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The Cyborg Update

almost 8 years

Coming at you from a multi-user collaborative effort, the self-styled Role Patrol brings to you a final proposal to send off the recent work on the site that Lucid has brought us: the Cyborg Update! Named so because all six of these fantastic roles spiral directly out of a single role concept by The Article Formerly Known as Croned. With such breathtaking role icon art from everybody’s favorite homosexual Ben and Sandbox sweetheart Golbolco, and divine role concepts from The and JamalMarley, we present to you:


“My name is Rusty.”

  • Can peer in through one person’s window at night (does not count as a visit.)
  • Will see all actions taken upon them, but not who did them. “You peered into Golbolco’s window last night. They were investigated/healed/converted/received an item, etc.”
  • The neighbor will not know the specifics of conversions or receiving items.
  • Sided with the village.
  • INTERACTION: Paranoid cops see the Neighbor as village.

The Neighbor is an investigative role that suits Main Lobby and Sandbox about equal. It can see use in nearly any setup and works best alongside other town PRs and mafia-aligned PRs.



  • Every night, will craft a hidden camera to be given to a player of their choice.
  • The drone can be used to peer in through people’s windows at night and see what actions were taken upon them.
  • Cameras run out of battery after one use.
  • Sided with the village.

The Inventor can essentially give someone a temporary shot at being a Neighbor themselves, with the same drawback that all item-giving roles have: giving an investigative power to the mafia can become very risky for CCs. The Inventor would work in both Main and Sandbox equally.


“I see all.”

  • The Overseer can see all night actions as anonymous every night.
  • Twice per game, the Overseer can choose to oversee all meetings at night.
  • They can see an anonymous version of all night meetings, including what is said and who is targeted but cannot see which meetings the speech is from.
  • All actions at night will be seen as anonymous votes.
  • Wins if they are one of the last two standing.

This is a very meta role. It requires some skill to know how to game off of information. It could work well in Main but would probably see more use in Sandbox as there is more value to that kind of information in closed-role setups.


“Resistance is futile.”

  • Starts with three charges.
  • Receives a charge every time they receive a non-deadly town visit at night.
  • Loses a charge each day, as well as if they are shot, stabbed, or attacked at night.
  • Once per day, can choose to use a charge to convert another player into a Cyborg.
  • All Cyborgs share a night meeting.
  • Only dies when their charge count hits zero.
  • Wins if the Cyborgs outnumber the town.

A converting role with a twist. It has to exchange life points to convert, which can put the Cyborg into a difficult position if they’re not getting enough visits.



  • Starts with three charges.
  • Receives a charge every time they receive a non-deadly town visit at night.
  • Loses a charge each day, as well as if they are shot, stabbed or attacked at night.
  • Once per day, can choose to use a charge to stun someone. Stunned players cannot speak and their vote will count as zero, and the cyborg is not revealed.
  • Only dies when their charge count hits zero.
  • Sided with the mafia.

One of the original ideas for the Cyborg role and the catalyst for this proposal, the Android is a unique “day hooker” with a heavy drawback. Its best use is in Main and would round out a town's rogue gallery very well in certain ranked setups.



  • Can peer in through one person’s window at night (does not count as a visit.)
  • Will see all actions taken upon them, but not who did them. “You peered into The’s window last night. They were investigated/healed/converted/received an item, etc.”
  • The Drone will not know the specifics of conversions or receiving items.
  • Sided with the mafia. Does not attend meetings.
  • INTERACTION: Peeping at the Inventor’s window will kill the Drone and give the Inventor two cameras to give out the next night.

The Drone is a mafia-sided version of the Neighbor, obviously, though it arguably has much more use in CCs and manipulation of information. The Drone sees its best play in Main, arguably even more than the Neighbor

We hope you've enjoyed the content of this suggestion and (if you're reading this, Lucid) will consider adding it in whole or in part to the base Mafia game.

Add the Cyborg Update
13 signed
Sign here if you would like Lucid to work on the six roles proposed here.
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almost 8 years
can this two roles be added please? they will improve the zombies setups alot
almost 8 years
i think i'm going to skip duelist. it isn't as compelling as i thought, and we can save on broken games until i come up with a solution for that
almost 8 years
what about duelist you promised that one :^) (pls add duelist)
almost 8 years
ok added cyborg, probably last role to be added for a while
almost 8 years

admin says

when cyborg chooses to convert, all cyborgs collectively lose a charge?

