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for fake quoting, fake reporting,

over 8 years

and fake reasons to ban what few remaining players epicmafia has

i used to be against copy/pasting, but you know what happened? that's right, people did it anyway because you can't stop them you ninny twit. why is copy/pasting bad? because people trust it. why do people trust it? because it's bad. you're bad.

the real answer is to make it easier to fake reports and even fake quotes, because you can't stop either of them from happening. you can only waste your time banning people for trying to have fun.

if someone can fake a report simply by typing /f cop cub guilty, how much weight are you going to put in that report? answer: the regular amount, maybe less because the only reason to c/p is self-doubt.

now i know fake reporting isn't moderated, but i used to think it should be just like you think fake quoting should be. problem? it can't be, people will still do it. the answer is to make it easier to do, that way people don't put more trust in it. if i can type /fq cub hey guys im mafia, what are you going to think? a) vent, b) fake, c) i'm stupid and believe anything. if you picked c, removing fake quoting won't stop you from being bad at mafia.

that's all

deletedover 8 years
oh I thought you were talking about a vent fake-quoting people through their vent powers

my bad
over 8 years

Jimbei says

Vent can't fake quote people. Learn your mechanics
Day 1
deletedover 8 years
Vent can't fake quote people. Learn your mechanics
over 8 years
cub's just mad she thought someone was fake quoting her when it was just a vent.
deletedover 8 years
shut up cub
over 8 years

Blister says

wait, this stuff is moderated in sandbox??

it didn't used to be unless someone was using it to say hateful comments or they were using it to target someone....

it should only be moderated for game related abuse in ranked.. imo
deletedover 8 years
This ain't no main lobby
over 8 years
yeah I agree. I always understood the c/p rule to be about proving alignment, ie you can say "see this system message i got it proves i'm inno" but just typing the report as the game gives it to you shouldn't hold and sway to the people reading it
over 8 years
foxie still salty and jabbing at lucid after he turned her down. smh, its been years
deletedover 8 years
wait, this stuff is moderated in sandbox??
over 8 years
Your 164.28 wpm is amazing, foxie
over 8 years
p.s. if lucid wants to fix fake quoting maybe he should fix fake quoting just an idea