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EMBB3 Trophy Game

deletedabout 8 years
[5:54:48 PM] maukamauka: Next Q: Should citizens have the right to bear arms?
[5:54:48 PM] c ★: who exactly is mexico here
[5:54:50 PM] Ginga: keep those damned alliance jumpers out of our house
[5:55:02 PM] Ginga: embb, we have the biggest guns
[5:55:09 PM] Ginga: of course we're gonna let people use 'em!
[5:55:13 PM] Ginga: what are we, democrats?
[5:55:30 PM] Zeezo: On 2016-09-19, at 2:54 PM, maukamauka wrote:
> Next Q: Should citizens have the right to bear arms?
[5:55:41 PM] Zeezo: I’m waiting for answers
[5:55:50 PM] Zeezo: from n1ed
[5:55:56 PM] Ginga: [5:55 PM] Ginga:

<<< embb, we have the biggest guns
of course we're gonna let people use 'em!
what are we, democrats?
[5:56:02 PM] N1ed EM: no arms for bears OR citizens!!
[5:56:07 PM] N1ed EM: BAAAAN THE GAANS
[5:56:09 PM] Ginga: LOL
[5:56:17 PM] N1ed EM: they are WRONG
[5:56:20 PM] Zeezo: wow conflicting answers
[5:56:25 PM] Zeezo: i know who I’m voting for now
[5:56:30 PM] Zeezo: (happy)
[5:56:32 PM] N1ed EM: personally I'm offended at arms in general
[5:56:38 PM] Ginga: next crooked n1ed is gonna say arms kill people
[5:56:40 PM] N1ed EM: I'm ashamed that I have 2 on my very own body
[5:56:40 PM] Zeezo: are you an amputee
[5:56:41 PM] Ginga: ridiculous!
[5:56:44 PM] Ginga: absolutely low energy
[5:56:48 PM] N1ed EM: ARMS kill PEOPLE!!
[5:56:54 PM] N1ed EM: think about a game of clue
[5:57:06 PM] N1ed EM: is it mr green who kills the victim?
[5:57:07 PM] N1ed EM: NO
deletedabout 8 years
[5:53:07 PM] maukamauka: What are your thoughts on same sex marriage?
[5:53:08 PM] Roxy: labors
[5:53:11 PM] Ginga: i love gays
[5:53:16 PM] Ginga: some of my best friends are gays!
[5:53:20 PM] Ginga: they're great people
[5:53:22 PM] Zeezo: N1ed your turn
[5:53:23 PM] Ginga: the best people
[5:53:32 PM] N1ed EM: um
[5:53:36 PM] Zeezo: Ginga is getting the gay vote so far
[5:53:36 PM] N1ed EM: I prefer same sex marriage!!
[5:53:41 PM] N1ed EM: straight people are so lame
[5:53:43 PM] Ginga: LOL
[5:53:44 PM] Zeezo: you PREFER it
[5:53:50 PM] Ginga: imagine Hillary saying that
[5:53:50 PM] N1ed EM: ;)
[5:53:52 PM] N1ed EM: LMAO
[5:53:53 PM] Zeezo: N1ed loses the heterosexual vote
[5:53:58 PM] jakey: On 9/19/16, at 5:53 PM, Ginga wrote:
> some of my best friends are gays!

when u lose my vote in 2 seconds!
[5:53:59 PM] N1ed EM: okay uh
[5:54:05 PM] c ★: “haha straight people are so lame, lets dab now children”
[5:54:06 PM] N1ed EM: "I'm pretty tech savvy, you know!!@
[5:54:15 PM] Ginga: screams
[5:54:19 PM] N1ed EM: "i had an internet one time and it was great!@
[5:54:27 PM] Ginga: you know what they say about guys with big memes
[5:54:33 PM] Ginga: they have big walls!
[5:54:36 PM] c ★: “haha ate 5 weeds yesterday, was great"
[5:54:37 PM] Ginga: its gonna be great
[5:54:40 PM] Ginga: we'll made n1ed pay for it!
deletedabout 8 years
Live Coverage Of The 1st On Going HoH

The final 3 candidates for presidency take part in a political debate on trending issues

