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EMBB3 Trophy Game

about 8 years
N1ed OMG I love that gif. It made me ahhh and start crying. It was that cute. For real I got tears
about 8 years
OMG THIS BETTER NOT BE A PLAY OUT OF LAST GAME. I had chuchu last time and now I have Ginga OMG. Ginga fight for my draft.
about 8 years

emmy, you should probably have people record their performances.
about 8 years

Me trying to save my game like
deletedabout 8 years
When you're HOH and don't know what to say in your speech and end up saying that you hope your nominee wins POV????
about 8 years
[2:23:26 AM] calem: it's been 3 minutes girl chill
about 8 years
The viewers need to get an idea of how much you spam the chat Roxy.
about 8 years
Tfw my comments were left in
about 8 years
Week 1 Noms & PoV:
deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
[2:37:40 AM] chase (atlantis): LMAO
[2:37:43 AM] Zeezo: LOL FLOP
[2:38:13 AM] calem: when you BS and can't speak to the house for 24 hours
[2:39:10 AM] Zeezo: ^^^
[2:40:07 AM] Roxy: erm
[2:40:10 AM] Roxy: wat
[2:40:42 AM] Roxy: lmao
[2:40:55 AM] Roxy: i need to pee but I’m in class and in f4
[2:49:43 AM] Emmy: Alright everyone
[2:49:50 AM] Emmy: N1ed has something to say to you all
[2:49:52 AM] Emmy: Pay attention
[2:49:57 AM] Roxy: lo l
[2:50:02 AM] *** Emmy added N1ed EM ***
[2:50:37 AM] N1ed EM: I apologize to emmy and beg for her forgiveness (and mercy). I was wrong to go against your will and make a mockery of your fun activities. I will never do it again, and if I do, I will accept full blown auto eviction. Emmy, I bow down to you (aka DONT WITH EMMY)
[2:50:54 AM] Zeezo: LOLOLOL
[2:50:56 AM] chase (atlantis): L O L
[2:51:02 AM] Zeezo: what a suck up (chuckle)
deletedabout 8 years
[2:34:26 AM] N1ed EM: okay
[2:34:38 AM] N1ed EM: prepare for the "wut"s
[2:34:53 AM] N1ed EM: I feel as if most of the people in the house are deservedly here, and thus, I cannot say that they do not deserve to be here, or why they suck. For the few that may not deserve to be here, I either
a) cannot find 3 heartfelt reasons why they suck or
b) do not know that they do not deserve to be in the house.
However, I committed to emmy's grueling task of finding a person that I both do not think deserves to be in his house and sucks for 3 reasons. Since only one person can truly fit those qualifications from my point of view, I am taking a risk of breaking emmy's strict rules and posting about myself.

Here's some heartfelt reasons why I suck before you feel bad for me/assume that I'm taking the cowards way out:
1. 9/10 months on the Survivor Lobby, hundreds of games played on multiple survivor websites, and still I can say that I've never won a game with more than 12 people in it. So clearly, there's not much skill shown after such a long period of time, making this a justifiable reason.
2. I play a majority of the time on mobile, sometimes causing an inconvenience to players and often times an inconvenience to hosts.
3. In general, I can be pretty frustrating to work with/talk to in games. Though I may sometimes make the house interesting, it may be at the cost of someone's sanity, possibly even my own. I also can't seem to keep a lid on it, which is why I got exposed 2 days into this project, stole HoH from someone who wouldn't have even nominally nominated me, and volunteered for this vicious task.

So yeah, I'm not sure if I was allowed to do it on myself and I don't really care. this is as heartfelt and realistic as I'm getting at 11:30 PM lmao
[2:37:03 AM] *** Emmy removed N1ed EM from this conversation. ***
deletedabout 8 years
Emmy decided to play a late night game with the houseguests.

[2:17:22 AM] Emmy: Anyone want to play a fun activity?
[2:17:29 AM] N1ed EM: yes I do
[2:17:32 AM] N1ed EM: :)
[2:17:36 AM] Emmy: Are you committed?
[2:17:36 AM] N1ed EM: time to get exposed
[2:17:40 AM] N1ed EM: I'm committed
[2:17:42 AM] Emmy: Ok
[2:17:55 AM] calem: emmy's late night fun activities
[2:18:03 AM] N1ed EM: they are the reason I exist
[2:18:56 AM] Emmy: I need you to tell me one person who doesn't deserve to be in this game, and then list out three heartfelt reasons why they suck
[2:19:06 AM] Roxy: l m a o
[2:19:12 AM] N1ed EM: okay
[2:19:18 AM] N1ed EM: do I have a time limit
[2:19:25 AM] Emmy: 20 min
[2:19:32 AM] N1ed EM: oh so you mean like
[2:19:34 AM] N1ed EM: heartfelt
[2:19:36 AM] N1ed EM: gotcha
[2:22:55 AM] Roxy: time up?
[2:23:26 AM] calem: it's been 3 minutes girl chill
[2:23:34 AM] Roxy: lmao
[2:23:39 AM] Roxy: to me it felt like an hour
[2:23:52 AM] Roxy: I’m in f4 and this nebbish guy isn’t responding i think he is high
[2:24:05 AM] Roxy: *newbish
[2:24:40 AM] c ★: nebbish sounds like a dying star trek race
[2:24:52 AM] Roxy: I’m trying not to laugh
[2:24:54 AM] Roxy: im in class
[2:24:56 AM] Roxy: i ask him
[2:24:59 AM] Roxy: “are you there?"
[2:25:03 AM] Roxy: and then he spams
[2:25:04 AM] Roxy: the voting log
[2:25:27 AM] Roxy: i am trying os hard
[2:25:29 AM] Roxy: not to laugh
[2:25:30 AM] Roxy: hlep
[2:25:34 AM] Roxy: ok its not that funny
[2:25:38 AM] Roxy: maybe it sme that is high?
[2:32:35 AM] N1ed EM: okay
[2:32:37 AM] N1ed EM: it is done
[2:32:44 AM] N1ed EM: gather round children
[2:33:16 AM] Roxy: go for it
about 8 years

