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How is it that...

about 9 years

How is it that newer players become moderators over people who have been playing for years? It makes no sense tbh because wouldn't you want the older players that have more experience modding this site? We literally put in time and effort here and tokens. idk, I guess the admin team can pick who they want but don't you think vets that have been around since 2.0 or earlier are more qualified?

about 9 years
Maybe it's because one time he got so gosh darn mad at a cheater getting modded he felt the need to go on a tirade against transgender people.

The perfect moderator.
about 9 years
Sure this wasn't sarcasm or taken out of context? Because he hated when people would mock others for severe disabilities, he befriended me and other black players (he really did save my life once)
about 9 years

wakemeupxo says

I don't know why people disliked him really.

Well golly gee, maybe it was that one time he literally blackmailed derfel and extorted money from the guy?
about 9 years

Perfect. Moderator.
about 9 years

The perfect mod, ladies and gentleman.
about 9 years
I haven't been a mod before (y)
about 9 years
most vets don't make very good mods, especially ones that modded before. they get bored of doing reports quickly and want things done their own way instead of how they should be done. this applies to the current ones as well.
about 9 years
I'm definitely not trolling Star

I don't know why people disliked him really. He practically saved my life once and is such a nice person once you sit down and talk with him. I've never heard him say anything racist at all. Yes he was slightly arrogant, but can you blame him? He was all about in justice on the MOD team and cheaters too.
about 9 years
Let's just end this foolhardiness. Terry4Mod2k16 And no, not MeetTerry. The good Terry AKA me :3
about 9 years
>_>; sonseray and I got along fairly well actually....... at least in pre-game and shitt
about 9 years
Or do you really think that sonseray would be a perfect mod? Mr. literal blackmail, flagrant transphobic & racist comments, angry contrarian, arrogant AtE-happy player would be a perfect mod? really?
about 9 years

wakemeupxo says

Apostasy should have easily been a mod. He would have been perfect for the job

Okay so you're trolling.
about 9 years
I thought Shacky was an older player too
about 9 years
we have 4 "grizzled veteran" mods in Slowbro, haze, Hibiki, and now Anthony. good ol' grizzled vets.
about 9 years
Hell, remember when there we no mods at all???
about 9 years
I remember a time where the mod team was this:

(Not always modding at the same time)

Apostasy should have easily been a mod. He would have been perfect for the job
about 9 years
people on the mod team who are arguably "new users"

annajane (who stepped down already)

doesn't seem to be a huge portion to me
about 9 years

Mattthew says

TerrySteele says

starfuel says

you realize that when vets are modded, newer players make the exact same complaints except reversed?

The answer is to keep a balanced moderator team of older players and newer players, or at least try too. That way you have connections to more of the community. Currently, imo anyway, there's not a bad mix of older players and newer ones on the team. Maybe we could use another one of the older members, but that's just my oldfag prejudice talking

Isn't that what's already going on? There's a mix of old and new players on the team, the oldest few players being Laptop and Totori and then there's newer ones.

How about you read the whole post before you say anything.
about 9 years
oh and Anthony just got remodded I guess so there's a forum poster vet.

the real solution is that a mix of vets and newer mods is probably ideal. vets tend to know what they're doing better and are often (not always) a bit better at handling the PR side of things. but they tend to be jaded and often even lazy about reports. newer players/mods on the other hand consistently have high report counts and tend to get a lot of stuff done.
about 9 years

wakemeupxo says

No I mean newer such as players that have just joined like in the last year or two.

I know I have played many a game with TerrySteele

Indeed we have. I haven't been regularly active since like 2013 or maybe a brief stint in 2014 though, can't properly recall. And yet we still aren't friends DDD:
about 9 years

TerrySteele says

starfuel says

you realize that when vets are modded, newer players make the exact same complaints except reversed?

The answer is to keep a balanced moderator team of older players and newer players, or at least try too. That way you have connections to more of the community. Currently, imo anyway, there's not a bad mix of older players and newer ones on the team. Maybe we could use another one of the older members, but that's just my oldfag prejudice talking

Isn't that what's already going on? There's a mix of old and new players on the team, the oldest few players being Laptop and Totori and then there's newer ones.
about 9 years

starfuel says

you realize that when vets are modded, newer players make the exact same complaints except reversed?

The answer is to keep a balanced moderator team of older players and newer players, or at least try too. That way you have connections to more of the community. Currently, imo anyway, there's not a bad mix of older players and newer ones on the team. Maybe we could use another one of the older members, but that's just my oldfag prejudice talking
about 9 years
do you really mean "old players" or do you mean forum posters, because the most recent mod, Totori, is the oldest player on the team.
about 9 years

starfuel says

you realize that when vets are modded, newer players make the exact same complaints except reversed?

Is there ever a solution to mass complaints no matter what admins decide? Probably not
about 9 years
No I mean newer such as players that have just joined like in the last year or two.

I know I have played many a game with TerrySteele