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Forum Mafia 15

deletedabout 8 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

Deadline and Procedure:

Special notes:

about 8 years

mist says

5 games in a row?

but this time he's mafia?
about 8 years
also lol at "threats"
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

Not only does it imply he knows he's talking to town, but it's just defensive in all the wrong ways. It's not even a true defense, it's a discredit.

i gave that read last game on hedger lol
about 8 years

Ripple says

You don't do that all the time and my vote on Sonrio was very serious I already gave a read on him by voting so it means another read that I didn't have at that moment you're clearly looking at things in a different context then me and no gerry this is not a reaction test this is not a role swap I think you're scum you're threats don't scare me one bit

deletedabout 8 years
Feels like you're trying to emulate your town game and your town game is "let's vote for Gerry." I don't believe town Ripple would scumread Gerry here; there's nothing he's done that's particularly scummy and I'd expect you to be a bit more cautious about reading him after mislynching him what, 5 games in a row?
deletedabout 8 years
You don't do that all the time and my vote on Sonrio was very serious I already gave a read on him by voting so it means another read that I didn't have at that moment you're clearly looking at things in a different context then me and no gerry this is not a reaction test this is not a role swap I think you're scum you're threats don't scare me one bit
about 8 years
I want some more posts from Connor, Ultra, N1ed, Sonrio to get better reads on them. But, like I pointed out earlier, I like that Ultra backed up my post, when he could have simply ignored it.
about 8 years

Gerry says

Okay so right now, I think the only person I don't wanna lynch is Mist. Impoetic do you still scumread her? Cause if so, idk what to think of you voting the person I tr the most right now

Did you read anything i said other than the "gerry's mafia?????????" post
deletedabout 8 years

Ripple says

(friend is doing chores i'm free for a good 20) The classic mafia buddies town good to see anyway I would LOVE to hear the logic behind me being scummy

1) Your play feels very similar to mine in FM12, where I was being a bit too vocal about "having no reads". Gerry just pointed this out.

2) This

Ripple says

Vote Gerry It's sad you flipped scum this game

about 8 years
(also pointing out that you didn't even sht post after that which was disappointing)
about 8 years

mist says

Pretty sure scum is in the bottom three. I won't be voting Impoetic at all this game unless there's some serious shakeups.

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
about 8 years

Ripple says

Vote Sonrio My first srs vote of the game let's get this rolling

then a few minutes later

Ripple says

I'd give a read but I don't have any so I am joining in the sh*t post

How do you have a srs vote and then say you have no reads???? Which is why I asked for your reads in the first place. And now you give a reason as to why I'm mafia because I said "idk maybe" which is what I DO ALL THE TIME. You're either mafia or trying to get my reaction which I think is the latter.
deletedabout 8 years
(friend is doing chores i'm free for a good 20) The classic mafia buddies town good to see anyway I would LOVE to hear the logic behind me being scummy
about 8 years
Okay so right now, I think the only person I don't wanna lynch is Mist. Impoetic do you still scumread her? Cause if so, idk what to think of you voting the person I tr the most right now
about 8 years

UltraAug says


i can vouch for that thing right there ^^

i think i said the exact opposite about gerry and he was like nope last game. hes been doing that for a while cough

I like that you were honest about it.
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

{UltraAug, N1ed}
{Sonrio, Gerry}
{justdance666, Connor}

wtf does that mean Edit: Nevermind
deletedabout 8 years
Pretty sure scum is in the bottom three. I won't be voting Impoetic at all this game unless there's some serious shakeups.
deletedabout 8 years
{UltraAug, N1ed}
{Sonrio, Gerry}
{justdance666, Connor}
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
I'm going to go out and play some smite I expect to be sheeped when I come back.
about 8 years

Gerry says

Impoetic says

@Gerry: n1ed was glossing over his read on you cuz ppl kept mislynching you but honestly??? I??? am spamming question marks??? when I say that he's?? mafia?? for it?


and!!!! some!!!!!! other!!! things! too!!!!!!!
about 8 years
that post 2 post up was @gerry

retti can i just edit this is annoying
about 8 years

we should be able to edit so i can cry about being sniped
about 8 years

i can vouch for that thing right there ^^

i think i said the exact opposite about gerry and he was like nope last game. hes been doing that for a while cough
deletedabout 8 years
If you do this every game you should know this comes off scummy but I'm mostly talking to mafia gerry so my breath is being wasted atm any town feel like talking over reads or feel like sheeping me?

(I much pref the 2nd one)