deandean says

I don't see a problem with leakers.

deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
I don't see a problem with leakers.
about 8 years
trying to figure out how i lost like

deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years
HoH Results are up!
deletedabout 8 years
cinnanie decided to answer the questions presented to the candidates earlier

[7:22:21 PM] Coco (Cinnanie): Hello, everyone! In response to earlier; I believe that LGBT shouldn't be denied the basic human rights; they should face no discrimination and the right to love like everyone else. I believe there should be middle ground gun control, and that non-violent guns owners have the right to have possession of them. Global warming is a threat and people around the world should take notice to look after the environment around them.

And do I think emmy rigged it? She did.

I know votes for tonight will be important in determining the future for us. It will be an anxious and nervewracking night. Remember that your vote today counts. I would run for the election, but I'm done. Both candidates, N1ed and Ginga, are inspiring individuals. All I ask is you don't regret the decision you made when you made your vote.

I'm out!
[7:22:37 PM] Ginga: LOL
[7:22:40 PM] Jessy: Cinnanie has dropped out of the election and can now vote
[7:22:44 PM] Ginga: baller
[7:23:00 PM] chase (atlantis): cinna is the president we truly deserve
[7:23:05 PM] Ginga: tru
[7:23:06 PM] Luca Stanciu: dropping out with less than half an hour to go
[7:23:10 PM] Roxy: wew
[7:23:10 PM] Luca Stanciu: #cinna

This means it's a race between N1ed and Ginga for the first HoH!
deletedabout 8 years
[5:59:46 PM] maukamauka: Thank you for participating in this political debate, candidates.
[5:59:57 PM] maukamauka: Any final words to the voters? Slogans?
[6:00:00 PM] Ginga: no problemo big B
[6:00:09 PM] Luca Stanciu: slogans please
[6:00:11 PM] Luca Stanciu: I want a good one
[6:00:11 PM] Ginga: N1ed? Just a low energy phony
[6:00:14 PM] Luca Stanciu: ginga, cinna, and n1
[6:00:27 PM] Coco (Cinnanie): I didn’t take part in this debate because these two give me second hand embarrassment
[6:00:31 PM] N1ed EM: oh I would like to finally reveal my campaign logo!!
[6:00:50 PM] Zeezo: here comes the ms pain pic
N1ed EM
[6:00:59 PM] N1ed EM: sit on that for a while, trump:)
[6:01:04 PM] Ginga: I'm gonna make EMBB #redHeadToVictory
[6:01:52 PM] N1ed EM: my slogan is: N1ed votes for YOU.
[6:01:56 PM] N1ed EM: it's up for interpretation
deletedabout 8 years
[5:58:36 PM] maukamauka: Okay, and now the final question to end this political debate:
[5:58:37 PM] maukamauka: Did Emmy rig it?
[5:58:39 PM] Ginga: yes
[5:58:46 PM] Ginga: no question
[5:58:56 PM] Ginga: the only person better at covering stuff up than n1ed is emmy
[5:59:01 PM] Ginga: at least emmy didn't get caught by Russia!
[5:59:02 PM] N1ed EM: emmy? that reminds me of how I've been working for YOU since the 1980s!!!
[5:59:16 PM] N1ed EM: here's some footage of me working for YOU
[5:59:24 PM] Ginga: here comes the ms paint pic
[5:59:29 PM] Zeezo: why hasn’t cinnanie taken part in this debate
deletedabout 8 years
[5:57:09 PM] maukamauka: Next Q: What are your thoughts on global warming?
[5:57:10 PM] N1ed EM: it's the KNIFE
[5:57:10 PM] Luca Stanciu: mfw this randomly starts buzzing with conversation
[5:57:19 PM] Ginga: global warming? have you seen Antarctica?
[5:57:21 PM] Luca Stanciu: global warming is worse than vwxyz and should be stopped
[5:57:23 PM] Ginga: all a hoax
[5:57:37 PM] Zeezo: WHAT
[5:57:37 PM] N1ed EM: remember the last time you walked outside and it was COLD??
[5:57:38 PM] Ginga: just like n1ed's stories about his email servers
[5:57:41 PM] N1ed EM: happens to me all the time
[5:58:03 PM] Zeezo: global warming should be STOPPED
[5:58:15 PM] N1ed EM: just stop the globe from being warm!!
[5:58:24 PM] Zeezo: YEAH JUST STOP IT GUYS
[5:58:30 PM] N1ed EM: enough is enough