How many times is Donald Trump going to say the moderator is wrong? I don't know if he's right or wrong in any way but still one of these two is CLEARLY bad.............
"They asked me if I thought he was town, and I said maybe I don't know whatever - and that means I thought he was mafia? You're letting the mafia influence your reads, and that's a disgrace"
"We have to get the mods to work with me and the noavis. It's the only way we're going to decrease the risk of gamethrowing in our games. Secretary Clinton just wants to ban them. Is that the kind of site you want?"
Devante22s Trump thinks not paying federal taxes is smart
All the big corporations take advantage of no taxes so 15% would be greater than 0
I didn't say not paying taxes as a business owner isn't smart, I implied in my full two part post that it's hypocritical to not pay federal taxes, the taxes that the military is funded by & then say you want to rebuild the military and the military is weak because oft he other guys
deletedabout 8 years
The forums were honest, the forums are never honest
"Look at training lobby, it's a mess. Reverse mafia? You gave them reverse mafia, and look what happened. I want to make this site great again, all those displaced 163 players - you better believe they're gonna come back once I'm in charge."