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Best Sandbox User 2016 FINALE

almost 8 years

Nominations thread:

Group part 1 thread:

Group part 2 thread:

Bracket 1 thread:

Bracket 2 thread:

Bracket 3 thread:

Bracket 4 thread:

Bracket 5 thread:

Bracket 6 thread:

Congratulations to the finalists, PissProblems and Golbolco

You can see the whole bracket here:

The competition is a mano a mano, and we'll have both a battle for 3rd place and one for the FINALE. Winner of each battle becomes 3rd place and WINNER of Best Sandbox User 2016!

You have to vote in each question for whoever you think is most deserving of being the best user of 2016.

You can do so here:

This round will go until friday at noon.

Also, JamalMarley has been robbed the most, obviously.

The poll includes the final 8 people in the tournament.

Who deserved the finale the most out of the final 8 that didn't make it?
No one, this was the best finale.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

JamalMarley says

This competition was not meant to be a popularity contest, but this is something that Amelio failed to explain. Amelio is at fault here because he just let people vote for whatever, but he should have explained exactly what this award represents and given some basic criteria to use to judge.

I gave the criteria: anything you wanted

feel free to host your own "users that have contributed the most in 2016" tourney

(although that was also a category in superlatives and cub won, but yea, go ahead)

You can't stop people from using their own criteria, this is why you should have given a set of basic criteria to follow and to help explain what this competition is meant to recognize IN ADDITION to everyone else obviously using their own criteria.

"Anything you want" doesn't explain what this competition is for and this is why this competition is a joke now. You have Golbolco, a user who has done so much for the lobby in addition to doing what everyone else does in playing games and chatting in the chatbox vs PissProblems who has done nothing other than playing games and chatting in the chatbox.

It's sad that we do not have two users in the finale that have done more than everyone else.

As I said, PissProblems is interchangeable with anyone playing a game right now or sitting in the chat right now. He's done nothing extra. He's done nothing that sets him apart from the rest. How is he gone this far to be considered one of the Best Users of 2016? Contributions to the lobby should have been a criteria in this competition.
almost 8 years

JamalMarley says

This competition was not meant to be a popularity contest, but this is something that Amelio failed to explain. Amelio is at fault here because he just let people vote for whatever, but he should have explained exactly what this award represents and given some basic criteria to use to judge.

I gave the criteria: anything you wanted

feel free to host your own "users that have contributed the most in 2016" tourney

(although that was also a category in superlatives and cub won, but yea, go ahead)
almost 8 years

ObitoSigma says

Agreed. I can't believe this lazy community. Why even go to a Mafia Simulator website if you aren't even going to work?

You shouldn't have to do extra work, but some people do and those are the people that should be recognized in this competition.

People like PissProblems are interchangeable. He hasn't done anything for this lobby other than play games and sit in the chat. Why is he in the final two? He can be switched with anyone else in this lobby because he hasn't done anything for this lobby in 2016. Baabaa, Platypops, Kapuchino, it doesn't matter who. That isn't someone that should be in the final two -- someone that can just be interchanged with anyone else.

Users like Golbolco, cub, and I have done the bare minimum, we've been in the chat, we've played games, but we've also done things that put us above people who just do that. We've pushed for change, we've innovated, we've created, we have done far more and that is what should be recognized.

This competition was not meant to be a popularity contest, but this is something that Amelio failed to explain. Amelio is at fault here because he just let people vote for whatever, but he should have explained exactly what this award represents and given some basic criteria to use to judge.

People who have done more than everyone else should be recognized in this particular competition.
almost 8 years
Agreed. I can't believe this lazy community. Why even go to a Mafia Simulator website if you aren't even going to work?
almost 8 years
who the h*ck is p*ss problems and baaba??? who????
almost 8 years
thanks jamal
almost 8 years
This is a terrible finale.

PissProblems has done NOTHING for this lobby in 2016 and should not even receive one vote against Golbolco who has been the person who has done the second most (compared to me) work for this lobby this year.

PissProblems does not deserve to be in the finale here.

The only one other than Golbolco in the final eight that did something for this lobby in 2016 was user cub and this is why it should have been her in the final two with Golbolco (should have been me but the competition was rigged).

Everyone other than Golbolco, cub, and I has done nothing for this lobby. They play games, they sit in the chat box. There's nothing special about those users. They're all the same. Golbolco, cub and I went above and beyond and we did real work for this lobby to improve your sad lives that you dedicate to being on this site.
almost 8 years

ᵘʳᶦᶰᵉ ᵗʳᵒᵘᵇᶫᵉ
almost 8 years
im expecting Golbolco and PissProblems to write both an acceptance and a concede speech :^)
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
so golbolco and p!ss are in the finale but here's a way that Jamal Sanders can still win