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Change The Rule!!!

about 8 years

Do it! Like a great man once said "what pro sports league doesn't allow defending champs!!"

deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years

Lono says

How stupid. That rules been there and was fine for years

Do trophies matter to you?
deletedabout 8 years

ironically says

He's gonna be like "das unfair dude wat abt me n my 4th place defaulted trophy??"

deletedabout 8 years
How stupid. That rules been there and was fine for years
about 8 years
I bet you anything pranay vegges hearts and engineers his way to 4th place best he can given this announcement just so he can serve the pimp.
deletedabout 8 years
Whoa. Hot damn.
about 8 years
He's gonna be like "das unfair dude wat abt me n my 4th place defaulted trophy??"
about 8 years
Alright I agree that the rule is quite counterintuitive nowadays and outdated, so Im going to remove it.

But I cant enforce it right now as it would b unfair to people who spent time and effort running thinking he would get suspended. Thus Imma PM the fourth place holder and hear what he thinks.
deletedabout 8 years
give Sims a fake star
about 8 years
give me a fake star
deletedabout 8 years
Power. Unlimited. Power.
about 8 years

Sims says

Edark says

I just woke up wsup

give me a fake star

Idk how I gave retti one
about 8 years
Edark join my game.
about 8 years

Edark says

I just woke up wsup

give me a fake star
about 8 years
I just woke up wsup
about 8 years
give me a fake star
about 8 years
It's pretty brilliant he mixed the two of you (of all people)
about 8 years
...... rutab suspended prevail not me dude
about 8 years
Lets see what mod is brave enough to unsuspend brown. Let's see if they have the confidence on their knowledge of how ties are handled.
deletedabout 8 years

Retti says

Rutab says

Retti says

I would be Rutab in this moment, but my star is only for show.

Wait where are you on the mod list even?

I told Edark to mod me as a joke and now he can't unmod me. I don't have powers, as evidenced not being able to +10.

Good joke........
about 8 years
Yeah mods. As you can see, that rutab was later forgiven for suspending poser. Brownpimp007 is legit. So no one will bother you in future. But don't be an idiot and eff up by doing it today as it won't have any effect. Because 3rd place is tied.
about 8 years
That's a funny glitch
deletedabout 8 years

Rutab says

Retti says

I would be Rutab in this moment, but my star is only for show.

Wait where are you on the mod list even?

I told Edark to mod me as a joke and now he can't unmod me. I don't have powers, as evidenced not being able to +10.
about 8 years

Retti says

I would be Rutab in this moment, but my star is only for show.

Wait where are you on the mod list even?
about 8 years

Tatami says

Somebody needs to go rogue and unsuspend him with 1s left

They won't do anything about it.

Lol. This