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Post here for a pizza topping

over 8 years

If you post here I will give you a pizza topping based off of my perception of you.

RIP musume
10 signed
sign here if you wish the best golbamaniac would return
best pizza?
five guys burgers and fries
bacon cheddar
white rice and lettuce
grilled cheese
maple syrup
peanut butter and jelly
gluten-free vegan pizza (ketchup)
horse, cat and dog meat lover's
over 8 years

magyarmester says

im interested

You are sausage. Savory and gives me a headache, but it's worth the fun.
over 8 years

nocash says

I used to hate pizza. Make me hate it again.

You are the best kind of cheese, parmesan cheese. You add so much to every game you're in and I'm always glad to be in them with you. Very savory and not melty.
over 8 years

Ashe says

do me~~ o;

You are basil, because you add the spiciest stuff when you comment on reports.
over 8 years

Japter says

I better get pineapple

I'm saving pineapple for a special someone should they see this thread.

You are kale. While spices are often overlooked they are usually the most integral parts to the pizza. You add a green-ish flavor that's unique and can't be replicated by any of the basal parts to the pizza.
over 8 years
im interested
over 8 years
I used to hate pizza. Make me hate it again.
over 8 years
do me~~ o;
deletedover 8 years
I better get pineapple
over 8 years

Zetonate says

well hey

You are frog legs. Weirdly delicious and fun to eat, and if they don't put them on pizza I don't see what's stopping them.
over 8 years
well hey
deletedover 8 years

Golbolco says

Herredy says

woooooooo! mememememe!

You are ham. Sweet and tastes great with the cheese and sauce. Can be served with a thousand other toppings and it always comes out best.

daaamn, ily golbo <3
over 8 years

Bebop says


You are mozzarella. Without you the pizza is just gross merlot marinara sliding around on crust.
over 8 years
over 8 years

Reamix says


lol you don't put frosting on pizza

not yet anyways
over 8 years

izzy says

excuse me i thought i was the best golbamaniac

You are pepperoni. One of the best toppings out there, it has a strange tangy yet savory taste to it. Best served with cheese that soaks up its grease, like Eris.
over 8 years
deletedover 8 years
excuse me i thought i was the best golbamaniac
over 8 years

SirAmelio says

ok sure

Lol they don't have pizza in Mexico, silly. In Madrid they eat quesadillas, an exotic hispanic treat analogous to the pizza of their Italian cousins. Filled with warm cheese and put between two grilled tortillas, it's basically a grilled cheese sandwich but from Peru.
over 8 years
ok sure
over 8 years

Herredy says

woooooooo! mememememe!

You are ham. Sweet and tastes great with the cheese and sauce. Can be served with a thousand other toppings and it always comes out best.
over 8 years

Jimbei says

give me one

You are mushrooms. Good topping and adds to the pizza, but if overused becomes tiresome and annoying and ruins the rest of the pizza.
deletedover 8 years
woooooooo! mememememe!
deletedover 8 years
give me one
over 8 years

Golbolco says

daemons says

i was asking whether or not

You are olive oil. While not thought about by many you are the KEY to a good pizza. Without you all pizzas would be is just dry crusty cheese and marinara sadness. You are the quintessential pizza topping.

So Daemons is fat in its purest form?
over 8 years

Golbolco says

ChaoticDoom says

can't hurt to try

You're not a pizza topping. You're an everything pizza. So many layers and twists and turns when it comes to you. The pizza is delicious but bites back frequently. If not properly handled the pizza falls apart into a chaotic, doomed mess.

thats not a topping