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deletedabout 9 years

post hearthstone stuff itt


Japter (EU) - japter #2297

Escurai (EU/NA) - OGBlue #2505

magictissue (unclear) - ieb #1908

BillStickers (NA) - BenGhazi #1416

BecameClear (EU) - Israelite #1143

shmeur (unclear) - shmeur #1563

Orly(vash) (NA) - Vexium #1587

NA and EU (mostly NA): UsrnmePendng #1479

roadman EU - Harry#2994

fave class
almost 9 years

roadman says

hedger says

ice says

dunno, they like hitting chargers

problem is it can't be reliably combo'd, like other charges like arcane golem, so I wouldn't see it being nerfed at all.

Void Caller combo is reliable, as is the BANE OF DOOM OMEGA RNG.

you're telling me bane of doom doesn't spawn you blood imps whenever you use that card? damn my rng must suck then.
almost 9 years

Shmeur says

ancient of lore could still be good with the new druid legendary

nope, still pretty useless. Chances of getting that combo off are low as it is (11 mana), and AoL will be useless to run on its own, and not worth a slot in your deck that will at best draw 1 card and heal for 5 which a lot of the time isn't exactly what you need either.
almost 9 years
void caller was from nax
almost 9 years

hedger says

ice says

dunno, they like hitting chargers

problem is it can't be reliably combo'd, like other charges like arcane golem, so I wouldn't see it being nerfed at all.

Void Caller combo is reliable, as is the BANE OF DOOM OMEGA RNG.
almost 9 years

ice says

dunno, they like hitting chargers

problem is it can't be reliably combo'd, like other charges like arcane golem, so I wouldn't see it being nerfed at all.
almost 9 years
dunno, they like hitting chargers
almost 9 years

ice says

yeah, if they ever nerf doomguard ill cry myself to sleep

The card's too balanced.
almost 9 years
yeah, if they ever nerf doomguard ill cry myself to sleep
almost 9 years
I died a bit inside disenchanting my golden Knife Jugglers & Big Game Hunters.
almost 9 years
i have 8k dust, feelsgood
almost 9 years

roadman says

Disenchanted my goldens.

i literally have that without the first digit
almost 9 years
ancient of lore could still be good with the new druid legendary
almost 9 years
negged because salty
almost 9 years

Disenchanted my goldens.
almost 9 years
disenchanted all my leper gnomes, ancient of lores, master of disguises, arcane golems and blade flurries and made 3660 dust. nice.
almost 9 years
the new layout's cool
almost 9 years

Shmeur says

ice says

13 free packs boys


You get 3 for logging in, you get a quest to win 2 games in standard for 5 packs and then you'll get another quest to win another 5 games in standard for another 5 packs.
almost 9 years

ice says

13 free packs boys

deletedalmost 9 years
Guys, what will be first card you'll enchant? :)
i think i'll make this guy. Cute artwork and fun effect!
almost 9 years
well i got 3 ancient of lores so im getting at least 1 free legendary which is nice.
almost 9 years
13 free packs boys
almost 9 years

ice says

this nerf is too bad though, id rather spend 1 mana more and get the +2/2 stats lol

So then play it. I'll be happy to see spellbreaker played instead of it :3
almost 9 years
this nerf is too bad though, id rather spend 1 mana more and get the +2/2 stats lol
almost 9 years

Orly says

the logic with ironbeak owl and kotg would have made more sense if they made spellbreaker 5 mana cost... but as is, kotg is fine due to new druid legendary, but owl is now worthless and will be replaced by spellbreaker in every deck... which is a dumb change

I think the main problem with owl was that it was just way too cheap. Spending two mana on silencing something didn't really hurt your turn too much. Spellbreaker being nerfed to 5 mana would have been kinda pointless and not changed anything since people would just use owl instead anyway. At least this gives people a choice over what they want to use.
almost 9 years
shaman's new cards >>>