about 9 years

The world is better off when a Man is in charge!

Letting in tens of thousands of refugees into Germany? Misandry? Being unfaithful? Coldly refusing their partners of sex? What do they all have in Common?? WOMEN

Women are the Downfall of this society. Meninism is what stood between this world and eternal revolution! Men should always be In charge of the World!

18 signed
Men are better than Women
about 7 years
Brutal . . .
about 7 years
If #metoo is all you got, then you guys have no hope.
deletedabout 9 years
I love that flannel because its hipster in the front and edgy in the back
deletedabout 9 years

Fam says

eris says

I hate some people more than I hate others.

Will you join my club we wear matching flannels but with different color schemes

I love flannel, I'll do it.
about 9 years

Maldito says

krystalk says

Terry brings a new perspective WHY ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO SILENCE HIM.
Soon enough, tumblr will dictate that women will be exempt from being sexist because they are the oppressed gender.

go to bed

t h e t h r e a d i s o v e r
deletedabout 9 years

eris says

I hate some people more than I hate others.

Will you join my club we wear matching flannels but with different color schemes

about 9 years

krystalk says

Terry brings a new perspective WHY ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO SILENCE HIM.
Soon enough, tumblr will dictate that women will be exempt from being sexist because they are the oppressed gender.

go to bed
about 9 years

eris says

Especially people who aren't the same skin color as me.

there's a racism thread now

w/ a quiz that takes like forever
deletedabout 9 years
Especially people who aren't the same skin color as me.
deletedabout 9 years
I hate some people more than I hate others.
about 9 years

Fam says

i honestly hate everyone equally

do you want my "in memory of when i cared" shirt
deletedabout 9 years
i honestly hate everyone equally
about 9 years
This is why you don't try to reason with degenerates, Montesinos
about 9 years
about 9 years
Alright I'll be off now - sorry for bringing facts to a discussion. I hope you all enjoy living in your fantasy black and white worlds where statistics are wrong and you have to possess a position on an issue.
about 9 years

montesinos7 says

leo says

narrative doesn't apply to that context

and also its not 'no one is interested in genuine discussion,' it's just that you're wrong and no one likes talking to a brick wall unless as mentally unstable as my mother

Case in point.

k you just called me right, /thread
deletedabout 9 years

montesinos7 says

This is why I don't get involved in these discussions - no one is ever interested in genuine discussion they just want to pander their own viewpoint. The second I cite a fact everyone loses their - as if the existence of affirmative action is some sort of myth.

You aren't allowed to be a mediator in this world pick a side or get out, stating observational facts is politcally inmoral
about 9 years

leo says

narrative doesn't apply to that context

and also its not 'no one is interested in genuine discussion,' it's just that you're wrong and no one likes talking to a brick wall unless as mentally unstable as my mother

Case in point.
about 9 years
narrative doesn't apply to that context

and also its not 'no one is interested in genuine discussion,' it's just that you're wrong and no one likes talking to a brick wall unless as mentally unstable as my mother
about 9 years
This is why I don't get involved in these discussions - no one is ever interested in genuine discussion they just want to pander their own viewpoint. The second I cite a fact everyone loses their - as if the existence of affirmative action is some sort of myth.
about 9 years

montesinos7 says

DrakeJr says

montesinos7 says

DrakeJr says

montesinos7 says

Drake Jr. And Pavoneo:

You misunderstand the point I think Terry is trying to make. Whether or not more white students are enrolled in college or applying to a program is irrelevant. Percentages demonstrate the amount within that number that is
accepted. Terry is pointing out that more blacks are accepted with the same qualifications as whites. 88% of blacks are accepted when they have the exact same qualifications as whites - only 33% of whom are accepted.

this is such a stupid argument, like it's nearly my bedtime so i'm not gonna divulge deep into it but holy crap lol

Yes - basic statistical fact is a stupid argument. I have simply pointed out the fact that percentage-wise blacks are favored over whites in applying to med school. That isn't even an argument it is just a summation of statistics. I haven't implied anything about racism, discrimination etc. If you took a day in statistics you'd understand how percentages work so please don't try and infantilize me and dismiss a simple summary of data.


ctrl+f percentanges, apply it to your observation and you can see the ignorance

*sigh* I understand the problems that arise from statistics. All I have pointed out is that statistically when drawing from a pool of blacks and whites with the same qualifications medical schools disproportionately choose blacks. Explain what is wrong with that observation.

It doesn't fit the narrative
about 9 years
go away no one wants you here
deletedabout 9 years
about 9 years

DrakeJr says

montesinos7 says

DrakeJr says

montesinos7 says

Drake Jr. And Pavoneo:

You misunderstand the point I think Terry is trying to make. Whether or not more white students are enrolled in college or applying to a program is irrelevant. Percentages demonstrate the amount within that number that is
accepted. Terry is pointing out that more blacks are accepted with the same qualifications as whites. 88% of blacks are accepted when they have the exact same qualifications as whites - only 33% of whom are accepted.

this is such a stupid argument, like it's nearly my bedtime so i'm not gonna divulge deep into it but holy crap lol

Yes - basic statistical fact is a stupid argument. I have simply pointed out the fact that percentage-wise blacks are favored over whites in applying to med school. That isn't even an argument it is just a summation of statistics. I haven't implied anything about racism, discrimination etc. If you took a day in statistics you'd understand how percentages work so please don't try and infantilize me and dismiss a simple summary of data.


ctrl+f percentanges, apply it to your observation and you can see the ignorance

*sigh* I understand the problems that arise from statistics. All I have pointed out is that statistically when drawing from a pool of blacks and whites with the same qualifications medical schools disproportionately choose blacks. Explain what is wrong with that observation.
deletedabout 9 years
turns out, the only way i can spell my own name correctly is with my urine in the snow