another thing is that dope and stiffy played barely any games this round and probably would have played their games if they knew we were going to change the rule. if your motivation is making epicmafia truly competitive then get rid of the rule starting with next round instead of changing it mid round
Well i disagree with that. The only two outcomes from this will be less people playing comp or no change at all in the amount of people playing. Hopefully its the latter because once you've made people stop, its hard to get them to come back
deletedabout 8 years
A bit of reasoning for your opinion was all I asked for in the first place. That being said, that's more than fair, but I personally don't think it'll have any negative impact on the ability to fill games. If anything, now that there would be a perceived added value to getting a trophy due to it being slightly harder and more of a challenge, I think the opposite'll happen and a bunch of players'll come back and start running more often again.
deletedabout 8 years
You were confused because i didnt care about trophies but you dont care about them either but also dislike the rule. I also care about the people who want trophies because i play comp, and they fill the games. We simply disagree about the rule, you think it caters to these people while i think it doesnt. If the same people keep winning comp over and over, a (maybe small) amlunt of comp players wont feel the need to play orange hearts anymore because they know theres no point. That then effects me because it will be harder to dill games
It's a serious thread and I actually kind of felt like I owed an explanation for why I contribute to things despite not playing all that often. Shrug.
deletedabout 8 years
That was an uncharacteristically long post, steve
deletedabout 8 years
Because in the interest of players who actually do take the time out of their day to trophy run, their opinions are the ones who should be catered to when it comes to matters directly involving them and no one else. Also I've never been one to trophy run because I'm pretty bad at the game, but that also doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing tables filled with people who don't spam to the point where it's unplayable.
Given that, I also try to be constructive and offer valid arguments one way or another because the game truly could be better than what it is, and it's the little things like this that would make it more appealing to play more often not just to me, but for the evident majority of those who care far more than I do.
That stands in contrast to those who sit there and post nothing but negative contrarian garbage like "bad idea." or "that sucks." or "you're all idiots." in every single serious discussion that pops up in the forums without providing any sort of valid reasoning as to why, or any sort of suggestion that could possibly be better.
deletedabout 8 years
Then why do you care? I'm confused.
Don't let me get on your contradictive a$$, because I'm also confused. At least I still play mafia, you're part of the group who sits on the forums talking about the rules, reports, which mod is doing a good job, which rule should be removed and barely even plays mafia if at all. When was the last time YOU played enough hearts to even be considered for a trophy in one round let alone two in a row? Why do you care that the rule should be removed? Im sure my answer will be similar to yours.
deletedabout 8 years
Then why do you care? I'm confused.
deletedabout 8 years
How stupid. That rules been there and was fine for years
As if precedent matters anymore lol. All the good rules got changed and all that's left is (somehow) this stupid antiquated rule so it's about time this gets changed too.
deletedabout 8 years
How stupid. That rules been there and was fine for years
As if precedent matters anymore lol. All the good rules got changed and all that's left is (somehow) this stupid antiquated rule so it's about time this gets changed too.