deletedalmost 8 years

This is the general consensus of things not to do in sandbox. While things may vary from host to host and role to role, it is suggested against doing these as it may ruin games and make you an unfavorable user.

According to the posts, please do not:

  • Suicide during the day. That can break the game. If you really have to go, do it at night.
  • Suicide when you're being lynched. That's even worse.
  • Kill the host night 1
  • Going against your win condition(Helping Mistletoe, outing president, etc.)
  • Outing maf partners after being maided / maiding someone then outing them as maid
  • Claiming virgin as fool

Grey area; not recommended but not exactly taboo:

  • Outing non-hostile 3rds
  • Outing roles as werewolf in will
  • Not kicking taboo players
  • Sending lewd stuff through anonymous means(if the person does not like it.)
The villain we deserve
JamalMarley is better
deletedalmost 8 years
"This is the general consensus of things not to do in sandbox. While things may vary from host to host and role to role, it is suggested against doing these as it may ruin games and make you an unfavorable user."

Added this to the OP.

If you're a host you can kick whoever you want for whatever reason, but this is forming a general consensus of what may get you kicked by salty hosts like myself, or if done multiple times make people trust/like you less in games

So yeah, if you don't agree, go break all the taboos, and ignore this topic, no one's stopping ya
deletedalmost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
I don't feel oracles trying to get a maf/clear D1 would be a taboo
almost 8 years
d1 oracles man..
almost 8 years
maiding someone then outing them as maid
almost 8 years
nothing is true, everything is permitted
deletedalmost 8 years
Also, what about a gunsmith/santa who told you they gunned you? Even if it's playing for your win condition, like virgin as fool it just seems kinda scummy to shoot them in the face with the gun they willingly gave you a weapon and told you about.

Different if you kill them at night, of course
deletedalmost 8 years
(I'll update the opening post as much as people want. Whee.)
deletedalmost 8 years
Updated opening post, I reworded some stuff, trying to just make it informational. Split it into two groups for what may actually get you kicked, and what just may make a few people dislike you in that particular game
almost 8 years
if fool claiming virgin is taboo because it ends the game, wolf outing roles should be taboo because it ends the game but even slower and more painfully
almost 8 years

cub says

you sit there typing every role in your will for what purpose

Who are you to judge what people type out. Regardless of personal thoughts, it shouldn't be taboo.
almost 8 years
due to town being unique and entirely prs in sandbox, outing roles is auto townwin so basically it spoils the entire game not just the roles

if wolf dies n1 with every role in their will, the next 3 days are spent lynching mafia you knew were mafia since d1
deletedalmost 8 years
I like outing a single town and mafia role each as WW in will, it spices up the game but doesn't ruin it.

This can also be a discussion on what should be taboo, a werewolf outing all the roles early game makes the game less fun. The part of closed roles is randomness, and if you know all the roles by N2 what's the point
almost 8 years
you sit there typing every role in your will for what purpose
almost 8 years

cub says

werewolf outing roles isn't taboo but it should be, it doesn't benefit wolf in any way to basically hand town the win

why do you put the effort into typing every role in your will, that won't change that you're dead and can't win

If they're dead then they've already lost. Outing roles doesn't play for or against their win condition, it doesn't matter at all. It also gives mafia a chance to cc the outed roles, so it's not entirely in favor of town.
deletedalmost 8 years
I assume that would fall under playing against your win condition
almost 8 years
Outing president in your will should also be a taboo.President is a cool role because the town is focused on protecting the president and finding the mafia.
almost 8 years
not kicking TheGameGuy was a taboo. I wonder where that guy went
almost 8 years
A lot of people don't seem to know that the Mistletoe is actually a third party role, in my experience. It's also why so many people seem to think that the Justice is a bad role, they think she's the same as the Mistletoe.
almost 8 years
outing as any 3rd should be taboo, unless jointing with maf.

a lot of people out as mistletoe.

that's a bad thing.

you are not a townie

you are not supposed to help town.

outing as mistletoe only gets you lynched once the mafia is gone.
almost 8 years
werewolf outing roles isn't taboo but it should be, it doesn't benefit wolf in any way to basically hand town the win

why do you put the effort into typing every role in your will, that won't change that you're dead and can't win
almost 8 years
getting your role stolen as maid and then outting your old mafia partners has gotten me a ton of hate

and claiming virgin as fool

playing towards your win condition is taboo
almost 8 years

Xspead says

Jimbei says

Outing Cthulhu was one but lucid fixed that I think

Outing thulu was/is a taboo? I never knew that i mean everybody did it because thulu will hold up the game right. Oh and you can still out thulu in a noticeable why like whispering the person a lot and making it leak or quoting the person. So honestly only one of the loopholes was fixed

idk if taboo but it was objectively bad as town to do it.

as town, you were supposed to wait until mafia hit them so that they would be outed.
almost 8 years

cub says

here's why you're all wrong

1. host is not special, even if someone is intentionally killing host it's likely grudgekilling which doesn't have to do with being host. also if host is celeb, you have ever reason to strongkill them n1

2. noavis are the future of sandbox. we won't be around forever, i have better things to do. policy is wrong and you should feel ashamed every time you participate in it

3. blame lucid for games breaking, if someone suis and the game breaks you can only fault them for suiciding, not breaking the game

I agree with the Second and Third point but the first I am not so sure about. The tabboo on hostkilling is there becuase it really sucks to get n1'ed after you made the game even the setup just to not be able to play it.
deletedalmost 8 years
Unless there's a cult but that's hardly the case in closed setups