[5:51:40 PM] maukamauka: The 3 remaining candidates should have a political debate
[5:51:49 PM] N1ed EM: BODIED
[5:51:56 PM] N1ed EM: um okay
[5:52:02 PM] N1ed EM: well ginga wants to build a wall between the house
[5:52:05 PM] Ginga: I debate that I haven't fukin lied unlike crooked n1ed
[5:52:08 PM] N1ed EM: I accept ALL houseguests
[5:52:16 PM] Ginga: ur gonna have 2 nom 2 of them pal
[5:52:19 PM] N1ed EM: LOL this is perfect
[5:52:19 PM] Ginga: unrealistic
[5:52:22 PM] Ginga: typical n1ed!
[5:52:29 PM] N1ed EM: omf ginga, your leak was the emails
[5:52:31 PM] Ginga: he's so low energy
[5:52:32 PM] Ginga: LOL
[5:52:46 PM] N1ed EM: logan is bill clinton
[5:52:51 PM] N1ed EM: he had a scandal with chase
[5:52:55 PM] c ★: LMFAO
[5:52:59 PM] c ★: hahhahahahahhaha
[5:53:00 PM] Ginga: this is so good asdfgh
[5:53:04 PM] Roxy: I’m not american here we ahve like
[5:53:05 PM] Roxy: liberals
[5:53:05 PM] Zeezo: grabs popcorn
[5:53:06 PM] Roxy: greens
deletedabout 8 years
n1ed such a flop!
about 8 years
put me in embb4 and draft me 1st and and i'll make sure to not get 1st boot
about 8 years
You too
deletedabout 8 years
y'all gotta learn to keep your mouths shut.
about 8 years
Leaking stuff is bad guys.....
#embb2 tb
deletedabout 8 years
Me exiting the front room shortly after this drama

about 8 years
[12:14:09 AM] Ginga: [8:04:30 PM] Logan: Like... This entire thing is ridiculous. I wouldn't want to cause bad blood with anyone in this game early on. Anything I have done is for the benefit of getting you votes, which did NOT include mentioning any specific names when it came to your nominations.
[8:15:44 PM] N1ed EM: im trying to take the heat off of you
[8:15:47 PM] N1ed EM: fcking dumbo
[8:07:44 PM] Logan: I'm not letting myself get dragged through the dirt for things I did not do. I let that happen too many damn times in my last org.
[12:14:37 AM] Ginga: These two were both very adamant about saving their name, but a surprise confession made the whole thing clear.
[12:14:51 AM] Ginga: [8:28:50 PM] [Revoked]: basically, people felt uncomfortable with you as hoh, and after a discussion with them, N1ed agreed to run as hoh against you, ultimately thinking that if you won, his allies would be safe, and if you didn't, he could convince you it was strategic
about 8 years
[12:13:25 AM] Ginga: [7:23:06 PM] Ginga: have you told anyone that you know the noms
[7:23:14 PM] Logan: No? Why would I?
[7:23:30 PM] Logan: That's info people don't need to know, since most of them just wanna know who the primary candidate is
[7:23:43 PM] Ginga: true just making sure
[12:13:38 AM] Ginga: [7:49:52 PM] Ginga: you two are telling me conflicting things
[7:49:59 PM] Logan: What did he tell you then?
[7:50:01 PM] Logan: I'll clear it up.
[7:50:07 PM] Ginga: he said you two have a 1v1 chat
[7:50:12 PM] Ginga: and that you two are involved in some alliance
[7:50:19 PM] Ginga: he said that you told him you knew the noms
[7:50:25 PM] Ginga: not that you told him the noms
[7:51:33 PM] Logan: OHHH
[7:51:35 PM] Logan: okay
[7:51:37 PM] Logan: I know what he's talking about
[7:51:41 PM] Ginga: ahHHHHhhhhh
[7:51:47 PM] Logan: the alliance things is just a group of us who want to vote you
[7:52:51 PM] Ginga: like a skype group>
[7:52:58 PM] Logan: yeah. we don't have a group chat tho, we've just talked among each other to vote you
about 8 years
Ginga has been hinting at tea he’s been wanting to spill for the past hour, and he’s finally spilled it.

[12:13:07 AM] Zeezo: We've waited 3 hours for this it better be good!!
[12:13:07 AM] Ginga: So, as you all know, my potential noms of Trent and Scott have been exposed. Now, I didn't tell very many people about who I was gonna nom, and I found some inconsistencies in a few stories along the way...
[12:13:17 AM] Ginga: [7:20:37 PM] N1ed EM: i wonder who that leaves..
[7:20:46 PM] Ginga: the homo himseldf
[7:20:48 PM] Ginga: *himself
[7:21:14 PM] N1ed EM: when he was campaigning for u he said he knew the noms but he never said them to me
[7:21:22 PM] N1ed EM: the raging homosexual doesnt trust me
[7:21:24 PM] N1ed EM: ;-;
[7:21:30 PM] Ginga: interesante
[12:13:25 AM] N1ed EM: hm that's me
about 8 years
After the call out, paranoia about the spy is even bigger than before.

