that, and you know it is harassment if other users can see it too.
over 7 years
Well, sorry, but it is if the user feels harrassed about it, and the other user doesnt stop with MONTHS!
over 7 years

xxerox says

Who are you to decide who feels how?

How would you feel if someone is harassing you but only you are the only one who feels harassed and everyone else mock you because they think it is stupid?

I'm not deciding how he feels. I'm deciding that calling someone a gt alt is not enough to be a harassment vio.
over 7 years
Who are you to decide who feels how?

How would you feel if someone is harassing you but only you are the only one who feels harassed and everyone else mock you because they think it is stupid?
over 7 years
How hard is to ask him to stop?

How hard is to PM him and ask him : Please stop calling mtlve Gt alt because you are harrasing him!
over 7 years
It is a harassment if the person claims he is harrased and he feels harrased because of that.

To him, it is offencive and DangeloD is using it to antagonise him.
over 7 years

townyyy1 says

Whitepimp007 says

He says one line in pregame, and you tell him you're reporting him. He's not getting a vio because you don't know how to interact with people you dislike.

white you ignored the like 1000 games before this where I told him nicely to stop calling me that or I would report him. I gave him like 10 final warnings that if you say that again, you are reported:

It doesn't matter how many times you tell him that. Calling you a gt alt isn't harassment and it never will be.
over 7 years

expose says

Vote OT to Harassment~

Have you tried appealing?
over 7 years
Vote OT to Harassment~
deletedover 7 years

Whitepimp007 says

He says one line in pregame, and you tell him you're reporting him. He's not getting a vio because you don't know how to interact with people you dislike.

white you ignored the like 1000 games before this where I told him nicely to stop calling me that or I would report him. I gave him like 10 final warnings that if you say that again, you are reported:
over 7 years
Ha ha , remmember the good old times when i was harrased by the moderators and ended up in depresion for real because they wouldn't stop?

Those were good times.

But you know the saying :D

A harrasmen is only a harrasment if someone else who the mods dislike is doing it :)
over 7 years
Maybe you should add to the rules section:

"If a moderator does not think you are harassed, then you are not being harassed"
deletedover 7 years
mtlive, you need to find your balls.
over 7 years
Yes, Because moderators know best who feels how.
over 7 years

He says one line in pregame, and you tell him you're reporting him. He's not getting a vio because you don't know how to interact with people you dislike.
deletedover 7 years

Merlot says

the conclusion that the moderators reached was that a private, verbal warning to not antagonize towny further should be given to dangelo, as most mods didn't want to issue a note or violation for this. if this should escalate further, a harassment note/vio should be issued.

(i lobbied to give a note in the first place, fwiw, but i think the general consensus from mod chat is that it wasn't severe enough for that in the amount of times this has occurred and the way she is being harassed as well not being a very strong personal attack.)

Dude i have been warning them for months about this. Other in games even had to tell them to back off:

I think that this should be a full note here or it will not stop. I tbh do not think that it would stop even with the note, but that is the next step. They have had ample verbal warnings.
deletedover 7 years

WhiteMarauder says

I don't think it's unreasonable to say that a note would resolve this situation.

This is all I even really asked for this time even though i have told them enough to stop. They need to know that this is unacceptable behavior. If they did not stop after the note, i would want the vio though. There is no reason for this behavior to even be allowed. I mean read the game in the original report. That game was completely unplayable with their trolling calling me a gt account. they almost got lynched for this day1 and they were hooker (only stopped to avoid a 4way), and this is not even fair for their partners...
deletedover 7 years

johnreid says

Whatever happened is probably not harassment, but whitepimps explanation that he gave you is the dumbest ive ever read LOL.

That blue eyes brown eyes scenario lmfao.

If I had to break down the harassment rule for you heres how I'd go about it.

So theres 2 routes to harassment (according to the written construction of the rule):

1) repeated/severe personal attacks against another user


2) slandering another user


The user has asked you to stop.

I have quoted their own rule many times and I was just ignored. This at minimum is slander (even though I think its also personal attacks) for part 1 and I have a report 1 month ago asking them to stop doing this and screen shots over a month telling them to stop I would report them before the last game when I reported them.

