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We demand action

almost 9 years

This has gone on far too long. The Epicmafia user WildWalrus was banned today very unjustly. I have talked to the admin Roadman and screenshots of the conversation will be below.

The Reason according to Roadman: He refused to tell him his "Main Account"

Now what's wrong with this? First of all, me and Walrus do not only have a client to professional relationship, but a friendship. The facts are, Walrus claimed he had no main account and WildWalrus was his main. Roadman even confirms that they checked his IP logins and no accounts showed up on the same as his. There was no reason, and if Walrus's subject about mod abuse was null before, this is real mod abuse. You can't ban someone based on thinking they are a banned user and having no IP conflicts. Otherwise you could ban anyone you didn't like for this reason. Which is exactly what he did. All the proof is in the screenshots below. I demand an unban of my client. He was exercising free speech and wasn't even banned until Roadman decided to censor him. Walrus's threads were even deleted in response to the threads exposing the truth instead of locking them. Isn't that a hint of the real motives of the mods who deleted and banned him? If you don't stand up for people in your community, when this happens to you, no one will be able to stand up for you.





He claims the other accounts were Walrus:




Roadman is a good guy. I have nothing against him. The only thing wrong is my client was banned unjustly and I am asking for a reverse because the only reason for a ban is conjecture. Thank you for promptly responding to me Roadman and your time in the matter through our messages. I am sorry we could not resolve it that way. I am just doing my job.

Thank you all for your time.

Kind Regards,

Miles Edgeworth

EDIT Couldn't have said this better myself

almost 9 years

gerrysuck says

Edark says

I find it very strange that so many new alts are popping up in the forums whom got low points and that random users with no priror forumexperience actually come here and write long threads like these

Very suspicous

looks like a user who isn't banned but wants to remain anonymous ah yes very suspicious

I cant really see a reason why someone would want to be anonymous on this issue tbh. Unless you're a huge p*ssy I guess? Its not like its a controversial topic or anything.
almost 9 years

AItair says

Edark says

I find it very strange that so many new alts are popping up in the forums whom got low points and that random users with no priror forumexperience actually come here and write long threads like these

Very suspicous

The forums are v dangerous please only use if you have excessive prior experience. Type safely.

Nobody new comes to EM ever.

Unironically true lmao
almost 9 years

SimplyPam says


stop making bad posts and I will
almost 9 years

Edark says

I find it very strange that so many new alts are popping up in the forums whom got low points and that random users with no priror forumexperience actually come here and write long threads like these

Very suspicous

The forums are v dangerous please only use if you have excessive prior experience. Type safely.

Nobody new comes to EM ever.
almost 9 years

Edark says

I find it very strange that so many new alts are popping up in the forums whom got low points and that random users with no priror forumexperience actually come here and write long threads like these

Very suspicous

looks like a user who isn't banned but wants to remain anonymous ah yes very suspicious
almost 9 years
yo n1ed the 5th amendment right doesn't apply to an online community
deletedalmost 9 years
i demand action
almost 9 years
I find it very strange that so many new alts are popping up in the forums whom got low points and that random users with no priror forumexperience actually come here and write long threads like these

Very suspicous
almost 9 years
I just came here to say, "Hello other Edgeworth, when did you go to defense?" :3
almost 9 years
I think a lot of people have agreed, even many mods, this should be resolved with an unban. It does not make sense to banned for his reasonings. We have stated our reasoning and no mod penalties should be taken for the ban. Mistakes happen. I am not speaking on the Pam and Anna situation. That seemed like intentional. This was not. So can we please make this happen? Arc said he would talk to him about it, but why not just do it? As soon as he is unbanned, this thread will be locked. Thank you all for your support and also mods for your consideration. You are what makes this community great.
deletedalmost 9 years
I kind of see it like this:
There's a criminal. He commits all the crimes (all of them I guess), and although the police handle the situation, his whereabouts are unknown. Years later, the police find someone that they particularly find annoying (and that causes a fuss around their town), and they look into said person. They find that there may be a connection between this super-criminal and this supposedly annoying person. Thus, they take him into questioning. After that is finished, he tells the public that they are corrupt. They shut him up and question him further. The cycle continues, and eventually, they ask him for proof that he specifically is not the super-criminal. He refuses to provide this evidence, so they arrest him. He did nothing wrong, but took (in law people thing terms), his fifth amendment right.

So, is it just to take disciplinary action for the refusal to out information? I suppose this situation is a bit different, but this could be handled a bit better.
deletedalmost 9 years
so it looks like 4 possibilities:
1. W A L R U S outs main account, and it is not WildWalrus. it is not IP banned / still facing ban. he is unbanned.
2. W A L R U S outs main account, and it is not WildWalrus. however, the account is IP banned / still facing ban. he stays banned.
3. W A L R U S outs main account, and it is WildWalrus. he stays banned. (a possibility that might need to be looked into)
4. W A L R U S does not out his main account. he stays banned.

idk this post doesn't really show any opinion but is there anything else that can happen other than these? i guess it makes the situation easier to understand
almost 9 years
almost 9 years

Satan says

SimplyPam says

starting to have a strong dislike for wild sea animals


NO SATAN, we still love wild sea animals
almost 9 years
This is a dictatorship if we are forced to out our main accounts when we have none.
deletedalmost 9 years

Satan says

SimplyPam says

starting to have a strong dislike for wild sea animals


I still like u, it's okay
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
I don't know Walrus personally, but this seems pretty stupid. Walrus has done nothing wrong and I think that just because some mods dislike him doesn't mean he should be banned. As for the whole keeping his Main a secret, I don't know if there's any EM rules about having to out their Main, but from what I've read it's like Walrus is a good player and hasn't done anything that should get him banned. So please, unban this player. It must be terrible to be banned when you haven't even done anything wrong.
almost 9 years

SimplyPam says

starting to have a strong dislike for wild sea animals

almost 9 years

Stanko says

WildWalRus has been banned for what?? Because someone thinks he might be a banned user?? What is there anything about WildWalRus which leads him to be a banned user?? If he was a banned user, wouldn't he by now had violated any of the rules in game play???

Allegedly being linked to three banned users. It's in the reports. You should also note he's only received one violation before this. For his cap speak as cop.

Apparently his being annoying and possible links to the banned was worth a ban despite no hard evidence or rule breaking and had no issues before he started calling out mod abuse against himself, highlighting his second violation which was overturned due to collaboration between two mods.

Personally I find his 30+ month static IP address (The last time the last banned user he's suspected to be related to logged on) interesting. It'd be a very rare thing to have happen.
almost 9 years
WildWalRus has been banned for what?? Because someone thinks he might be a banned user?? What is there anything about WildWalRus which leads him to be a banned user?? If he was a banned user, wouldn't he by now had violated any of the rules in game play???
almost 9 years

Edark says

ling says

Edark says

I remember playing with
Edgeworth/Dancingdogs/Moxie/Dancingdodo quite a lot back in the day, the Euro/Aus squad was real

edgy moxie and mieke was the crew that got me addicted to mafia

Mieke's love threads for juneau were hilarious

I remember these
deletedalmost 9 years
thank you for your opinion connor
almost 9 years
Man I loved the MC crew aswell, one of my proudest moments of epicmafiadotcom was when I finally got my invite to them

They kinda were all banned/inactive by then tho but that doesnt matter
almost 9 years

ling says

Edark says

I remember playing with
Edgeworth/Dancingdogs/Moxie/Dancingdodo quite a lot back in the day, the Euro/Aus squad was real

edgy moxie and mieke was the crew that got me addicted to mafia

Mieke's love threads for juneau were hilarious