deletedalmost 8 years

This is the general consensus of things not to do in sandbox. While things may vary from host to host and role to role, it is suggested against doing these as it may ruin games and make you an unfavorable user.

According to the posts, please do not:

  • Suicide during the day. That can break the game. If you really have to go, do it at night.
  • Suicide when you're being lynched. That's even worse.
  • Kill the host night 1
  • Going against your win condition(Helping Mistletoe, outing president, etc.)
  • Outing maf partners after being maided / maiding someone then outing them as maid
  • Claiming virgin as fool

Grey area; not recommended but not exactly taboo:

  • Outing non-hostile 3rds
  • Outing roles as werewolf in will
  • Not kicking taboo players
  • Sending lewd stuff through anonymous means(if the person does not like it.)
The villain we deserve
JamalMarley is better
deletedalmost 8 years
Outing a thulu early game was scummy because thulu can't even win and there's hopes mafia will try to kill it, some strategy and some just let it be
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Outing Cthulhu was one but lucid fixed that I think

Outing thulu was/is a taboo? I never knew that i mean everybody did it because thulu will hold up the game right. Oh and you can still out thulu in a noticeable why like whispering the person a lot and making it leak or quoting the person. So honestly only one of the loopholes was fixed
almost 8 years

dahlia says

Sending erotic fanfiction as vent or whisperer (or any role where you can appear anonymous/ as someone else).

this is the primary purpose of whisperer
almost 8 years
here's why you're all wrong

1. host is not special, even if someone is intentionally killing host it's likely grudgekilling which doesn't have to do with being host. also if host is celeb, you have ever reason to strongkill them n1

2. noavis are the future of sandbox. we won't be around forever, i have better things to do. policy is wrong and you should feel ashamed every time you participate in it

3. blame lucid for games breaking, if someone suis and the game breaks you can only fault them for suiciding, not breaking the game
deletedalmost 8 years
I do that though

Only original content of course
almost 8 years
Sending erotic fanfiction as vent or whisperer (or any role where you can appear anonymous/ as someone else).
deletedalmost 8 years
Outing Cthulhu was one but lucid fixed that I think
deletedalmost 8 years
Also sui'ing when you're getting lynched is pretty pathetic just saying
almost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

Sui'ing and breaking games gets you put on my dead to me list

kick golboco all he does is sui out when caught and not play the game
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Is hostkilling acceptable at a certain point of the game? After n1, or during lylo?

hostkilling is only taboo n1
almost 8 years
yakking n1 and exploding as terrorist without a reason should def be up there
deletedalmost 8 years
Is hostkilling acceptable at a certain point of the game? After n1, or during lylo?
almost 8 years
Noavi adoration
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
Sui'ing and breaking games gets you put on my dead to me list