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for fake quoting, fake reporting,

over 8 years

and fake reasons to ban what few remaining players epicmafia has

i used to be against copy/pasting, but you know what happened? that's right, people did it anyway because you can't stop them you ninny twit. why is copy/pasting bad? because people trust it. why do people trust it? because it's bad. you're bad.

the real answer is to make it easier to fake reports and even fake quotes, because you can't stop either of them from happening. you can only waste your time banning people for trying to have fun.

if someone can fake a report simply by typing /f cop cub guilty, how much weight are you going to put in that report? answer: the regular amount, maybe less because the only reason to c/p is self-doubt.

now i know fake reporting isn't moderated, but i used to think it should be just like you think fake quoting should be. problem? it can't be, people will still do it. the answer is to make it easier to do, that way people don't put more trust in it. if i can type /fq cub hey guys im mafia, what are you going to think? a) vent, b) fake, c) i'm stupid and believe anything. if you picked c, removing fake quoting won't stop you from being bad at mafia.

that's all

over 8 years

Floor says

You're talking how you did when you got banned from those other forums


Floor says

the only place you can steal passwords is at the login page, and emjack is only enabled in games. that's not something you have to take my word on, that's what it tells you before you install any userscript.

anyway, this topic has devolved into people speculating on something they can literally just look at themselves and as for fake quoting: it isn't moderated in unranked now.

cool beans
over 8 years
over 8 years

Golbolco says

Even if cub did put something in EMjack to take people's passwords, wouldn't she have put those skills to use by now?

I guess, sure? I asked cub a while ago why she hasn't been more malicious with her coding and she said that's not the type of person she is or something.

Golbolco says

And wouldn't someone have noticed the code by now?

If someone read the code, ye, not like the userscript is unreadable. It's right there, leave that to The though. :^)
over 8 years

cub says

didn't you know, putting javascript in links existed forever and remember all the passwords that were stolen on a daily basis

i cant believe roughly 99% of malicious javascript links just posted comments on the lobby wall when stealing passwords was such a viable alternative that nobody ever did it

now, enough sarcasm: i didn't ignore your post, you refuted it yourself. you asked why i made a topic about something that isn't moderated, then you said it's moderated. need to see it again? scroll up, it's at the top of this page.

you don't have an argument to make against op so you're trying to attack me personally by calling everyone else stupid because that's apparently a good idea in your mind. people can read the script, and some have because I've seen modified versions. you can also read it, and you should know since you made a modified version as well. so what do you call it when a mod completely knowingly makes a false allegation against a player?

i call it get out of sandbox. and enabling a minimum points requirement to post in an unranked lobby is beyond overstepping your "authority." next you'll delete this post, but that one will show up on the logs

You're talking how you did when you got banned from those other forums

Altair says

deletedover 8 years
Every time a site mod crosses the boarders into sandbox we get a painful reminder of why we left Main lobby in the first place
over 8 years
You mean fake quoting is forbidden and bannable in sandbox??
over 8 years
didn't you know, putting javascript in links existed forever and remember all the passwords that were stolen on a daily basis

i cant believe roughly 99% of malicious javascript links just posted comments on the lobby wall when stealing passwords was such a viable alternative that nobody ever did it

now, enough sarcasm: i didn't ignore your post, you refuted it yourself. you asked why i made a topic about something that isn't moderated, then you said it's moderated. need to see it again? scroll up, it's at the top of this page.

you don't have an argument to make against op so you're trying to attack me personally by calling everyone else stupid because that's apparently a good idea in your mind. people can read the script, and some have because I've seen modified versions. you can also read it, and you should know since you made a modified version as well. so what do you call it when a mod completely knowingly makes a false allegation against a player?

i call it get out of sandbox. and enabling a minimum points requirement to post in an unranked lobby is beyond overstepping your "authority." next you'll delete this post, but that one will show up on the logs
over 8 years

The says

Don't play dumb. It is extremely easy to access someone's password with Javascript, and I know you're experienced enough to know that.

over 8 years
Notice how my exaggeration is future-tense.
over 8 years
Even if cub did put something in EMjack to take people's passwords, wouldn't she have put those skills to use by now? And wouldn't someone have noticed the code by now?
over 8 years

cub says

this isnt relevant but neither was your message: im not sure someone who doesn't know how passwords and epicmafia in general work should be moderating exploit abuse.

Don't play dumb. It is extremely easy to access someone's password with Javascript, and I know you're experienced enough to know that.

It's kind of funny that you mention staying on topic though, seeing as you've completely, repeatedly ignored the following:

The says

What's the confusion? I never said it's not a violation, I just said it hasn't happened yet. However, if the time comes that someone from sandbox files a fake quoting report, that report will be treated like an exploit abuse report.

over 8 years
cub please steal my password and delete my account for me
over 8 years
this isnt relevant but neither was your message: im not sure someone who doesn't know how passwords and epicmafia in general work should be moderating exploit abuse.

also, emjack's source is available and several people have already taken to modifying it. so if you're going to argue about something you dont know about, argue about the topic of the thread.
over 8 years
What, so you can't read now, cub? Look at the post above yours.

Man, with that lack of oversight I can only imagine what kind of harmful stuff cub might decide to insert into her scripts "without noticing". Hope you all don't like having your password a secret from cub.
over 8 years

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

The says

However, if the time comes that someone from sandbox files a fake quoting report, that report will be treated like an exploit abuse report.

i dont even have to fake these quotes they just happen on their own
over 8 years

Jimbei says

The says

Fake quoting is exploit abuse, a community violation, and is still moderated in sandbox if someone reports it.

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

????? make up your mind

What's the confusion? I never said it's not a violation, I just said it hasn't happened yet. However, if the time comes that someone from sandbox files a fake quoting report, that report will be treated like an exploit abuse report.
over 8 years

Jimbei says

The says

Fake quoting is exploit abuse, a community violation, and is still moderated in sandbox if someone reports it.

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

????? make up your mind

over 8 years

Jimbei says

lol im fake-quoting in this thread what are you gonna do mods?

deletedover 8 years

The says

Fake quoting is exploit abuse, a community violation, and is still moderated in sandbox if someone reports it.

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

????? make up your mind
over 8 years
Fake quoting is exploit abuse, a community violation, and is still moderated in sandbox if someone reports it.
over 8 years

The says

aquarius says

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

ive seen people being vio'd for it

Not recently, and only if someone from sandbox reports you. If you all unanimously agree that you don't mind fake quoting in sandbox then I expect there will be no future reports about it here.

there are a lot of people who file reports from sandbox games for game related violations, thinking that they are moderated in sandbox when they really arent
over 8 years

aquarius says

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

ive seen people being vio'd for it

Not recently, and only if someone from sandbox reports you. If you all unanimously agree that you don't mind fake quoting in sandbox then I expect there will be no future reports about it here.
over 8 years

The says

But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.

ive seen people being vio'd for it
over 8 years

Blister says

wait, this stuff is moderated in sandbox??

now i know fake reporting isn't moderated, but i used to think it should be just

i think 2% of the people here actually read through the thing lol

lucid implement it i need it
over 8 years
But really though, I don't know what cub's point was for making this thread considering no one has been vio'd in sandbox for fake quoting, just Main where fake quoting does actually affect the game.