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Forum Mafia 15

deletedabout 8 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

Deadline and Procedure:

Special notes:

about 8 years
well i kinda skimmed through the start because i joined late but

tr impoetic and gerry

do want to say impoetic is playing different i think, but its a different as in i dont hate them for existing

the gerry sr by ripple a while ago was bs i think, and i think ripple should know this thats and the fact that they are pushing it makes me scumread them myself

is that stupid

tr on mist if i was mafia i dont think spewing reads everywhere would be a good thing to do right is that stupid

connor i kinda skipped because of complete lack of content (useful content that actually has a meaning)

everyone one else idk null i guess i forgot sonrio was even in this
about 8 years
on HIM
about 8 years
mist could you elaborate on why you scumread me, ignoring your misconstructions of my previous posts
about 8 years
id be ok with a connor lynch ive been fluctuating on them.

if ian were to flip scum id wanna tunnel n1ed the next day tbh

or not idk. I doubt ian would make it that blatant w/ the partner tells this early on right after the last game. What do you think? Why do you tr n1ed?
about 8 years

mist says

I'm pretty much used to it since editing is disabled in mafiascum.

wow i legit hate this post`
about 8 years
Connor :| what :|| are :||| your :|||| reads :|||||
about 8 years
Okay what made that post THAT towny to you? I thought it was towny, yes, but
about 8 years

Impoetic says

Connor says

obvious town from my pov is different than obvious town from mafia's pov

town is a lot more obvious from mafia's pov than from yours, right? Cuz you're town, right? I like that. Good job subtly asserting your alignment, or the alignment you want us to think is yours... chap.


mist says

Connor and Ian.


mist says

Pretty sure scum is in the bottom three.

deletedabout 8 years
Was just thinkin' that myself.

Retti says

Day one begins. With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch. Deadline set at 4/27/16 at 11:59 PM.

about 8 years
Wait. How many hours do we have lol. I just assumed it was 72 hours like last game
about 8 years
Another rxn test. I like :^)

Also it's not even like I sr Ripple. She's just done nothing townie. But we have time for more posts, so I'm not worried about it.
deletedabout 8 years
{UltraAug, N1ed}
{justdance666, Connor}
deletedabout 8 years
{UltraAug, N1ed, Gerry}
{justdance666, Connor}
deletedabout 8 years

Gerry says

How about you elaborate, Mist? What's odd about my post?

It was an extremely towny post and I was hoping someone would pick up on my loose end and try to paint it as scum, or refute me on it. Impoetic did refute me (the towny response) but I'm already p sure she's town so that's not much help. Ripple I guess kinda took the bait but by that point I was kind of shoving it at her and her response is pretty half-hearted.
about 8 years

Ripple says

You all bore me i'm going to go play smite now ta ta also gerry's post looks like a jumbled mess trying to get something done when he cant

about 8 years

UltraAug says

this is important;
whos ian

sheep. what's your reads so far
deletedabout 8 years
You all bore me i'm going to go play smite now ta ta also gerry's post looks like a jumbled mess trying to get something done when he cant
about 8 years
How about you elaborate, Mist? What's odd about my post?
deletedabout 8 years
Ripple, your thoughts?
about 8 years

mist says

Could someone other than Impoetic please respond to that post by Gerry? I'm having trouble putting it into words and could use some assistance here.

Ask Ripple. She'll say i'm confirmed scum for saying idk in it
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

mist says

I'm pretty much used to it since editing is disabled in mafiascum.

Sonrio and i have been on d1 of our first game in mafiascum since the previous game on here. It's better except they can't take jokes at all

I know, I've been reading it ^_^
about 8 years

mist says

I'm pretty much used to it since editing is disabled in mafiascum.

Sonrio and i have been on d1 of our first game in mafiascum since the previous game on here. It's better except they can't take jokes at all
deletedabout 8 years
Could someone other than Impoetic please respond to that post by Gerry? I'm having trouble putting it into words and could use some assistance here.
deletedabout 8 years

UltraAug says

this is important;
whos ian

about 8 years
this is important;
whos ian