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Bots have taken over sandbox

about 7 years

what is this??? this site really is at an all time low huh

about 7 years

cub says

ArianaGrande says

it reminds me back when I use to troll in games

i really just like making people mad

yeah like i said useless account

really you seem like a useless person in general

thats cyber bullying
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

cub says

people tend to insert "lol" randomly into posts when they're salty but want to pretend they aren't

you can tell when they do it in every single post, unless you have the sense of humor of a child you're just mad and using lololol as a buffer

your autism is showing

are you upset
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

it reminds me back when I use to troll in games

i really just like making people mad

yeah like i said useless account

really you seem like a useless person in general
about 7 years

cub says

people tend to insert "lol" randomly into posts when they're salty but want to pretend they aren't

you can tell when they do it in every single post, unless you have the sense of humor of a child you're just mad and using lololol as a buffer

your autism is showing
about 7 years
yea but you been working on a bot that no one cares about for a obscure internet game for god knows how long lol
about 7 years
people tend to insert "lol" randomly into posts when they're salty but want to pretend they aren't

you can tell when they do it in every single post, unless you have the sense of humor of a child you're just mad and using lololol as a buffer
about 7 years
like this is very entertaining and fun for me right now it reminds me back when I use to troll in games

i really just like making people mad
about 7 years
you are so upset
about 7 years
you can say what you want about me im not pretending, but you've been whining about bots here for the last hour and i don't think that reflects what a meaningful life you pretend to live
about 7 years
no i keep responding because i just find this entertaining lol i just made this thread cause i actually had no idea what was going on or who you even are until you started commenting in it and I find it amusing you are so upset
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

lol you are so butthurt that no one likes ur dumb little bot that you waste time on coding hehe

you keep responding are you butthurt too
about 7 years
also under any other circumstances you people will be the first to say "noavis arent people"
about 7 years
lol you are so butthurt that no one likes ur dumb little bot that you waste time on coding hehe
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

1. im a girl

2. i have nothing against noavis, at least they are real people

1 dont care

2 use them as a shield now, policy them later. got it, sociopathic tendencies
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

yea, I just got home from being downtown and wanted to screech autistically about what people do on epicmafia

about 7 years
1. im a girl

2. i have nothing against noavis, at least they are real people
about 7 years
im also expecting all of you who complained about "bots ruining the site" to help noavis and NOT kick or policy them

except arianagrande, he's a useless shltpost account and i expect nothing from him
about 7 years

cub says

ArianaGrande says

cub says

ArianaGrande says

cub says

i think people who aren't daft idiots can find things fun and cool. but if you're a daft idiot that's your prerogative, the difference is i don't force you to like the things i like because i'm not authoritarian

ok yea you definitely have autism, glad we solved that

at least i don't have what you have

a social life?

that's why you're here at the peak of dawn whining about what people do on an online mafia simulator isn't it

yea, I just got home from being downtown and wanted to play some epicmafia before i went to bed because I havent been on this site in months and saw this bot plaguing the site
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

cub says

ArianaGrande says

cub says

i think people who aren't daft idiots can find things fun and cool. but if you're a daft idiot that's your prerogative, the difference is i don't force you to like the things i like because i'm not authoritarian

ok yea you definitely have autism, glad we solved that

at least i don't have what you have

a social life?

that's why you're here at the peak of dawn whining about what people do on an online mafia simulator isn't it
about 7 years

cub says

ArianaGrande says

cub says

i think people who aren't daft idiots can find things fun and cool. but if you're a daft idiot that's your prerogative, the difference is i don't force you to like the things i like because i'm not authoritarian

ok yea you definitely have autism, glad we solved that

at least i don't have what you have

a social life?
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

cub says

i think people who aren't daft idiots can find things fun and cool. but if you're a daft idiot that's your prerogative, the difference is i don't force you to like the things i like because i'm not authoritarian

ok yea you definitely have autism, glad we solved that

at least i don't have what you have
about 7 years

cub says

i think people who aren't daft idiots can find things fun and cool. but if you're a daft idiot that's your prerogative, the difference is i don't force you to like the things i like because i'm not authoritarian

ok yea you definitely have autism, glad we solved that
about 7 years


it significantly increases the time to start and play games.

main lobby games lobby and survivor lobby do as well
about 7 years
i think people who aren't daft idiots can find things fun and cool. but if you're a daft idiot that's your prerogative, the difference is i don't force you to like the things i like because i'm not authoritarian
deletedabout 7 years
I have actually only said I don't enjoy any of the bots. Don't be upset because yours is one of them. Tamabot/Souris/Siri/Jinks/Etc. I don't enjoy the bots/user scripts and even if I can create another game for people to join, it significantly increases the time to start and play games.