How is it that newer players become moderators over people who have been playing for years? It makes no sense tbh because wouldn't you want the older players that have more experience modding this site? We literally put in time and effort here and tokens. idk, I guess the admin team can pick who they want but don't you think vets that have been around since 2.0 or earlier are more qualified?
Just saw this thread, and would like to clear some things up.
Next time, I'll literally type out (TONGUE FIRMLY IN CHEEK) because "wheel veggie" still wasn't a flagrant enough social clue for you to realize that I might not be serious.
Also, I never blackmailed Derfel NOR WAS DERFEL A CHILD PREDATOR. The tendency of this website to spread rumors and form weird e-cliques and pretend this is High School Online instead of Epic Mafia is super effing weird. I told Derfel he needed to donate 20 dollars to charity because he cost me a trophy, I used his IRL first name which I had heard from another user, and he told me no. That's it.
I personally dislike you a whole lot, mist, and think you're a serious freaking weirdo with some major problems, but the only thing I hate more than bigotry is censorship and I'm on the marxist side of left. I just don't happen to feel the need to flaunt my moral superiority to my weird e-friends to give me some sad hollow sense of social fulfillment
That being said, I would indeed be a horrible mod, like when that grade school bully of yours was hall monitor for a day.
If you want to forum-brawl, forum-brawl to my face. I can make up rumors and play armchair psychologist too. In fact, I'm the best at it.
as a previous cheater, and maybe even a current real-life one i can say there's nothing wrong with unbanning cheaters lol
deletedabout 9 years
Apostasy should have easily been a mod. He would have been perfect for the job
someone should dig up sonse's anti-mod propaganda threads, those were good reads
while you're at it hunt for the exact opposite complaint threads justrec made weekly while shacky was admin that complained about him modding older players
I know that Apostasy never wanted to become a mod...I just think he was right when he called out corruption in the Moderator system (Kiddie fiddling, unbanning cheaters, bribary)
Who was bribed?
deletedabout 9 years
Lol'd at sonseray should have been a mod
Sonseray is a level-headed guy whom I for one would trust with the entirety of my heart to moderate swiftly and justly during high-stake day 10 altercations.
Apostasy should have easily been a mod. He would have been perfect for the job
someone should dig up sonse's anti-mod propaganda threads, those were good reads
while you're at it hunt for the exact opposite complaint threads justrec made weekly while shacky was admin that complained about him modding older players
I know that Apostasy never wanted to become a mod...I just think he was right when he called out corruption in the Moderator system (Kiddie fiddling, unbanning cheaters, bribary)
Apostasy should have easily been a mod. He would have been perfect for the job
someone should dig up sonse's anti-mod propaganda threads, those were good reads
while you're at it hunt for the exact opposite complaint threads justrec made weekly while shacky was admin that complained about him modding older players