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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
almost 9 years

hedger says

Shmeur says

also just played face warrior against face priest lol

face warrior with elise?

diff decks
almost 9 years
zoolock is preeetty gud
deletedalmost 9 years
zoolock all day
almost 9 years

Shmeur says

also just played face warrior against face priest lol

face warrior with elise?
almost 9 years
I used to play with junie before she disappeared :(

I miss those times
almost 9 years
Just went 10-3 in arena with 3 zombie chows and 2 injured kvaldir as priest.
almost 9 years
also just played face warrior against face priest lol
almost 9 years
got golden monkey at turn 6 then lost horribly because all my cards were too much mana lol.
almost 9 years
so much skill it takes to play shaman. Direct every single damaging spell at face, must take an incredible amount of intelligence to play such a hard deck.
almost 9 years
This game is hella annoying i see at least 5 nerds in every lecture playing it
almost 9 years
secret paladins are starting to get on my nerves
almost 9 years

baller says

this is a cool look

I thought jaina looked cool like that as well.
almost 9 years

this is a cool look
almost 9 years
I hate that they're doing the prepurchase $50 for 50 packs thing that comes with an exclusive cardback.. another cool cardback i dont get because im not paying that fee
deletedalmost 9 years
WoG announcement tl;dr:

FREE legendary and 3 packs
almost 9 years
secret egg what
almost 9 years
let the ladder climb resume... secret egg cancer pally anyone? its like secret pally except even more cancer.
almost 9 years
you shouldnt even be calculating face damage until you have a possible lethal
almost 9 years

hedger says

god I hate this game. reno lock with 5 legendaries, rank 13 shouldn't be this bs.

I have 20 legendaries and reno jackson. nobody cares unless they are facehunter.
almost 9 years

hedger says

god I hate this game. reno lock with 5 legendaries, rank 13 shouldn't be this bs.

was it me i'm rank 13/14 fluctuating with renolock
almost 9 years
god I hate this game. reno lock with 5 legendaries, rank 13 shouldn't be this bs.
almost 9 years

just burned 15 cards off this guy's deck after he played fel reaver in 2 turns before I killed it. Nice win after he ran out of cards :3
almost 9 years
feels annoying when you lose against someone who doesn't realise they have lethal and attack your minions instead. It's not like 7+7 is hard to do when I have 14 hp -_-
deletedalmost 9 years
I have hearthstone but I suck terribly :) it fun
almost 9 years
meh, I feel like I deserve some rng luck. Nearly managed to play around all paladin secrets at once, by hero power noble sacrifice, then its avenge needed to hit the 7/3 but instead it hit the 6/6, so I couldn't swipe + drake to clear the board :(