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Statement from Damian

over 7 years

Hey friendividuals. I just got back from a fishing trip with the crew (Rudy caught an 18-inch mackerel and Carlee found a gold ring on the shore) and saw that there were some issues in the 'Box.

I want to share with you a story. One time I was playing a competitive game with one president, a slasher, three villagers, a poisoner, an arsonist, a bodyguard and a sniper. I got sniper. The mafia killed the president on night one. Isn't that splendiferous?

The moral of the story is that you shouldn't shoot down potential before it has a chance to really blossom. My pal Sabrina gardens and she's had a lot of bad seeds in his day, but let me tell you: that little lady knows how to cook it right.

One time Sandbox had an owner who was this really incomprehensible troll with a bunch of pent up anger in their personal life, which is why they came to Sandbox; they needed a place to blow off steam when Main Lobby became too much for them to handle. They weren't rude that much, they just had a trashy setup meant to test out the site owner's random generation algorithm and sometimes they'd join games and speak in tongues.

Now when this user was made owner I recall that nobody liked that decision too much. See the previous owner was held up by strings by this mean pancake baby and a talking sun, and they had a lot of friends in this place called a "chat box," where nobody could understand when they were being trolled because all of the dissenters had already been banned. That person lost ownership after four days, and they didn't care. They just kept trolling.

But they did care about the lobby, and for the next few months they always made sure to support the current owner, even if they disagreed with them every step of the way, because the important thing isn't making sure your Crew are all made site mods, or that your approval ratings are through the roof. What's important is making sure that this is a healthy community, and when someone is acting detrimental you gotta step up and say "hey, this fella is being uncool! Demod them for banning me for reporting them for X-rated!" Because Sandbox is a place where you're supposed to be able to relax and not worry. And because of that, because they worked to make the lobby good, they became good. They became famous--very super, even! All because they wanted to make an Online Mafia Simulator pleasant for others.

If someone said something nasty about you or your SO, they should absolutely apologize. And if someone uses your goodwill to get in with the metaclique, don't feel bad, get to work making sure that never happens again, regardless of owner. You gotta be the Golbamaniac.

I don't know who this "Golbolco" person is, and I don't particularly want to know who "Chris" or "Bebop" are, but they're probably friendly and hygienic people. What's important is that regardless of what you personally believe, or who you want as owner (or even who the owner is at the moment), you need to make Sandbox strong, and you need to go about making sure it's strong. And if you're the owner, there is no greater purpose than to make sure Sandbox is strong for all players. Even players that don't actually play anything and just watch anime webms in the chat box instead.

Those are my thoughts. Champ out.

Favorite fish?
over 7 years

Bebop says

Dag says

i came from a far land called final statement, im a traveler who trade opinions with people

What're ya buyin'?

got a selection of good things on sale, stranger.
over 7 years

Dag says

i came from a far land called final statement, im a traveler who trade opinions with people

What're ya buyin'?
over 7 years
i came from a far land called final statement, im a traveler who trade opinions with people
over 7 years
i heard that this rp account admit when he's wrong.
over 7 years
Anchovies on pizza
over 7 years
It's always great to see my Crewpals coming through to give some much-needed input. Thanks, friendividuals!
over 7 years
Speaking on behalf of GeoffreyQuigly22 here;
:quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle: :quiggle:
over 7 years

Golbolco says

Ah, I see. How's it taste?

deletedover 7 years
Speaking on behalf of Hana here;

She said that when a flower is blossoming you let it blossom, and instead of being scared it won't ever blossom and neglecting it out of that fear, watering it and supporting it will get that flower to bloom.

When there's another flower beside it, that has already bloomed, it needs attention no more, and giving it that attention makes the flower next to it never bloom, and for all we know it could have been bigger and more beautiful.

Hana also ate a flower once with a bee on it. She's not the smartest but her hearts in the right place, sometimes.
deletedover 7 years
Good thread. DamianDaniel for owner
deletedover 7 years
ayyy carlee n fishes!
over 7 years
Ah, I see. How's it taste?
over 7 years
Dourada is the fish.
Grelhada is the way its cooked
over 7 years

DouradaGrelhada says

why no DouradaGrelhada in the poll?

Is that actually a fish? I thought it was just a way of cooking things.
over 7 years
why no DouradaGrelhada in the poll?
over 7 years
Best statement so far
deletedover 7 years
good words
deletedover 7 years
why isn't betta fish on the list?
over 7 years
over 7 years
i skimmed
over 7 years
over 7 years
thanks champ
over 7 years
I sign every petition, even the one where Lucid killed my cat and I would self-delete someday..