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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
almost 9 years
honestly I'm getting so freaking tired of players having legendary decks at every rank. It really makes the game unplayable. I just want to have fun :(
almost 9 years
yeah, the only decent picks I got offered in paladin were 2x shielded minibot, and sword of justice, but the rest of my offers were absolute , suppose cult master but I had nothing to back it up because I couldn't get any hold of the board against an OP mage deck. Rogue is nice cuz there's a lot of decent picks that work together, with quality removal options, and obviously the hero power is better.
deletedalmost 9 years
Maybe, but I reckon a standard paladin deck can chew through a lot more than your standard rogue deck.
deletedalmost 9 years
Rogue is the dominant arena class because paladin is picked mainly because the rogue hero power trades 2 for 1 with the paladin hero power.

Paladin has the most potential for amazing decks but the average rogue deck will beat the average paladin deck.
deletedalmost 9 years

hedger says

how is paladin such a good arena class, it's , 2 times in a row I've gone 0-3 with it. Rogue/Mage/Druid are all better.

Paladin is largely a control deck, which is all Arena is about. Of course you'll have shite RNG luck w/r/t cards and draws sometimes but I have no idea why you think rogue outclasses paladin.
deletedalmost 9 years
there's a large amount of meta in arena and getting good requires a lot of practise and watching the really good arena streamers, id recommend kripp, trump and ratsmah

kripp has the most entertaining hearthstone content on youtube imo though you might want to "skip the kripp" aka skip the introduction to get the the gameplay
almost 9 years

I swear this is like every game.
almost 9 years
how is paladin such a good arena class, it's , 2 times in a row I've gone 0-3 with it. Rogue/Mage/Druid are all better.
almost 9 years
how do you beat mage in arena when you cant draw ******* ****
almost 9 years
i put this card face down and finish my turn
almost 9 years
love when mages draw like 5 OP spells in arena that you can't do anything about.
almost 9 years
he had to go
almost 9 years
am confused. guy plays force of nature, savage roar, has a 5/5 and 1/2 on board already, I have 23 hp, and then concedes?
almost 9 years
hmm, weird, the link for the deck is
almost 9 years
i cant see your image posts for some reason, hedger.
almost 9 years
lol the next game my shredder draws a bluegill warrior.

And yeah, mounted raptor would definitely use. I suck at arena though, or at least I think I do. But then again I always seem to come up against OP decks.
deletedalmost 9 years
rng's an absolute b*tch sometimes dude
deletedalmost 9 years
might want to consider saving up 700 gold to get the mounted raptors from league of explorers wing 2, also maybe loatheb too to prevent the board getting cleared before a lethal turn

honestly though i have no clue about this deck type, im just guessing
almost 9 years
how the does this happen, lmfao. Funny how my Piloted Shredders draw 1/2's and this is what he gets from Effigy.

almost 9 years
also any advice on improving this deck. Only have Naxx so don't suggest like Dragon Egg or w/e. And don't have dust for epic cards or anything. Otherwise I'd go with something like Force of Nature instead.

Not sure on Azure Drake, may craft another Keeper of the Grove, instead. Could go 1x Sludge Belcher to replace that, just to help other minions stick to the board, but card draw is also an issue obviously, which is what I have Azure Drake for atm. Not sure on Wrath as well, but again not sure what would be better. Just kept one in for the moment, found it was annoying if I managed to draw 2 early game. Again what I'd replace things with is something I'm not sure of.
almost 9 years
feels awesome when mage gets overcommitted against egg druid and goes all face with fireball + 2 minions when I have 4 minions on the board with him at 14 hp and me having not played a savage roar as of yet, and then just take him down :)

also hedger#1352 battletag. NA mainly (where my solid decks are at) but play on EU as well.
almost 9 years
NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479


My legendaries are Mogor, Tirion, Cenarius, and Murk Eye the quest legend. All unpacked in the last year or so of HS.
deletedalmost 9 years
zoo lock all day
almost 9 years
I hate you and your friend.
deletedalmost 9 years

one of my friend's recent pulls