about 9 years

The world is better off when a Man is in charge!

Letting in tens of thousands of refugees into Germany? Misandry? Being unfaithful? Coldly refusing their partners of sex? What do they all have in Common?? WOMEN

Women are the Downfall of this society. Meninism is what stood between this world and eternal revolution! Men should always be In charge of the World!

18 signed
Men are better than Women
about 9 years

eris says

UniversalStudios says

There's no such thing as racism against whites.

If you use the Tumblr definition sure, if you go by a dictionary than yes there is.

Language is power don't you know?

Well as long as we're trying to lump bigotry into racism you can make such feeble argument, but they represent two separate issues.

If you think you can be RACIST towards the MASTER RACE you're out of your GOD FORSAKEN MIND.
deletedabout 9 years

UniversalStudios says

eris says

UniversalStudios says

There's no way to lightly make fun of Black people, everything you can say it too brutal.

I made a lot of horrible jokes at your expense Zovez will you ever forgive me friend

The sad part is that it took Tumblr for everyone else to realize how you were being, which makes it even more of a joke.

The sad part is I had this entire site believing I was a SJW for over a year lmao.
deletedabout 9 years

UniversalStudios says

There's no such thing as racism against whites.

If you use the Tumblr definition sure, if you go by a dictionary than yes there is.

Language is power don't you know?
about 9 years

eris says

UniversalStudios says

There's no way to lightly make fun of Black people, everything you can say it too brutal.

I made a lot of horrible jokes at your expense Zovez will you ever forgive me friend

The sad part is that it took Tumblr for everyone else to realize how you were being, which makes it even more of a joke.
deletedabout 9 years
Also will you join me in my fight to rid epicmafia of racism against the native people's of north america?
about 9 years
There's no such thing as racism against whites.
deletedabout 9 years

UniversalStudios says

There's no way to lightly make fun of Black people, everything you can say it too brutal.

I made a lot of horrible jokes at your expense Zovez will you ever forgive me friend
about 9 years
There's no way to lightly make fun of Black people, everything you can say it too brutal.
about 9 years

eris says

Chaika says

Guess the fact that this thread is still up means that basically everything is fair game except African Americans.

Yeh it's OK to mock natives too but god forbid you crack a black joke.

Haven't you heard???

racism against whites isn't racism
deletedabout 9 years

Chaika says

Guess the fact that this thread is still up means that basically everything is fair game except African Americans.

Yeh it's OK to mock natives too but god forbid you crack a black joke.
about 9 years
Guess the fact that this thread is still up means that basically everything is fair game except African Americans.
deletedabout 9 years

SimplyPam says

eris says

SimplyPam says

we make humans, we win

Yeh but half of them are women so that's a poor argument to make.

u are alive cause a lady carried you in her womb

So I got molested because my mom didn't have the courtesy to pull me out with a wire hanger huh?

My point stands.
deletedabout 9 years

MeetTerry says

SimplyPam says

eris says

SimplyPam says

we make humans, we win

Yeh but half of them are women so that's a poor argument to make.

u are alive cause a lady carried you in her womb

wow such a hero

doing your evolutionary purpose makes you superior?

goddamn time to inseminate ppl

deletedabout 9 years
I wouldn't be surprised if Gary was the initial result of Soviet test tube baby programs.
about 9 years

SimplyPam says

eris says

SimplyPam says

we make humans, we win

Yeh but half of them are women so that's a poor argument to make.

u are alive cause a lady carried you in her womb

wow such a hero

doing your evolutionary purpose makes you superior?

goddamn time to inseminate ppl
deletedabout 9 years

eris says

SimplyPam says

we make humans, we win

Yeh but half of them are women so that's a poor argument to make.

u are alive cause a lady carried you in her womb
deletedabout 9 years
women are nothing but trouble!
deletedabout 9 years

MeetTerry says

Tucker says

You've really got to change your AV to something less gay Terry.

sorry tucker

it was the only way to be accepted by the sandbox folk

anime succ
deletedabout 9 years

SimplyPam says

we make humans, we win

Yeh but half of them are women so that's a poor argument to make.
deletedabout 9 years
Woah!! Topics being discussed and opinions being outted? Better head over to my safe haven, this is bait.
deletedabout 9 years
we make humans, we win
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years
i'm fine with talking about you it's hilarious lol
about 9 years

bdog1321 says

he yearns for our approval

bdog1321 says

you know, complaining about how everyone is always talking about terry...is talking about terry.

deletedabout 9 years
Which just so happens to be much better than the other gender.