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Forum Mafia 15

deletedabout 8 years

                                        It is endgame. Mafia wins.


Mechanics/ Sample Role PM:

Deadline and Procedure:

Special notes:

about 8 years
im sorry that i disagree with your reads and i disagree with selfvoting wait is selfvoting the new meta lets go guys choo choo
about 8 years
Vote: N1ed

Yeah, based on everything so far, this is my vote for now. Not set in stone, but ya
deletedabout 8 years
ok, now that that's over could you explain why you have two towns and a guy who hasn't done anything as your three scum
deletedabout 8 years

UltraAug says

you just self voted

I would never hammer myself smart one that's more then you can say in other games but that's besides the point shall we move on or do I have to keep at it with you
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

Ripple says

justdance666 says

how do you expect people to react when you have a self vote temper tantrum over people not sheeping your reads

I don't care if people don't sheep my reads just give me reason instead of you're bad or prove my reason for sring someone wrong

no one is calling you bad. people have their own reads. you have to work with people who you think are town

That's honestly how I felt so if I took it wrong my mistake unvote
deletedabout 8 years

Connor says

mist says

I'm trying to be a less emotional player and cut AtE out of my game :\ sorry if it makes me less fun to play with.

actually that's not my point. if sonia's play/selfvote are highly likely to be town, you have no reason to take it/accept it/use it. trying to ignore/eliminate something that advantages you is really dumb IMHO

I've townread mafia for AtE'ing before, so I want to avoid doing it again.
about 8 years
you just self voted
deletedabout 8 years
I have not once ever just left a game on purpose in my life ultra so you can shove it I've never sui'd in a mafia game or vivor game in my life and of course I have out bursts at time but oh well I'm human not prefect sue me
deletedabout 8 years

Ripple says

justdance666 says

how do you expect people to react when you have a self vote temper tantrum over people not sheeping your reads

I don't care if people don't sheep my reads just give me reason instead of you're bad or prove my reason for sring someone wrong

no one is calling you bad. people have their own reads. you have to work with people who you think are town
about 8 years

mist says

I'm trying to be a less emotional player and cut AtE out of my game :\ sorry if it makes me less fun to play with.

actually that's not my point. if sonia's play/selfvote are highly likely to be town, you have no reason to take it/accept it/use it. trying to ignore/eliminate something that advantages you is really dumb IMHO
about 8 years
idk maybe i havent read through enough
deletedabout 8 years
Outside of role mechanics and honest-to-goodness slips, there's no such thing as "proof" in mafia.
about 8 years

Ripple says

based on my reaction tests

Called it. B)
about 8 years
i still want to scumread ripple even after that bs and it makes me mad because commiting suicide is a common occurence in games now apparently
deletedabout 8 years

justdance666 says

how do you expect people to react when you have a self vote temper tantrum over people not sheeping your reads

I don't care if people don't sheep my reads just give me reason instead of you're bad or prove my reason for sring someone wrong
about 8 years

Ripple says

I already have enough to out a bases on who's town and who's scum based on my reaction tests that I went on so here

Town: Mist Gerry Impoe Ultra (maybe)

Mafia: Ian Connor Sonrio

N1'd is iffy that I would trade out for a scum if seen fit

i noticed your main complaint that people were scumreading you for bad reasons but i didn't explicitly out my reason for voting you
deletedabout 8 years
Ripple your reads seem very familiar ^_~
about 8 years
Ripple can u plz unvote.
deletedabout 8 years

Connor says

mist says

I want to say it's towny but I know that as a player I'm very affected by AtE so I'm going to do my best to mentally discount it and read her based on what's outside that. I'll let other players who are more confident in their ability to remain objective there try to pick apart that situation.

mafiascum has corrupted you

I'm trying to be a less emotional player and cut AtE out of my game :\ sorry if it makes me less fun to play with.
deletedabout 8 years
I already have enough to out a bases on who's town and who's scum based on my reaction tests that I went on so here

Town: Mist Gerry Impoe Ultra (maybe)

Mafia: Ian Connor Sonrio

N1'd is iffy that I would trade out for a scum if seen fit
deletedabout 8 years
how do you expect people to react when you have a self vote temper tantrum over people not sheeping your reads
about 8 years

mist says

I want to say it's towny but I know that as a player I'm very affected by AtE so I'm going to do my best to mentally discount it and read her based on what's outside that. I'll let other players who are more confident in their ability to remain objective there try to pick apart that situation.

mafiascum has corrupted you
deletedabout 8 years

Connor says

ebwop: i think i just think mafiascum sounds like they have sticks up their bums

I'm sorry I love forum mafia and don't really care for chat mafia these days =(
deletedabout 8 years
I want to say it's towny but I know that as a player I'm very affected by AtE so I'm going to do my best to mentally discount it and read her based on what's outside that. I'll let other players who are more confident in their ability to remain objective there try to pick apart that situation.
deletedabout 8 years

Impoetic says

Ripple says

I'm so happy to be the center of all your annoyance being you annoy me just as much

wait what'd i do

Not you dear you're a perfect angel stay strong for me <3