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Best Sandbox User 2016 Round 3

almost 8 years

Nominations thread:

Group part 1 thread:

Group part 2 thread:

Bracket 1 thread:

We are still in the bracket

You can see it here:

The competition is a mano a mano, winner advances in the tournament.

You have to vote in each question for whoever you think is most deserving of being the best user of 2016.

You can do so here:

This round will go until Sunday at midnight.

Also, 100 players setup has won the best sandbox setup ranking.

Best New Role
almost 8 years
u better
almost 8 years
ok since dourada asked me im actually gonna update them right now
almost 8 years
Count the votes u gay
almost 8 years
groups were divided in two polls, its possible you only voted in one (the second half actually got more votes than the first one and i think the first one had jamal)
almost 8 years
I don't remember having voted in JamalMarley's group. Why was that so?
almost 8 years
can we ban jamal yet
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

As this competition is a privilege you should understand that you are abusing the system by thinking a user is lower than you, and less deserving. Simply, it is so so sad that you won't accept the results of the competition. Unfit to own Epic Mafia!

So sad that Jimbei resorts to making sad jokes after realizing that I am right.

In terms of what each of us have done for the lobby this year, I have done far more than Snake in every aspect of the site. Games, forums, chatbox, whatever your criteria is, I meet it better than Snake.

It is very clear that the non-serious voters voted for Snake to get me out of the competition and that is what makes this competition a joke. Not voting for the person more deserving.

It's disrespectful to Amelio to try to justify these non-serious trolls ruining his competition.
deletedalmost 8 years
As this competition is a privilege you should understand that you are abusing the system by thinking a user is lower than you, and less deserving. Simply, it is so so sad that you won't accept the results of the competition. Unfit to own Epic Mafia!
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Jamal just showed his biggest mistake, trying to silence the majority of players who aren't taking this seriously, and is taking this seriously. This is what happens if you invest too much emotions into Epic Mafia, people!

If Amelio is taking his time to do these competitions, the least you people could do is vote seriously instead of being trolls and voting for the funniest outcome. You don't have to invest any emotion into this site, but think "What has x done for the lobby this year?". It's very sad to see Amelio spending his time hosting these competitions that turn out to be jokes because you people will vote for the funniest outcome. That's what superlatives is for, not this competition. It does not take extra effort or emotion put into the site to say "This person has actually done more for the lobby than this person this year so I am going to vote for them.".

You are privileged by having Amelio host these types of competitions, do not abuse your privilege. Do not make his competitions meaningless.
deletedalmost 8 years
Jamal just showed his biggest mistake, trying to silence the majority of players who aren't taking this seriously, and is taking this seriously. This is what happens if you invest too much emotions into Epic Mafia, people!
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

It's sad that you have to make excuses on why you lost instead of listening to the voices of the people, truly very sad Jamal.

The people that rigged the polls against me by being non-serious voters are just trolls. They took away any legitimacy this competition has.

I have done more for this lobby than any user in this competition in the past year. If the people were voting for truly the best user, I would have won by a landslide, but it was rigged against me.
deletedalmost 8 years
It's sad that you have to make excuses on why you lost instead of listening to the voices of the people, truly very sad Jamal.
almost 8 years
Jamal is the king of gay people.
Also obese people, because he is the gayest and fattest person on EM
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

snakegladiator has dethroned you. All hail the snek.

The polls were rigged against me and this competition is no longer legitimate. I have taken my title as Best Sandbox User 2016 in addition to remaining the top dog of the lobby.

No illegitimate competition will change that.
deletedalmost 8 years
snakegladiator has dethroned you. All hail the snek.
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Who's Jamal again

The ruler of Sandbox.

Who are you but a traitor who took this lobby from Bebop by making up lies? Very sad.
deletedalmost 8 years
Who's Jamal again
almost 8 years

Entil says

snakegladiator says

Who would have guessed JamalMarley would be a sore loser?

It's oke, he's been trying really hard to keep his uncaring persona up. It's emotional slips like these that make me think this rigged voting system actually has had its use for once.

I do not have an uncaring persona. The people know I care about protecting them and that is why I remain as the top dog in the lobby. Very sad that you are trying to psychoanalyze someone when you have dropped out of your post-secondary institution!
almost 8 years

snakegladiator says

JamalMarley says

Amelio is complaining about there not being many submissions in this round of Best Sandbox User 2016, but there's a good reason for this. The sad users who decided to throw their vote away by voting an undeserving and unknown user such as Snakegladiator have ruined the legitimacy of this competition. All that is left in this competition are undeserving people because the sad users who did not take this competition seriously have gotten rid of those who are deserving (me). The people have started to realize that this competition shouldn't continue as the person who should have truly one was eliminated by non-serious voters. I have taken my title of "Best Sandbox User 2016" as I am the true winner. I encourage the rest of you to assist me in boycotting this sad competition. Do not vote any longer. If you are still in the competition, ask for yourself to be removed as you do not support this joke of a competition.

Who would have guessed JamalMarley would be a sore loser?

It's very sad when the system is rigged against me. If I would have lost fairly, then maybe I would have accepted it, but I didn't lose fairly. It was rigged by non-serious voters. Very sad.
almost 8 years
Amelio pls
almost 8 years
jamal told the people not to vote so in reply more people voted
almost 8 years
91 entries atm. ill reveal this at some point tonight
almost 8 years

snakegladiator says

Who would have guessed JamalMarley would be a sore loser?

It's oke, he's been trying really hard to keep his uncaring persona up. It's emotional slips like these that make me think this rigged voting system actually has had its use for once.
almost 8 years

JamalMarley says

Amelio is complaining about there not being many submissions in this round of Best Sandbox User 2016, but there's a good reason for this. The sad users who decided to throw their vote away by voting an undeserving and unknown user such as Snakegladiator have ruined the legitimacy of this competition. All that is left in this competition are undeserving people because the sad users who did not take this competition seriously have gotten rid of those who are deserving (me). The people have started to realize that this competition shouldn't continue as the person who should have truly one was eliminated by non-serious voters. I have taken my title of "Best Sandbox User 2016" as I am the true winner. I encourage the rest of you to assist me in boycotting this sad competition. Do not vote any longer. If you are still in the competition, ask for yourself to be removed as you do not support this joke of a competition.

Who would have guessed JamalMarley would be a sore loser?
deletedalmost 8 years
Tbh I can't believe great players like Jamal and Lucid didn't move forward. Did not expect that at all.