You are the best kind of cheese, parmesan cheese. You add so much to every game you're in and I'm always glad to be in them with you. Very savory and not melty.
I'm saving pineapple for a special someone should they see this thread.
You are kale. While spices are often overlooked they are usually the most integral parts to the pizza. You add a green-ish flavor that's unique and can't be replicated by any of the basal parts to the pizza.
You are pepperoni. One of the best toppings out there, it has a strange tangy yet savory taste to it. Best served with cheese that soaks up its grease, like Eris.
Lol they don't have pizza in Mexico, silly. In Madrid they eat quesadillas, an exotic hispanic treat analogous to the pizza of their Italian cousins. Filled with warm cheese and put between two grilled tortillas, it's basically a grilled cheese sandwich but from Peru.
You are olive oil. While not thought about by many you are the KEY to a good pizza. Without you all pizzas would be is just dry crusty cheese and marinara sadness. You are the quintessential pizza topping.
You're not a pizza topping. You're an everything pizza. So many layers and twists and turns when it comes to you. The pizza is delicious but bites back frequently. If not properly handled the pizza falls apart into a chaotic, doomed mess.