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Best Sandbox User 2016 FINALE

almost 8 years

Nominations thread:

Group part 1 thread:

Group part 2 thread:

Bracket 1 thread:

Bracket 2 thread:

Bracket 3 thread:

Bracket 4 thread:

Bracket 5 thread:

Bracket 6 thread:

Congratulations to the finalists, PissProblems and Golbolco

You can see the whole bracket here:

The competition is a mano a mano, and we'll have both a battle for 3rd place and one for the FINALE. Winner of each battle becomes 3rd place and WINNER of Best Sandbox User 2016!

You have to vote in each question for whoever you think is most deserving of being the best user of 2016.

You can do so here:

This round will go until friday at noon.

Also, JamalMarley has been robbed the most, obviously.

The poll includes the final 8 people in the tournament.

Who deserved the finale the most out of the final 8 that didn't make it?
No one, this was the best finale.
almost 8 years
he was in the list i think baabaa beat him

how do you feel your chances are against the one that beat lucid
almost 8 years
it's ok we all know lucid contributed more than any of us in 2016 but he's not even listed

yes, lucid is a sandbox player, when's the last time you saw him play main

yeah never because he knows main was a mistake
almost 8 years
Dang Jamal got out on the first round?
almost 8 years
Ok, I'm voting now who I consider the best Sandbox USER of this year. Good luck!
almost 8 years
looks like UrineTrouble as well m8
deletedalmost 8 years
p*ss is holding me at gunpoint he said if i dont vote for him we cant play bgo anymore

it fuckign censors p*ss im crying
deletedalmost 8 years
With that game mode SirAmelio just became best sandbox user in my eyes
almost 8 years
JamalMarley is a bit on the slow side,sorry amelio
almost 8 years
lmao I deleted my post 'cause it was redundant but I wouldn't mind if you were in the finale :3
almost 8 years

OhLookACat says

imo obitosigma is the real winner here

Finally someone who gets it.
almost 8 years
I understand you do not speak English fluently so I will say this again: you cannot stop anyone from using the criteria they want to vote, it's not possible, it shouldn't be attempted. What you can, however, do is have basic criteria so that they better understand what they should be voting for and what the competition is about. People are confused about what this competition is for and are confused on what to vote for because of your failure as a host.

I did not say I would create the criteria as I am not hosting, I said you should create the criteria so no, it wouldn't be JamalMarley's criteria.

Very sad that you found the need to mute me as you realized that you were wrong. You should just have admitted that you were wrong, it looks a lot less pathetic.
almost 8 years
I'm just saying that in the past, this is how the contest worked. People are free to vote however they want, and that hasn't changed.

I personally think that even if the contest were based on contributions, it'd still boil down to a popularity contest, but that's debatable. Even so, "Best" means different things to different people. If you value the contributions people have made to the site, vote for those people. If you value the friendliness and pleasant atmosphere people bring to the site, vote accordingly. If you have a problem with voters choosing the people they like, you don't need to vote that way.
almost 8 years

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own

You seem to be ignoring the point where I said that you cannot stop anyone from voting using their own criteria, but you can make basic criteria to help users vote for what the title of Best User should actually represent.

Did you need what I said translated?

the criteria IS that you can use ANY criteria YOU want.

That's not good enough. People will use whatever criteria they want anyway, but you can help your competition not become a joke by writing out basic criteria like the contributions a user has made for the lobby in 2016. Help your competition mean something. It's pathetic that PissProblems, a user has done nothing for this lobby in 2016, has made it to the finals instead of a user like cub or I.

let me try to explain this again

this competition IS a circlejerk competition, in which ANYONE can vote whoever they THINK is the BEST sandbox user with ANY criteria they want.

they DONT need guidelines because its SUBJECTIVE and its NOT about JAMALMARLEY'S criteria, but EVERYONE'S, and it can be based on WHATEVER you want. not how much they have contributed, not how popular they are but ANY thing you wanted.

if someone wanted to vote someone exclusively because they have the same name they are FREE to do so.
almost 8 years

izzy says

JamalMarley says

You don't seem to understand either. Is English your mother tongue?