In this game that I reported them for this, the game was unplayable. I mean zero even spent like 2min yelling at them to stop trolling like this, because it was disrupting the game. We were lynching them because of the trolling making the game unplayable, but stopped to avoid a 4way. They did not even get a trolling vio for this!!!!!
over 7 years
Because calling you a mean name isn't harassment; I know you're all special snowflakes, and have to call your mummy every time someone insinuates you enjoy the refreshing flavor of male genitalia in your mouth, but it's time to nut up. Maybe stop watching all that anime, realize life is a constant stream of pain and misery, and all of a sudden getting called a limp-wristed bibby babby isn't so bad. Hey at least someone is interacting with you in a meaningful way, and not diddling on their phone when you're taking them out for a nice steak dinner (LAUREN!). Spamming your inbox with death threats, trying to doxx you, or trying to find and annoy you outside of EM - that's harassment.
over 7 years
the conclusion that the moderators reached was that a private, verbal warning to not antagonize towny further should be given to dangelo, as most mods didn't want to issue a note or violation for this. if this should escalate further, a harassment note/vio should be issued.

(i lobbied to give a note in the first place, fwiw, but i think the general consensus from mod chat is that it wasn't severe enough for that in the amount of times this has occurred and the way she is being harassed as well not being a very strong personal attack.)
over 7 years
I vaguely remember this being an issue a few months back.

johnreid says

So whitepimp is correct in asserting this is an objective test. His explanation that "the mods get to choose whats harassment" is pretty awful though.

You also have to consider that this has apparently been occurring for the past 5 months. If that is true then the severity of the harassment has already been altered.

It might not be that Townny is being severely harassed by the words or context that is being said by the harasser. But what is true of this is two things: 1) The harasser has been asked to stop multiple times and is aware that they do not like it. 2) This has been going on for a very long time.

It may be as simple as a child walking up to you putting their finger near your face saying, "I'm not touching you" over and over again. Yet that doesn't mean that it isn't justifiably harassment.

Constantly repeating the same action towards someone is a very simple and effective bullying tactic. I remember coaching a few basketball camps in the past where one kid would follow another around and take his ball from him whenever he could, even during open shoot-arounds. When the kid went to get another basketball from the rack, the bully would proceed to follow the kid around again to take the new basketball. Childish, somewhat funny, and not severe at all as far as harassment goes. But still it needed to be stopped because it was clearly upsetting the other kid. It was putting the kid through a lot of stress having to deal with that. He was being treated unfairly. So we did end up punishing the bully, granted not harshly, but it solved the problems for the rest of the week.

I don't think it's unreasonable to say that a note would resolve this situation.
deletedover 7 years
DangeloD's whole intent on the site is to bother others. Why are mods giving him no vios?
over 7 years
[Verse 1]
Belligerent ghouls
Run Epicmafia's rules
Spineless swines
Cemented minds
Sir leads the troops
Jealous of youth
Same old suit since 1962
He does the military two-step
Down the nape of my neck

[Chorus 1]
I want to go home
I don't want to stay
Give up moderation
As a bad mistake

[Verse 2]
Mid-week in the complaints forum
Sir thwacks you on the knees
Knees you in the groin
Elbow in the face
Bruises bigger than dinner plates

[Chorus 2]
I want to go home
I don't want to stay

[Verse 3]
Belligerent ghouls
Run Epicmafia's rules
Spineless bastards all
Sir leads the troops
Jealous of youth
Same old jokes since 1902
He does the military two-step
Down the nape of my neck

I want to go home
I don't want to stay
Give up life
As a bad mistake

[Verse 4]
Please excuse me from quota
I've got this terrible cold coming on
He grabs and devours
He kicks me in the showers
Kicks me in the showers
And he grabs and devours

[Chorus 2]
I want to go home
I don't want to stay
deletedover 7 years
whitepimp being even more unprofessional than usual here, why's he still a mod again?
over 7 years
i disagree with the decisions of the original mods here; i think that this at the very least warrants a harassment note; no one should be continuously bothered and harassed for months on end without intervention.