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Meta-clearing should be OGI

about 8 years

I have been in many games where people meta-clear themselves or others just because they say they could never kill someone n1 or whatever. 1, it can trick newer players. 2, it can form unfair teams of people that assume, "Oh they could never kill this person so they aren't mafia." Meta-clearing can unfairly influence games. It has caused me to lose and win games unfairly. Clearing someone because they can't kill someone just because they have some sort of tie to them shouldn't be allowed. It has happened multiple times in games and makes them no fun to play. It is definitely a form of outside influence since it is something that doesn't relate to the game and affect the outcome. It isn't stated in the rules as OGI unless the meta is clearly shown on their profile, which doesn't make much sense because someone could have a meta without posting it on their profile. Faking a meta-clear should also be against the rules. Join the petition to make meta-clearing OGI.

To put it in a different perspective, one of my comments is, "Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc."

about 8 years
My point also includes that choosing to believe such a dumb claim like, "I can't be mafia since that person died," is considered somewhat gt because anyone could say that and they could be telling the truth or not. Believing it is just being extremely dumb and changing the game in ways that shouldn't happen.
about 8 years

tyrannosaurusrex says

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

Players should be skeptical of a meta clear regardless in the event they are being manipulated. The only reason meta-clearing exists is because people allow it to be used as a viable argument. If an investigator decided to rule out suspects because they "loved" the victim, we wouldn't blame the suspect for leveraging a relationship. We would call the investigator incompetent for letting themselves be fooled by such a flimsy argument. Meta clearing is a form of AtE and part of being good at mafia is being able to read through wifom and AtE.

I agree, but I have been in games where people have been playing together for a while and automatically clear themselves just because a certain person dies, and my vote is never heard because everyone else believes in it. It is like of form of gt at that point.
about 8 years

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

Players should be skeptical of a meta clear regardless in the event they are being manipulated. The only reason meta-clearing exists is because people allow it to be used as a viable argument. If an investigator decided to rule out suspects because they "loved" the victim, we wouldn't blame the suspect for leveraging a relationship. We would call the investigator incompetent for letting themselves be fooled by such a flimsy argument. Meta clearing is a form of AtE and part of being good at mafia is being able to read through wifom and AtE.
deletedabout 8 years

SpiritOfFire says

yknow if someone metaclears themselves they could still be maf right

like nothings stopping them from killing their buddy, then going "i'd never kill my buddy"

ya but the issue lies in the fact that a lot of people actually dont ever kill their friends lol

it comes back around to the spirit of the game being ruined cuz of the "always honest" type of deal
about 8 years
yknow if someone metaclears themselves they could still be maf right

like nothings stopping them from killing their buddy, then going "i'd never kill my buddy"
about 8 years
now i am bonk
deletedabout 8 years
only if its in multiple games or when u use it to clear like half of the table then ok. otherwise meta and fake meta cant be banned bc it's ur fault believeing.

kind of when ppl swear on someone, I wouldnt do it but that doesnt mean some1 else would lie on that to win. and i was against it but now i see it and although its an ''unfair' move, everything is allowed

except isp because this cant be read. unless you fake it badly but yes the only thing is ban isp. its a textbased game not a webcam game where u need text to make a decision and someone who doesnt participate cant be read.
about 8 years

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

then don't meta clear people and if others do, cry about it and you'll be lynched for it. think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just shove all the blame on someone close to them without being suspected for pushing so awkwardly on someone. this is just like mafia. OBEY THE META CLEARS.
about 8 years

Sincerely says

mist says

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

don't irony-plus things that are correct. If this were real life, people would DEFINITELY get an OGI violation for that sort of logic.

That's not the point. Being exempt from checks/fos's just because of meta is unfair, and doesn't happen in real life. This game appears to strive to be as realistic as it can being what it is, yet meta remains and changes the play style into something quite different.
about 8 years

mist says

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

don't irony-plus things that are correct. If this were real life, people would DEFINITELY get an OGI violation for that sort of logic.
about 8 years
I agree that the meta-clear thing is actually pretty stupid.

Meta-clear in itself is a giant wifom tactic, regardless of in-game role

Knowing this though, you can usually smell a fake meta-clear from a real one.

In the end, it's part of the game. It's not going away, and the noobs have to learn to overcome it. The rest of us learned how to play with it, so they are going to have to as well.
about 8 years

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

Have you killed someone you know?
deletedabout 8 years

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

about 8 years

FruitTest says

Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.

deletedabout 8 years
this is why i always with meta reads and force people that abuse them to lynch there friends lol
deletedabout 8 years
If we want to stop meta clearing why don't we just kill JefferyArron n1 every time?
about 8 years
Think about it like if you were to kill someone irl, you wouldn't just be shoved out of the possibilities of murderers because you love them or know them well, you will still be put on a questioning list etc.
deletedabout 8 years
now i am becomeclear
about 8 years
@denial except outside of game influences don't count as deception :p
about 8 years
@bonk this would give an unfair advantage or disadvantage to other players. either she lies and kills glow and becomes a "clear" or someone else kills glow and she becomes a "clear". they could avoid it by not killing glow but assume it works vice versa so they can't kill either person without a clear automatically arising.
about 8 years

FruitTest says

@denial exactly, and it's unfair, if meta-clearing is the only way you can win then that's sad. You need to learn how to properly play the game :P

mafia is a game of deception
deletedabout 8 years
yachi sees glow die n1, metaclears herself, says she has aids, please someone retract and that's it
about 8 years
i have aids
about 8 years
this has been fought before, it won't be changed sorry nice try.
about 8 years
@denial exactly, and it's unfair, if meta-clearing is the only way you can win then that's sad. You need to learn how to properly play the game :P