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let me at em

over 7 years

i have some ideas for improving em, like

  • checking boxes by default in unranked games
  • adding certain emjack features like highlight messages (toggle), clickable links, mafia marking, contact list system message, click name to vote, etc. to the base game
  • an optional pregame minigame system that gives people something to do while waiting to fill
  • fixing the sui bug
  • functional improvements to minigames; e.g. calculate bezier curves in drawit instead of straight lines between points

and right now all we have for this stuff are scripts and bots which people complain about. the scripts not so much, but not everyone has the scripts and they shouldn't have to install a script for these quality of life features anyway

so i want lucid to share the site code with me and let me see what i can do to add some of these features. i don't think he'll trust me to make changes directly, but all i need is the code and i can make the changes and point to them specifically. so i want to petition lucid to share it with me, i think it's a pretty reasonable idea

do it lucy
28 signed
I trust foxie to make cool things and all you have to do is share some files, it's so easy GEICO could make a commercial about it. I know you like petitions lucy, this one's for you
over 7 years
bumpty dump
over 7 years
so thats why people were calling jink junk
over 7 years
Dang it autocorrect
over 7 years
For some reason I just connected the whole Scooby Doo theme cub is going for :^ ) junkies!
over 7 years
maybe if lucid let me at em we wouldn't be in this situation
over 7 years
feelsbadman. I'll just forever block wall comments uwu
over 7 years
bbcode is parsed serverside for some reason so the only way to get rid of youtube videos in posts would be to either intercept the data before it gets written to the document and filter out the youtube iframe or do it after when it already started loading which is terrible

both are hacky and i don't like hacky things

the "clean" way involves rewriting a ~49 line function since ajax callback functions are anonymous
over 7 years
Cub do you know a way to block youtube vids on the lobby wall? Would appreciate the help x
over 7 years
I recall correctly, it was a poll about ALL bots (including Simi, who just hosted games, advertised games, and vegged) and Jink was just a side option

taking a poll about a vague category to say people didn't like specific items in that category is criminally dishonest

jink was non-intrusive: made its own games, played through its own games. if you didn't want to play with jink, all you had to do was join another game or make your own and it wouldn't follow you. there is nothing to complain about

also, choices are a good thing. what, do you want to remove all site minigames from sandbox because they splinter the userbase? I think that would give fewer people reason to visit the site at once, creating an even more disparate environment. coincidentally, the night where people complained about bots the most had more players than the following night without any, almost as if the vocal minority didn't represent the userbase

and again

cub says

none of them had any substantive argument about the features of jink, they just complained that it was a bot

this side tangent about bots isn't supporting your argument against making improvements to the site itself. can you tell me what you find harmful about the examples i listed in the original post?
over 7 years

cub says

also "neck and neck" typically doesn't mean "people hate it," even if you weren't misrepresenting things

iirc, the options were in favor of jinks but not other bots, bots are unhealthy for sandbox, no opinion, and in favor of all bots. If half of the userbase does not want a feature, that is not a vocal minority.

There is no solution that pleases both sides in this sort of dilemma. However, should bots similar to Jinks be allowed, it would fracture the already tiny userbase into those that prefer jinks, those that do not, and with the non-decided picking between the two.
over 7 years
also "neck and neck" typically doesn't mean "people hate it," even if you weren't misrepresenting things
over 7 years
I don't remember any poll between "I like Jink" and "I dislike Jink"

why don't you stop trying to override the voice of other people?
over 7 years

cub says

a vocal minority who don't even play mafia were complaining because when people are given a choice, they don't always choose what you want.

A poll was taken and the two sides were neck and neck. Stop trying to demean the voice of other people.
over 7 years

nearbeer says

With the recent debut of Jinks, I'd argue that foxie does not know what the users want

you weren't paying attention then, were you

a vocal minority who don't even play mafia were complaining because when people are given a choice, they don't always choose what you want. also, none of them had any substantive argument about the features of jink, they just complained that it was a bot. you'd know if you were there mister finger on the pulse
over 7 years
ur just mad cause lucid would probably trust cub before you xd
over 7 years
There's a reason lucid doesn't "trust" anyone with his back-end code and it has nothing to do with worrying about copyright infringement.
over 7 years
If you wanted to make him mini-games you'd probably want to just serve it separately and have him add a line to his front end instead of trying to weave through a greasy ball of hobby-code and integrating it.
deletedover 7 years
foxie has been on the site for a long time and is also incredibly good at what they do, if anyone should be a "development helper" it's them

superb ideas, hope lucid listens :-)
over 7 years

sl0nderman says

an "unbiased professional" wouldn't know what users want/need while someone like foxie would

With the recent debut of Jinks, I'd argue that foxie does not know what the users want. Obviously, whoever would be in this position would have to become involved, there's no way around it.
over 7 years
an "unbiased professional" wouldn't know what users want/need while someone like foxie would
over 7 years

Golbolco says

if Lucid took on a second developer or a "development helper" like Foxie here

Preferably he'd find an unbiased professional; not an amateur programmer from the site.
over 7 years
also easy to add
over 7 years

luis4rod says

Also editing setups rather than creating a whole new one (if not already implemented cuz idk there are no patch notes :^))

Speaking of patch notes: if Lucid took on a second developer or a "development helper" like Foxie here, it'd be a good idea to have a dedicated site blog tab instead of stuffing the site's announcements down at the bottom of the page. Last time Lucid was updating he just used the announcements to inform us of updates, but unless one was in Sandbox looking at his forum posts or actively looking at the announcements, news would travel slow.
over 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

As long as highlight messages is optional. That's one of the most annoying default features of emjack

if it were an official feature, it would be toggled via ingame settings like all official features
over 7 years
Also editing setups rather than creating a whole new one (if not already implemented cuz idk there are no patch notes :^))