Welcome to the Daily Drama Report, Sandbox's number one source for juicy drama information! Should you have information on a particular bit of entertaining public drama then please write up an objective report on it and post here. Opinion pieces are also allowed.
The big rule here is that if you're going to write a report here, please do not become directly involved in the drama or else it is very likely to suffer as a piece. Opinion pieces on your own direct drama are allowed, however, as long as they're sensible and not just angry rants at whoever you disagree with.
BREAKING NEWS! GARDEN'S APPLICATION FOR MOD UNDER PLATY HAS BEEN LEAKED. The following was a leak from a slightly shady source
Gardenfulloflies: How many hours do you spend on EM per day?
A good 5 minutes. 6 if no one calls me out immediately.
Do you have skype account you wouldn't mind giving to communicate easier with the Sandbox mod team?
Yes! I'll add anyone until my paranoia overtakes me, then I'll just pretend I removed them by accident!
Would you consider yourself hated, neutral or loved by the community?
I got the most loved EM user on the popularity contest! While parts of it were unfair to many users, I'm happy to have been relevent in 2015, and have never been reported for being inappropriately wrong and islamphobic
Someone in chat is making fun of you and your mod choices, how do you respond?
Tell them to get a hobby, call them immature, and then storm off thinking I won the legitimate argument.
You see someone in chat breaking the rules, what do you do?
Depends if I like them or not.
Your friend is breaking the rules and expects you to turn your head the other way, what do you do?