[10:15:44 PM] Ginga: goddammit I got out of the shower and wanted to just play video games and now im freaking in Drama Alert
[10:16:21 PM] N1ed EM: as spy its my mission to boost you to #1 in the jokers ratings
[10:16:25 PM] N1ed EM: at your service
[10:16:28 PM] N1ed EM: (cool)
[10:16:29 PM] Logan: expose
[10:16:48 PM] Ginga: LOL
[10:17:55 PM] Ginga: i wonder what the odds are that the spy is the one who told trent
[10:17:56 PM] Ginga: hmmm
[10:18:32 PM] N1ed EM: 0% because trent is spy
[10:18:34 PM] N1ed EM: gg
[10:18:40 PM] Ginga: shock
[10:19:04 PM] Scott Cooper: I would reverse that and say 0% that trent is spy
about 8 years
[10:13:27 PM] N1ed EM: where was my invite to the safety table
[10:13:28 PM] N1ed EM: @ginga
[10:14:11 PM] Ginga: [12:42:12 PM] Ginga: I was at church srry
[12:42:38 PM] Ginga: good afternoon
[12:43:56 PM] N1ed EM: ha im framing you for LITERALLY EVERYTHING
[12:44:02 PM] N1ed EM: oh wait I mean hi
[12:44:18 PM] Ginga: LUL fine I wont nom u
[10:14:18 PM] Ginga: 100% true c/p I swear
[10:14:21 PM] N1ed EM: woah
[10:14:24 PM] N1ed EM: why did you expose me
[10:14:26 PM] N1ed EM: ;-;
about 8 years
[10:10:50 PM] Scott Cooper: Look at me being in the centre of drama
[10:10:54 PM] Scott Cooper: Fancy
[10:11:53 PM] Ginga: im the center of this lets be honest
[10:12:04 PM] Scott Cooper: There's multiple centres
[10:12:11 PM] coolkidrox123: yolk
[10:12:19 PM] Scott Cooper: I am curious though, you could have chose anyone to be your pawn
[10:12:22 PM] Ginga: u wont even let me be the center of attention smh this is why I wanna nom u
[10:12:23 PM] Ginga: JKJKJKJKJ
[10:12:32 PM] Ginga: u wanna know 100% why I chose noms
[10:12:34 PM] coolkidrox123: i am totally drawing this tonight
[10:12:36 PM] Ginga: 100% random
[10:13:10 PM] Ginga: like I campaigned to LITERALLY everyone but 2 people
[10:13:15 PM] Ginga: told all those people I wouldn't nom them
[10:13:17 PM] Ginga: which was true
about 8 years
[10:07:31 PM] Ginga: all I'm gonna say in my defense is I haven't lied to a single person yet
[10:07:33 PM] Logan: Me and Chris are shook
[10:07:40 PM] Ginga: neither of these noms were told that I wouldn't nom them
[10:07:45 PM] Ginga: and I never told anyone fake noms
[10:08:44 PM] Scott Cooper: Everything Ginga says there is true
[10:08:55 PM] N1ed EM: you know what ginga hasnt said?
[10:08:59 PM] N1ed EM: "im not spy"
[10:09:01 PM] Ginga: LOL
[10:09:02 PM] Scott Cooper: Why?
[10:09:03 PM] Logan: gg
[10:09:04 PM] Ginga: I'm not spy
about 8 years
Ginga went online, but as soon as he entered, Trent left.

