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Forum Mafia 15

deletedabout 8 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

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Special notes:

about 8 years
"today in a million years" is a perfectly valid phrase shut UP
deletedabout 8 years
I'm pretty much used to it since editing is disabled in mafiascum.
about 8 years

mist says

Well that was an odd post by Gerry. Anyone feel the same?

No, I liked it. I think Gerry is playing differently from previous games and that he has had plenty of odd reads/posts before but I don't think that last one was particularly odd. In fact, I thought it was towny.

It's posts like this from you that really scare me about your alignment lulz. I wouldn't ml you today in a million years, buuuuut...
about 8 years
I hate that I can't edit lol
about 8 years

mist says

Gerry says

mist says

I mean, it's early game, and at the very least you look like you're trying to hunt for scum. Unlike Connor, who is just awkwardly positioning, and Ian, who is trying to garner as much early towncred as he can.

One thing I'll say about ian is last game he did try to get towncred as mafia, but he also was uber aggressive, this time he's more observant and less aggressive I think.

He literally made a new account and trolled early game. If that's not deliberate manipulation of one's own meta, I don't know what is.

he literally said as town in another game a while ago, "I normally make a bunch of jokey posts to get TR's but I don't have time so just pretend I did"

OK, not literally; I forget the exact quote, but I think the beginning is right.
deletedabout 8 years
Well that was an odd post by Gerry. Anyone feel the same?
deletedabout 8 years
First of all I wouldn't even try to ML gerry as mafia I would pocket the **** out of him because I know what he finds towny in me me going for a ml on him is really stupid for me as maf he's also trying to get interactions from you for no reason

Also the "no reads" thing you sr me on is mostly because people have the deadlocked mindset that if you can't out reads whenever someone asks you to their scum so people are forced to give half ***d reads that can turn bad quickly

Edit: Wrong word
about 8 years

Impoetic says

yeah ian thinks his reads are wrong. You have the game 100% figured out, gerry!

He thinks MIST'S reads are wrong, but still townreads her.

could you explain YOUR tr on mist? and why you aren't tunneling me?[/quote]Why would I tunnel you? I mean, it's not like I think Mist is 100% town, but I just think she's done some townie things. I liked her reaction votes, though looking back I shouldn't have called it out then cause that kinda ruins it. She also had a post where she basically said Connor has a weird perspective on how to look at things. Idk I like tr weird things like that. Just like I think ultra did a townie thing for backing up my claim when he coulda ignored it.
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

mist says

Convince me you're not just going for an "easy mislynch". In our own petri dish forum mafia meta of epicmafia, Gerry is established mislynch bait. So you going after him this early when I see nothing in particular to dislike about him is a red flag to me.

do you feel like ripple would play that way as scum?

Quite possibly.
deletedabout 8 years

Gerry says

mist says

I mean, it's early game, and at the very least you look like you're trying to hunt for scum. Unlike Connor, who is just awkwardly positioning, and Ian, who is trying to garner as much early towncred as he can.

One thing I'll say about ian is last game he did try to get towncred as mafia, but he also was uber aggressive, this time he's more observant and less aggressive I think.

He literally made a new account and trolled early game. If that's not deliberate manipulation of one's own meta, I don't know what is.
about 8 years

mist says

Convince me you're not just going for an "easy mislynch". In our own petri dish forum mafia meta of epicmafia, Gerry is established mislynch bait. So you going after him this early when I see nothing in particular to dislike about him is a red flag to me.

do you feel like ripple would play that way as scum?
about 8 years

Ripple says

Eye roll If you're going to scum read me can you make it a challenge to give a answer this is just sad that I can disprove you so easily

deletedabout 8 years

Ripple says

@Mist Oh please just because my gameplay is "like yours" if you want to call it that that's a very stupid reason to sr me when my play is no where like yours and you can't even back that up

You have a bit of a point here, but at the end of the day I think the post where you said in effect "I don't have reads" was a scumtell, and I'm scumreading you for it.

Ripple says

And if I didn't ml gerry btw I knew he was town last game and you should know I'm not careful mist like wtf I'm anything but

Fair enough. So what's different about Gerry this game? Convince me you're not just going for an "easy mislynch". In our own petri dish forum mafia meta of epicmafia, Gerry is established mislynch bait. So you going after him this early when I see nothing in particular to dislike about him is a red flag to me.
about 8 years
yeah ian thinks his reads are wrong. You have the game 100% figured out, gerry!

could you explain YOUR tr on mist? and why you aren't tunneling me?
about 8 years
I also like that Ian sticks to his townread on Mist despite the fact that he thinks he reads are wrong. Ian did you state why you townread her that much? Because usually when someone thinks someone's reads are backwards, it usually is them scumreading them.
deletedabout 8 years
my experience with your scumplay is thst you'll screenshot a google coinflip and say haha i guess i'll be voting you now

i'll phrase this better/give better reads when i'm home
deletedabout 8 years
Eye roll If you're going to scum read me can you make it a challenge to give a answer this is just sad that I can disprove you so easily

Edit: I've given up hope for town who cant do anything but sit around and let others do the work for them "As long as no one fos's me were good!" Had the last game ready on a plate but people just sit upset like: "He thinks i'm scum he's mafia gr!"
about 8 years

mist says

I mean, it's early game, and at the very least you look like you're trying to hunt for scum. Unlike Connor, who is just awkwardly positioning, and Ian, who is trying to garner as much early towncred as he can.

One thing I'll say about ian is last game he did try to get towncred as mafia, but he also was uber aggressive, this time he's more observant and less aggressive I think.
about 8 years
I was referring to the post in which I quoted you

"I'm not going to TR mist easily" ≠ "I hard sr mist." Mist is playing very well if she's mafia -- much more so than the other game where I ended up TRing her anyway.

vote: mist

Tunnel me if you dare.
deletedabout 8 years

mist says

I mean, it's early game, and at the very least you look like you're trying to hunt for scum. Unlike Connor, who is just awkwardly positioning, and Ian, who is trying to garner as much early towncred as he can.

i think that you're town and that both of your reads are wrong
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

mist says

Not only does it imply he knows he's talking to town, but it's just defensive in all the wrong ways. It's not even a true defense, it's a discredit.

i gave that read last game on hedger lol

That sort of implication can slip out from town, yes, but it's still more likely to be scum in my experience. It can come down to personality though, you assuming the person who pressures you very early game is town is weird to me.
deletedabout 8 years
@Mist Oh please just because my gameplay is "like yours" if you want to call it that that's a very stupid reason to sr me when my play is no where like yours and you can't even back that up

the vote then was me being upset there's nothing scummy about that the only logical answer you have given me in your last few posts is you sr me for voting your poor tr boo hoo

And if I didn't ml gerry btw I knew he was town last game and you should know I'm not careful mist like wtf I'm anything but

@Gerry since when was just voting not a read when I said I was srs about it I had no other reads other then Sonrio
about 8 years

Impoetic says

Gerry says

Okay so right now, I think the only person I don't wanna lynch is Mist. Impoetic do you still scumread her? Cause if so, idk what to think of you voting the person I tr the most right now

Did you read anything i said other than the "gerry's mafia?????????" post

I'll REREAD SRY. I'm just lazy.
about 8 years
that wasn't actually a post that had to do with my read on him
deletedabout 8 years
I mean, it's early game, and at the very least you look like you're trying to hunt for scum. Unlike Connor, who is just awkwardly positioning, and Ian, who is trying to garner as much early towncred as he can.