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Preparing for Superlatives

almost 8 years


Greetings everyone! As some of you may know, Superlatives Year Three is starting in about two weeks!

For those who don't know, superlatives is basically a voting competition divided in two round: Nominating and Choosing. During the Nominating progress, everyone will propose who they think the best candidate for a certain category is. Out of everyone's vote, the three most voted will pass the round. (Can be just two, or more than three depending on ties) Then we'll go to Choosing progress. There, everyone will vote the best out of the nominated people. And then, the most voted of every category will win for this year.

Now, there are two things I'd want to ask the community about.

First, it's just questions ideas. I'll be recycling a lot of questions from the previous two years and I'll add some more on my own, but I also want to know of questions that some of you may be interested in. I'll leave a list of the questions from the previous two years, without spoiling the new questions in the post after the OP. The ones that seem to be more liked, and the ones that I personally like the most will be added to the Year Three competition. The questions should be someone in which a lot of people should be voted for, so try to avoid things like "best sandbox owner" "best sandbox mod" etc where only a select few are even options. No negative questions either.

Second, the anti-rigging system.

Now, I know it's just the minority, and some of them are probably just kidding or trolling, but I have received some complaints about it being rigged. Wheter it was by me personally, or by other users manipulating the votes.

The system I worked with in Year Two, was a pretty complex one that would have taken a lot of effort to rig, as it automatically blocks people to voting by both IP and computer itself (idr the exact name of the thing I'm talking about, but its something unique in each computer). Furthermore, I banned entries that had too many blanks or repeated the same users over and over, as well as I'd check what was going on in very similar/identical entries. I also shared the entries publicly with some censorship due to slurs and threats I got, and explained which entries were banned and why, and I even offered to share it without any kind of censorship or explanation to everyone that requested it (and a few people did)

I personally think that's enough. Trying to pass over all of those security checks just to have extra votes in a Superlatives is something that I doubt people would care enough to do.

But, the last security thing I can add, and that will be up to all of you, is wheter I should ask or not for a username.

This would mean that the in the first "question" of the poll, you'd have to put your username, and then you would also need to either pm me or post in the thread that you voted.

This would, however, mean that once I have to share things, everyone will know what your votes were in every category. This could bring unnecessary drama and also maybe some people won't vote what they actually think just to don't look bad with their circlejerks or friends.

I think that's all. I insist that I personally don't think a measure like that is needed, because I really doubt anyone cares enough about these to rig it, knowing all the security checks they'll have to go through.

Anyways that's all for now!


deletedalmost 8 years
Since i lacked of ideas, i went to my main game forum and found this, hope it will help ( i've changed some of them)
Favourite Moderator:
Funniest Poster:
Favourite topic:
Biggest Spammer:
Most Unfair Moderator:
Best Troll:
Biggest Flamer:
Biggest Crybaby:
Friendliest Member:
Funniest Member:
Favourite New Member:
Favourite Old School Member:
Most skilled Player :
Most Unfair Player:
Most Unreasonable:
Most Ignored Member:
Most Likely To Report You:
Most Likely To Get Banned:
Best Topic Starter:
Worst Topic Starter:
Best Avatar:
Best Name:
Most Helpful:
Best Family :
Worst Family:
Best Thing That Happened To This Community:
Worst Thing That Happened To This Community:
Most Missed Player :
Most Likely To Become Famous:
Most Likely To Join The Mod Team:
almost 8 years
Miss Sandbox
Mister Sandbox (bring me a dream)
almost 8 years
Best rolemaker.

Best user with a hamburger recipe.

Best former lobby owner.

Worst setup maker.

Best Sandbox journalist.

Best user with unexplained week-long hiatus.
almost 8 years

bdog1321 says

Bebop says

bdog1321 says

Most likely to get into an argument with em user zahhaks leading to their ultimate downfall

most tired joke

Terry's errorogenous zone has that one on lock

almost 8 years

Bebop says

bdog1321 says

Most likely to get into an argument with em user zahhaks leading to their ultimate downfall

most tired joke

Terry's errorogenous zone has that one on lock
almost 8 years
Best Birb
almost 8 years

izzy says

Biggest Drama Causer or something, doesn't necessarily have to be negative

i asked around to people and a majority said this would probably be negative, so nope.
almost 8 years

Discordia says

nicest person

ill put this as a maybe
almost 8 years

ballsy says

Person with the most EM gf's

bdog1321 says

Most likely to be demodded

Best demodded user

Most likely to get into an argument with em user zahhaks leading to their ultimate downfall

ChaoticDoom says

epicmafia's number 1 siscon

gotta defend my title

cupofljoe says

best cup

Kagerrou says

Most likely to be kicked from assassin's game

like i said, they have to be questions in which a lot of users could qualify for. i know we all want to win in a category but whats the fun if youre literally the only one that qualifies for it lol. meme questions not allowed.
almost 8 years

Platypops says

best new user (account created in the last year)

this one will be a thing but the period will be for accounts created starting from august 2015, so that its a whole year.
almost 8 years
Dude. I joined 2 month ago how am i nit newb?*
almost 8 years

bdog1321 says

Most likely to get into an argument with em user zahhaks leading to their ultimate downfall

most tired joke
deletedalmost 8 years

tigermom says

coolkidrox123 says

best new user who has become popular within their first minth of joining ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) namely me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you're not even that new. I on the other hand...

She is talking about me.
deletedalmost 8 years
Most likely to be kicked from assassin's game
almost 8 years
Most likely to dance naked on tiny chat
almost 8 years

coolkidrox123 says

best new user who has become popular within their first minth of joining ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) namely me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you're not even that new. I on the other hand...
almost 8 years
best cup
almost 8 years
epicmafia's number 1 siscon

gotta defend my title
almost 8 years
Most likely to be demodded

Best demodded user

Most likely to get into an argument with em user zahhaks leading to their ultimate downfall
almost 8 years
best new user who has become popular within their first minth of joining ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) namely me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
almost 8 years
I think you *should* make it non anonymous. If people have to write in their username then they won't troll, simple as that. Also enforce week-long bans for people who troll.
deletedalmost 8 years

yoyoyorlozer says

I nominate Herredy for best benis

I-I'm honoured
deletedalmost 8 years
nicest person
deletedalmost 8 years
Biggest Drama Causer or something, doesn't necessarily have to be negative
deletedalmost 8 years
most salty