[9:56:11 PM] Ginga: rofl
[9:56:15 PM] Zeezo: Wow gr8 tea
[9:56:22 PM] Zeezo: Oh my God Ginga is here
[9:56:24 PM] N1ed EM: wow my mum just offered me some tea
[9:56:27 PM] N1ed EM: this is convenient
[9:56:28 PM] Zeezo: :o
[9:56:29 PM] Ginga: wait what is going on
[9:56:30 PM] Ginga: ahhhHHHHHhh
[9:56:34 PM] Logan: :doge:
[9:56:41 PM] calem: brb making popcorn
[9:56:41 PM] N1ed EM: @Roxy I LKE IT
[9:56:47 PM] N1ed EM: you're getting called out ginga
[9:56:49 PM] N1ed EM: rip
[9:57:20 PM] Ginga: i havent even done anything yet ahhhh
[9:57:30 PM] N1ed EM: oh yeah? then explain this!!
[9:57:38 PM] c ★:
[9:57:40 PM] Ginga: DAMMIT
[9:57:43 PM] Ginga: FOILED AGAIN
about 8 years
Everyone is asking for Trent's tea.

[9:51:22 PM] a♥︎: what's going on guys?
[9:51:36 PM] N1ed EM: im gingas right hand man, I'll answer for him
[9:51:36 PM] Logan: og wait
[9:51:42 PM] Logan: what did I miss omg
[9:51:43 PM] N1ed EM: "we cannot answer that question at this time"
[9:51:45 PM] c ★: oh my
[9:51:47 PM] Logan: what's going on
[9:51:48 PM] *** agus strider (SirAmelio) someone in the host chat: hey guys something is ACTUALLY HAPPENING CHECK IT OUT ***
[9:51:50 PM] Logan: was there DRAMA
[9:52:03 PM] Trent: no
[9:52:06 PM] Trent: just some TEA
[9:52:08 PM] Logan: trent r u okay
[9:52:11 PM] Logan: what tea did you serve
[9:52:18 PM] calem: trent can you pour me a cup
about 8 years
With Ginga not being online, the call out hasn't escalated.

[9:48:34 PM] Trent: so ginga wanna talk and explain why scott and i will be nominated if you win?
[9:50:00 PM] Emile C-I: is Ginga here?
[9:50:00 PM] calem: ginga isn't here i don't think
[9:50:06 PM] Emile C-I: Truly unfortunate
[9:50:15 PM] calem: quite
[9:50:18 PM] c ★: GINGA
[9:50:19 PM] Roxy: lmao production wants more!
[9:50:23 PM] *** agus strider (SirAmelio) sips a bit of water ***
[9:50:32 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): is it a bad moment to say I'm allergic to flowers?
[9:50:43 PM] Trent: any whom
[9:50:55 PM] Chris: No but production is allergic to a lack of anything that decreases the ratings
[9:51:21 PM] Trent: ginga it should just be known that i know whats up and would love to talk about it
about 8 years
[9:46:19 PM] coolkidrox123: oh trent ark then chums back and shakes the house
[9:46:23 PM] coolkidrox123: *afk
[9:46:25 PM] coolkidrox123: *
[9:46:35 PM] Trent: the other person knows who they are
[9:47:00 PM] Trent: because their is also going to be on the block in the next day when your beloved president noms us
[9:47:05 PM] Trent: for some unknown reason
[9:47:11 PM] c ★: who da beloved president though
[9:47:36 PM] Trent: i think you all know who the current front runner is
[9:47:45 PM] N1ed EM: ill give you guys a hint
[9:47:51 PM] c ★: facedesk
N1ed EM
[9:47:56 PM] c ★: oh
[9:48:34 PM] Trent: so ginga wanna talk and explain why scott and i will be nominated if you win?
[9:48:56 PM] Trent: because i thought we had something going so this is news to me
about 8 years
After not talking for a day, Trent (uglyos7) came out of the shadows in the house chat, calling someone out.

[9:41:36 PM] Trent: im shook at these rumors of me being a target already
[9:41:55 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): wtf
[9:41:56 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): i mean yeah
[9:42:00 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): #argentinaiswhite
[9:42:03 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): but...
[9:42:05 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): not actually!
[9:42:07 PM] coolkidrox123: www first bit of drama in the house
[9:43:21 PM] Trent: i would LOVE to hear the logic though because im doin the math in my head and..... its not adding up
[9:44:21 PM] agus strider (SirAmelio): yes i have it on my EM profile
[9:45:51 PM] Trent: but im not the only one who should be shook!
[9:46:03 PM] N1ed EM: :o
[9:46:12 PM] N1ed EM: i am #SHOOK
about 8 years

Ginga says

N1ed says

100% legit

obviously photoshopped
about 8 years

N1ed says

100% legit
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
Just noticed: "Remember, everyone could be lying to you."
Anyone could be lying to you
& Everyone will be lying to you
"Yes you're my strongest and generally my favourite ally xoxo"