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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
almost 9 years
playing renolock is starting to give me great pleasure actually due to how many face decks auto concede after reno comes down.

Shaman is still cancer though.
almost 9 years
tbf, I understand the hate for druid now. Just when you figure you're safe, they play one discounted FoN already, with both innervates gone, and of course the only 3 cards left that are discounted are FoN + double roar, giving him that 9 mana 22 damage -_-
almost 9 years

Escurai says

roadman says

I usually stop playing Hearthstone around the 20th of the month because the meta becomes too unbearable. It's stupid when you're playing against people at legend who are still running the same crappy cancerous decks you get at rank 16.

I don't play ranked until the 15th because you get wastemen with legend sleeves still sitting at rank 18

I'm one of those guys.
almost 9 years
yogg-saron hope's end tho
almost 9 years

roadman says

I usually stop playing Hearthstone around the 20th of the month because the meta becomes too unbearable. It's stupid when you're playing against people at legend who are still running the same crappy cancerous decks you get at rank 16.

I don't play ranked until the 15th because you get wastemen with legend sleeves still sitting at rank 18
almost 9 years

roadman says

Add some more early game to it though, it's lacking a solid turn 1~3.

Also, my Elise Paladin is p fun but inconsistent against aggro meta.

I kinda wanna go with an elise paladin tbf. Even threw it in my control paladin for a few games, but when every 90% of games are against aggro, there just wasn't a scenario where I got to the monkey, so I took it out.
almost 9 years
Control Warrior all the way fam.
almost 9 years
Midrange hunter is my fave archtype to play
almost 9 years
Add some more early game to it though, it's lacking a solid turn 1~3.

Also, my Elise Paladin is p fun but inconsistent against aggro meta.
almost 9 years
Camel Hunter is one of the most boring decks. It was heavily played for progress because it's so easy to use.


Just play my Lorewalker Cho Midrange Paladin. It's on Hearthpwn.
almost 9 years
I'd rather get a cool win than get 5 boring wins
almost 9 years
To be fair Japter, you were playing Camel Hunter last night. I'm not sure what sort of satisfaction you were looking to get from the game.
almost 9 years
I usually stop playing Hearthstone around the 20th of the month because the meta becomes too unbearable. It's stupid when you're playing against people at legend who are still running the same crappy cancerous decks you get at rank 16.
almost 9 years
Some of the alternate ruleset brawls were incredible but they are few and far between
almost 9 years
It's more a thing about games in general
almost 9 years

ice says

This game isn't fun anymore tbh

if u get bored, stop playing for a bit or just play diff decks. i always ply the tavern brawls at least once a week for something different also
almost 9 years
I've uninstalled steam and bnet tbh
almost 9 years
This game isn't fun anymore tbh
almost 9 years

ice says

Starting to save up gold and sitting on about 3.4k dust, I'm ready for WoG.

3.4k dust is only one golden legendary.

Keep saving m8.
almost 9 years
I really need to learn to make sure I have dragon activators in my hand before doing stupid things. 3 times in 2 games I've played my Twilight Guardian without a dragon activator. I feel stupid
almost 9 years
Starting to save up gold and sitting on about 3.4k dust, I'm ready for WoG.
almost 9 years
master of evolution and thing from below together already make midrange shaman viable. that's how strong those two cards are. not to mention the new legendary that heals w/ aoe / direct removals
almost 9 years
murloc paladin is only good cause of anyfin though which has negative synergy with vilefin
almost 9 years
Seems pretty useless for face shaman, which is the only deck that is ever seen. Maybe we might see some more control orientated shaman decks but I suppose it's eh. Thing From Below also looks good though so maybe it will see some play. Doubt it will stop the no skill players from continuing with their stupid face shaman decks tho.

That Vilefin Inquisitor card seems pretty interesting tho, maybe some more murloc paladins as a result?
almost 9 years
Master of Evolution OP shaman card