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Hillary vs Trump 1st Debate

about 8 years


this is expected to get more views than the super bowl so i expect u all to be watching this. it's gonna be good foshoooo!

who won the debate
Crooked Hillary
Oompa Loompa
about 8 years
They really should've had this debate on a weekend
about 8 years
I should start a cyberarmy
about 8 years

Renaldo says

"Me and my father were investigated in the night by the cops. Heck, lots of people in this town have been investigated. But frankly, they wouldn't find anything, because I'm the towniest town there is on this side of town, you better believe it."

about 8 years
hillary when she gets to talk about russian hackers
about 8 years

Renaldo says

"Look, I get mafia to admit they're mafia. Hell, I can even get town to admit they're mafia."

This is something pranay would say lmao
about 8 years
"Me and my father were investigated in the night by the cops. Heck, lots of people in this town have been investigated. But frankly, they wouldn't find anything, because I'm the towniest town there is on this side of town, you better believe it."
deletedabout 8 years
devante is alive. That was a close call
about 8 years

Rutab says

Trumps hair looks better than normal for some reason

he looks younger than usual. good makeup artist
about 8 years

Rutab says

Trumps hair looks better than normal for some reason

Really paying attention to the issues aren't you
about 8 years

Venus says

You fos'd him are buddying wtf

about 8 years
his air looks so spread out like so little hairs 4 so much space
deletedabout 8 years
i settled the issue without admitting i'm racist therefore i'm not racist
deletedabout 8 years

Rutab says

Trumps hair looks better than normal for some reason

Same with steves hair
about 8 years
Trump thinks not paying federal taxes is smart

Trump also wants to expand the military which is run off of federal dollars
about 8 years
Trumps hair looks better than normal for some reason
about 8 years
Donald Trump is great at noticing things, maybe the best
about 8 years
Renaldo's posts are so f'ucking good if only I could upclick
deletedabout 8 years
You fos'd him are buddying wtf
about 8 years

Renaldo says

"Look, I get mafia to admit they're mafia. Hell, I can even get town to admit they're mafia."

about 8 years
about 8 years

ScubaSteve says

Renaldo says

"I want to get in to finding the mafia, who cares about the mechanics? Don't question my methods, I always lynch the mafia. No one else in this town is ready to step up and lead like I have."

Starting to think that pranay is just Donald Trump.

The Don would also probably threaten to scootilypoop with your mother if you didn't vote in his favor too.
about 8 years
"im the best at making birth certificates appear, ppl arent even born yet, i make they give me their birth certificate"
about 8 years
No she's a reptilian.
about 8 years
"Look, I get mafia to admit they're mafia. Hell, I can even get town to admit they're mafia."
deletedabout 8 years
Trump wants proof. Abc wants proof. coincidence I think not