Amelio had NO criteria, he just said "vote using your own criteria", you can't stop anyone from using their own criteria but what you can do is have basic criteria so that people can better understand what the competition is actually about and who is truly deserving. People are going to still use their own criteria, but that would be IN ADDITION to the basic criteria that should have been put out in the initial thread.

there doesn't have to be basic criteria. i know you want it, but if you want it bad enough, then i say again: make your own competition! there's no rule saying that all competitions need basic criteria. at this point it's just your opinion my dude, as great as your opinion is.

It appears that you have trouble with reading comprehension, but I will continue to try to have you understand.

My initial point was that Amelio failed to make this competition mean something, and this is very true. I do not need to make my own competition, Amelio just needs to host his competitions better.
deletedalmost 8 years

JamalMarley says

You don't seem to understand either. Is English your mother tongue?

Amelio had NO criteria, he just said "vote using your own criteria", you can't stop anyone from using their own criteria but what you can do is have basic criteria so that people can better understand what the competition is actually about and who is truly deserving. People are going to still use their own criteria, but that would be IN ADDITION to the basic criteria that should have been put out in the initial thread.

there doesn't have to be basic criteria. i know you want it, but if you want it bad enough, then i say again: make your own competition! there's no rule saying that all competitions need basic criteria. at this point it's just your opinion my dude, as great as your opinion is.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own

You seem to be ignoring the point where I said that you cannot stop anyone from voting using their own criteria, but you can make basic criteria to help users vote for what the title of Best User should actually represent.

Did you need what I said translated?

the criteria IS that you can use ANY criteria YOU want.

That's not good enough. People will use whatever criteria they want anyway, but you can help your competition not become a joke by writing out basic criteria like the contributions a user has made for the lobby in 2016. Help your competition mean something. It's pathetic that PissProblems, a user has done nothing for this lobby in 2016, has made it to the finals instead of a user like cub or I.
almost 8 years

izzy says

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own

You seem to be ignoring the point where I said that you cannot stop anyone from voting using their own criteria, but you can make basic criteria to help users vote for what the title of Best User should actually represent.

Did you need what I said translated?

he never said you couldn't vote with your own criteria. and if you disagree with the criteria, then don't participate.

You don't seem to understand either. Is English your mother tongue?

Amelio had NO criteria, he just said "vote using your own criteria", you can't stop anyone from using their own criteria but what you can do is have basic criteria so that people can better understand what the competition is actually about and who is truly deserving. People are going to still use their own criteria, but that would be IN ADDITION to the basic criteria that should have been put out in the initial thread.
almost 8 years

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own

You seem to be ignoring the point where I said that you cannot stop anyone from voting using their own criteria, but you can make basic criteria to help users vote for what the title of Best User should actually represent.

Did you need what I said translated?

the criteria IS that you can use ANY criteria YOU want.
deletedalmost 8 years

JamalMarley says

SirAmelio says

my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own

You seem to be ignoring the point where I said that you cannot stop anyone from voting using their own criteria, but you can make basic criteria to help users vote for what the title of Best User should actually represent.

Did you need what I said translated?

he never said you couldn't vote with your own criteria. and if you disagree with the criteria, then don't participate.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own

You seem to be ignoring the point where I said that you cannot stop anyone from voting using their own criteria, but you can make basic criteria to help users vote for what the title of Best User should actually represent.

Did you need what I said translated?
almost 8 years
my job was done as it was done in every other year, people can vote for whoever they want for whatever reasons they want.

if you want one more objectively and less circlejerky you can host your own
almost 8 years

OhLookACat says

Nothing about this contest suggested that it was anything more than a popularity contest, either this year or the years before.

I'm personally okay with that, but if you aren't there isn't much forcing you to participate. :)

Yeah, nothing else except for the name of the competition. Best user =/= most liked user.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

SirAmelio says

feel free to host your own "users that have contributed the most in 2016" tourney

Or do your job better next time.

If you need someone fluent in English to help you clear up what this competition is actually for and what should be recognized, I am here to help.
almost 8 years
Nothing about this contest suggested that it was anything more than a popularity contest, either this year or the years before.

I'm personally okay with that, but if you aren't there isn't much forcing you to participate. :)
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

feel free to host your own "users that have contributed the most in 2016" tourney