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My Personal Blog

deletedalmost 8 years

It's my personal cry for help

Feel free to treat it like an AMA if you so please but I'm sure this is just going to become my anime rant thread

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Best Jimbei variation
deletedalmost 8 years
your blog should try to be kind to others
deletedalmost 8 years
my blog could beat up your blog
deletedalmost 8 years
now what
deletedalmost 8 years
I put LastProphet in my game mode and he comes back

It happened
almost 8 years
alt life
deletedalmost 8 years
I entered a Neopets costume contest today

Dressed my pet up as a very angry Bernie Sanders

I'd be angry too with this election
deletedalmost 8 years
After all these long cold years I'm finally getting photoshop

my computer is laggy ~w~
deletedalmost 8 years
Jojo episode 29 review

Git gud
deletedalmost 8 years
Winter sale here I come
almost 8 years

Jimbei says

Last week I finally cracked open Half-Life 2. I know it's terrible of me but I didn't get the first one, just read a walkthrough so I got a gist of the first game.

So far it's pretty boring. I can see why it was praised at the time but I've certainly been bored anytime I got in any vehicle

Black Mesa is a reworking of the original Half Life if you're interested in checking it out.
deletedalmost 8 years
Going on with games I've been playing Nuclear Throne non-stop. The co-op mod is so gucci

Only 8 achievements to go

Y.V. is my personal hero, but I would've never thought how overpowered a fish or a plant could have been.
deletedalmost 8 years
Also got Crypt of the Necrodancer

I really like the aesthetic but I start games out super casual and it takes me forever to be good, and the difficulty of this is too much for me already.

Guess practice will make perfect if I want my money's worth
deletedalmost 8 years
Last week I finally cracked open Half-Life 2. I know it's terrible of me but I didn't get the first one, just read a walkthrough so I got a gist of the first game.

So far it's pretty boring. I can see why it was praised at the time but I've certainly been bored anytime I got in any vehicle
deletedalmost 8 years
My dog snoring is the cutest thing ever
deletedalmost 8 years
Additional flip flappers thought

Why does the villain in the opening look like a KKK member

Even in a show that's so out of place this looks especially out of place
deletedalmost 8 years

baabaa says

follow up question

why do you have bad taste?

I'm really picky and make poor life choices
deletedalmost 8 years
Flip Flappers episode 1

I really liked being thrown into this chaos. No explanation is better than over-explanation, while the inbetween is ideal I don't mind the change in pace.

Also amazing animation, definitely gonna stick with this if it keeps staying good
almost 8 years
follow up question

why do you have bad taste?
deletedalmost 8 years
Nah, not my favorite
almost 8 years
do you like candy corn?
deletedalmost 8 years
almost 8 years
Pineapple on pizza y/n?
deletedalmost 8 years
Giraffes used to be my favorite animal when I was 7 where's this giraffe hate coming from
deletedalmost 8 years

DouradaGrelhada says

how much D1ck do u suck on a daily basis?

Not enough that's for sure
deletedalmost 8 years

Ohdearmycatisgone says

What is the countdown for?

When my school life will likely be over for good