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Bots have taken over sandbox

about 7 years

what is this??? this site really is at an all time low huh

deletedabout 7 years
are they called cliffnotes because they make me want to jump off a cliff?
about 7 years
you're welcome for the cliffnotes
deletedabout 7 years
i only read the parts in bold because bold words are the important words that you are supposed to read and commit to heart but it didnt make any sense
about 7 years

SilentDriver says

As hard as it is to believe, the benefit of this website is that people can play games that mostly involve interacting with other people. [Whining] It's the lowest form of entertainment [Whining] You can make the argument that since people are joining bot games, that would mean that they are fun and successful, [Whining] Bots are lowering the quality of all entertainment on this site.

This isn't your place to experiment. [Whining] giving new people the wrong impression, which means the bot idea is cancer. Not only that, but more bots are more than likely on the way which will only make the situation worse.

Just because you can, it doesn't mean you should.

If you want to play a single player game or a multiplayer game that has infinitely better features than bots, go on Steam. Leave EM alone.

As hard as it is to believe, some people enjoy things you don't and if you don't like it you can grow the f*ck up and make your own game instead of this petulant moaning about what other people do with their own free time.

Also, I'm just going to play this card, since you're grandstanding about what's best for the site anyway: I've done more for EM than you have, I've improved the site through experimenting while you've posted "I drive." for two years. Also, giving new people the wrong impression? All of you suddenly sanctimonious c*nts are the first to run off new players. I've consistently through my time on this site tried to get people to be nice to noavis, you've consistently lynched them and drove future players off the site.
deletedabout 7 years

CoryInConstantinople says

anyone who likes epicmafia is stupid and gay

deletedabout 7 years
hey guys. welcome to sammy thread
deletedabout 7 years
anyone who likes epicmafia bots is stupid and gay
deletedabout 7 years

AugVarRop says

We've already had this discussion

this wasn't a discussion as much as it was a brief monologue
deletedabout 7 years

We've already had this discussion
deletedabout 7 years
love you son
about 7 years
thanks dad
deletedabout 7 years
i'm indifferent! i'm indifferent to it all!
about 7 years

Morgan says

deletedabout 7 years
enjoy page 7 all
about 7 years

Jimbei says

after I go protest bot rights I'm gonna go see the dikdik pixel national preservation on lobby wall, so tired of winning see u all later

deletedabout 7 years
toodles, winner!
deletedabout 7 years
after I go protest bot rights I'm gonna go see the dikdik pixel national preservation on lobby wall, so tired of winning see u all later
deletedabout 7 years

ArianaGrande says

father says

ArianaGrande says

I was only trolling cub

this is something that you actually did not accomplish

lol he seemed pretty butthurt with me since he kept insulting me, and apparently got rid of his bot?

yes, yes, cub is the one that's "butthurt"
about 7 years
about 7 years

ArianaGrande says

XFire1994 says

If you don't like bots just avoid their games. It's not goddamn rocket science.

this was referring to last night when I made the thread, the only games where games open were made by bots and there were like 5 games that weren't getting filled and it was annoying. I'm not sure how many bots there are, but I literally couldn't avoid it was breaking up the flow of joining games and playing

I also played whole night last night and surprise, nearly none of them were bot games because - and i swear to gods this is true - you can create your own games!

about 7 years

father says

ArianaGrande says

I was only trolling cub

this is something that you actually did not accomplish

lol he seemed pretty butthurt with me since he kept insulting me, and apparently got rid of his bot?
deletedabout 7 years

bulla says

father says

ITT members of a community too jaded by their self-proclaimed veteran status to play the game refute an argument about the way the game is played

excuse me sir are you lampooning the notion that those who no longer partake in an activity can give opinions on said activity

the suggestion is that benchwarmers don't have much clout but decide to put their outmoded opinions on a pedestal anyway
about 7 years
honestly I think ariana has a point

I was trying to play games earlier and they all had bots join them that spammed rubbish

they should only be hosting games not joining them

unless its jink because jink is actually good
deletedabout 7 years

Jimbei says

users do something that doesn't really affect anyone but someone decides to get mad because for some reason they choose to let it affect them

about 7 years
Spam : Spam Thread :: Bots : Epicmafia Game

I have to explain why this is wrong?