With all the coverage on TV and online recently, I just wanted to ask you guys a question - would you date a transgender person? Reasoning is cool, saying yes or no is cool, just don't put any dumb in the comments
As someone that plans to marry the next person he has sex with this is unequivocally false because being able to reproduce is a key factor in being a female.
I wish people would stop trying to act like "Transphobia" exists in the same space as legit phobias. If transexualism was a privite issues instead of paraded about like it's the evolution of our species you wouldn't have such hateful thoughts and opinions towards it.
You can logically reduce the question to "Would you decline to date someone you'd otherwise want to date due to some such attribute about which you may or may not harbor (subdued) phobic thoughts?" and anyone who says yes is a giant jerk.
If you only date for marriage then you're kinda weird. If you say you date for the purpose of reproduction then you're just lying.
No but seriously attractions aint a choice, like I would totally kiss a transwoman if I couldnt tell it was a trans person, but whenever I find out they have a pee pee Im out.
saying no to would you date x doesn't make you transphobic, just like saying you wouldn't date x race doesn't make you racist.The only people who said anything borderline transphobic were a select few trolls
thread topic isn't if you can find x attractive, it's would you date x.
"also whats with the "im straight so of cours ethe answer is no" responses? uh hello u freaking transphobe WOMAN are not men you freaking idiot."
Untill surgery is perfected you cant compare it to the real deal during sexual intercourse, which is a very big part of any relationship (I would like to have atleast). Those women whom uranus posted before surely look good but if they have a peepee I do not wanna date them, its as simple as that and this makes me in no way transphobic lmao