Yes. It's all one vote at the same time too, so only one conversion per day.
almost 8 years
when cyborg chooses to convert, all cyborgs collectively lose a charge?
almost 8 years
Cyborg is the first conversion role that i actually would'nt gamethrow as it
almost 8 years
Good job guys
almost 8 years
Actually I talked a bit about these roles in private and the short version of my thoughts is:

A) Android probably shouldn't exist, it's a powerful town role but it doesn't work well on the mafia side.

B) Overseer should be consolidated with the invisible man. I've made my thoughts about the invisible man known before, so I think Overseer should be scrapped and the ability to see votes added to the invisible man.

C) I think both the neighbor and drone have value on their respective sides, this is an example of a good alignment swap.

D) Cyborg may see overpowered yet this is a very interesting take on conversion roles. It's sided with the 3rd party, so it's not particularly giving advantage to either the town or the mafia. It also can survive, but converts at the cost at the chance of survival. The cult is a little flimsy because the leader can die and take everyone with it, and zombies can get out of hand VERY quickly unless there is a doctor alive, so I think the cyborg, who 1) doesn't die easily and 2) converts slowly, is a really good idea for a new conversion based role.
almost 8 years
I really like Neighbor as a mechanic on it's own.
almost 8 years

BaneofMafia says

Tbh, Neighbor seems like a nerfed Watcher. It might be useful to catch cult or mason conversions but it seems unlikely to catch any useful info otherwise. It seems more useful in Main where it may help figure out who is who based on actions but with so many investigative and item giving roles in Sandbox I don't see how it can discern anything useful from its reports.

I have to disagree. I think that in Sandbox, the Neighbor is a lot more useful than both the Journalist and the Snoop with all of the visiting roles we have. Plus in a closed roles game you don't know all of the roles from the start, so the Neighbor can help the town discern things indirectly.

Inventor is even weaker because it can't even control who gets this information and may even give it to mafia.

A fair criticism, though I think that's part of the risk with every role that gives out items. However, I just thought about it and considered that most items when fallen into the wrong hands have a pretty big drawback for the mafia if misused (guns revealing, crystals require a death, etc.) so I'll think about it.
almost 8 years
I love cyborg. Other roles sound pretty good, balanced and original and might be good to be implemented, i think. Especially cause they are one concept
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
Tbh, Neighbor seems like a nerfed Watcher. It might be useful to catch cult or mason conversions but it seems unlikely to catch any useful info otherwise. It seems more useful in Main where it may help figure out who is who based on actions but with so many investigative and item giving roles in Sandbox I don't see how it can discern anything useful from its reports.

Inventor is even weaker because it can't even control who gets this information and may even give it to mafia.

Overseer is interesting. It could give a big advantage to whichever side it decides to joint with.

Cyborg is interesting but a bit chaotic. But they could potentially multiply fast or die off quickly w/o visitors. At the mercy of others, not sure how you can play this smart. Agree with Amelio that this mechanism would be OP if mafia sided like Android.

Drone is cool. Unlike Neighbor, visiting actions are actually useful for maf who want to cc.
almost 8 years

SirAmelio says

Neighbour, Drone and Cyborg are good.

Inventor and Overseer are meh.

I already commented about it to Golbolco but Android is way too OP as presented.

People wont use the stun unless it guarantees the win (aka lylo or mylo), and so itll basically be a 3+ lives mafia who can even get extra lives with a mafia partner that visits them

Most visits from mafia would count as "non-friendly", i.e. being fabbed/doused/poisoned, or just non-visits entirely like being tracked or watched. Also, most of the meeting mafia cannot visit their partners, so exploiting charges isn't very easy. The rest of your points are sound though, and we're discussing how to better the Android at the moment.
deletedalmost 8 years
v dank
almost 8 years
Neighbour, Drone and Cyborg are good.

Inventor and Overseer are meh.

I already commented about it to Golbolco but Android is way too OP as presented.

People wont use the stun unless it guarantees the win (aka lylo or mylo), and so itll basically be a 3+ lives mafia who can even get extra lives with a mafia partner that visits them
almost 8 years
Absolutely divine!
almost 8 years