are we forgetting the second sentence in which I say it gives others an unfair chance? yes its a competition, therefore the best of the best should only win. however if you were to do this every single time, nobody would even try because they'd know in the end you get #1 every time. it's the curse of being good
There's also no real problem with picking the setups you run on, you can't comp something twice in a row, and the setups still meet all competitive criteria.
on the brighter side of things, you can go into the games of those other three people and taunt them about how you would put them a step below you if the rules were different. should get a rise out of them
it's unfair though, because anyone could comp the setups they're good at and just win over and over again. plus it doesn't give others a fair chance, i think the ability to slay people every other round is plenty proof that you're a great player, it doesn't have to be constantly though