Hey guys, so I see a lot of you play LoL in the chat, and I wanna try it. I played it two years ago and got to level 7 against bots before I kinda decided to quit cuz I wasn't good and I didn't have any friends who played.
Would anyone be willing to teach me the ropes? Maybe we could start up a Sandbox/EM mentor program.
So just a few questions:
What's a good position (if that's what it's called) to start out with? I know there's: Top (tank I think), Mid (mage), Jungler/Ganker, Bot/ADC, and Support. I tried ADC but I was pretty bad haha.
What are some good champions to save up for/buy?
Should I just uninstall the game now?
Wanna help out?
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btw i'm up for teaching, gold player with 2k normal games, i think i can set new players to right path, to speed up their learning speed.. though i'm on eu servers and idk if i can play on NA with you
try out mid lane mage, it'll teach you game dynamic better, for beginners annie and ryze are pretty good. focus on lasthitting minions and you'll be on your way to challenger..
also, if you're losing too many games, consider that servers are filled with smurfs (high level players who want to grind their alts). my suggestion is that play with your friends or someone you trust, preferably higher level player so he/she can teach you the basics
deletedover 8 years
What's your guys' usernames? just finished installing.
Also- don't judge but my username is twistedscarecrow, made this a few years ago lol. Im lvl 8, and in the NA server
deletedover 8 years
You rused me
deletedover 8 years
Jk I have never even played LoL. You should uninstall it.
deletedover 8 years
Top and mid are often the most challenging lanes. Jungle is just complex. You may want to try support. Just try sticking with something.
to play just look at the league of legends reddit and see what champion people are complaining about and then main that champion until they complain about another champion
i think learning support or mid would be the easiest!!! i would play against bots until you're comfortable with the champ you're playing but bots play nothing like real players so def play w friends or even a full party to help u out a lot and i would totally play w u!!
deletedover 8 years
Anyone have any tips on any of the questions in the post?
deletedover 8 years
yes sure i can give some tips
deletedover 8 years
Be honest you just wanted that fresh blue coloring next to your name up top
deletedover 8 years
I would like to be a mentor.
deletedover 8 years
Cool a real response! And ya sounds good to me, I probably won't be any good but I'm looking for something to pick up casually, I think playing with people on EM would be fun!