about 9 years

The world is better off when a Man is in charge!

Letting in tens of thousands of refugees into Germany? Misandry? Being unfaithful? Coldly refusing their partners of sex? What do they all have in Common?? WOMEN

Women are the Downfall of this society. Meninism is what stood between this world and eternal revolution! Men should always be In charge of the World!

18 signed
Men are better than Women
about 9 years

eris says

Pavoneo says

mayne it be hard out here

Hard out there on the streets for a white man

bruh I'm sayin we just don't have opportunites
about 9 years

badbread says

MeetTerry says

btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.

Give me an example. How, Terry, can PoC be racist toward white people in a way that equates to more than hurt feelings?

You do realize there is race-motivated crime, right?
about 9 years

badbread says

The thing about white kids claiming reverse-racism is that, in doing this, they imply that the "racism" a white person experiences (being called a cracker, being excluded from a social circle of PoC) is on the same level as the racism a person of color experiences, which is complete garbage.

Nice making generalizations.
deletedabout 9 years

Pavoneo says

mayne it be hard out here

Hard out there on the streets for a white man
about 9 years
about 9 years
i mean calling a black person the n word isn't even really racism anymore, so when white people use the "wow you called me a cracker therefore that's racist therefore i'm a victim of reverse racism" it's silly,

racism itself did die along time ago, but it was replaced with systematic opression.

i made a post about why black people don't care what white people think a few weeks ago but yeah
about 9 years
And Pavoneo, that's called Affirmative Action and it will be instrumental in settling the socioeconomic differences between people of color and white people in America.
about 9 years

DrakeJr says

Fam says

badbread says

MeetTerry says

btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.

Give me an example. How, Terry, can PoC be racist toward white people in a way that equates to more than hurt feelings?

See when you say this it doesnt make sense to people who dont frequent tumblr and leftist blog pages, to the average white boy, racist just means prejudice towards someone because of their race, you guys went and made up your own definition without updating us

the term racism is too broad, written by a white man so everyone could claim victim and white people could try to downplay the opression of black people..

What all these kids try to say is white people cannot be victims of racial oppression in modern north america, europe or any other predominantly white ruled society which is infact true, it doesn't take a tumblr degree to know that as fact.

The thing about white kids claiming reverse-racism is that, in doing this, they imply that the "racism" a white person experiences (being called a cracker, being excluded from a social circle of PoC) is on the same level as the racism a person of color experiences, which is complete garbage.
about 9 years

mayne it be hard out here
about 9 years

Fam says

badbread says

MeetTerry says

btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.

Give me an example. How, Terry, can PoC be racist toward white people in a way that equates to more than hurt feelings?

See when you say this it doesnt make sense to people who dont frequent tumblr and leftist blog pages, to the average white boy, racist just means prejudice towards someone because of their race, you guys went and made up your own definition without updating us

the term racism is too broad, written by a white man so everyone could claim victim and white people could try to downplay the opression of black people..

What all these kids try to say is white people cannot be victims of racial oppression in modern north america, europe or any other predominantly white ruled society which is infact true, it doesn't take a tumblr degree to know that as a fact.
deletedabout 9 years

Anna says

The other pic was better i enjoyed that duck he was suave as hell
about 9 years
Who triggered badbread
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years

badbread says

Male feelings of victimization by women such as yours will never be valid until you can prove that women are over-represented in the government (as men currently are)

deletedabout 9 years

badbread says

MeetTerry says

btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.

Give me an example. How, Terry, can PoC be racist toward white people in a way that equates to more than hurt feelings?

See when you say this it doesnt make sense to people who dont frequent tumblr and leftist blog pages, to the average white boy, racist just means prejudice towards someone because of their race, you guys went and made up your own definition without updating us
deletedabout 9 years

Pavoneo says

badbread says

wall of text

deletedabout 9 years

badbread says

Funny you should complain about the use of buzzwords when "misandry" is in itself a buzzword for men with, oh, lookie, a victim complex. Male feelings of victimization by women such as yours will never be valid until you can prove that women are over-represented in the government (as men currently are) and therefore more politically powerful as a demographic. Your grandchildren will be six feet under by the time that happens, if it ever happens. That's how power dynamics work, and in comparison to women, men have a clear upper hand in that dynamic. Therefore, men cannot claim oppression by women in the same way that white people, Christians, and straight people cannot claim oppression by people of color, Muslims, and LGBT people respectively. A position of tangible power is a condition of the social oppression you claim that men experience when you use the term "misandry". And if by misandry you simply mean women lacking respect for you, then you should stop and consider how ironic that is, as you seem to have very little respect for women yourself. That's a personal choice and I have no right to push those beliefs on you, but no one has the right to demand respect on the basis of gender alone. You're no exception. Also, I have never met a man with respect for women who has claimed experienced misandry. Only the ones with some sort of preexisting grudge against an entire gender. That's not a coincidence.

tl;dr: You're not oppressed because our government over-represents you to death to the point that whatever social "oppression" you think you might face is trivial in comparison to the political power your demographic yields. Also, self awareness is a good thing to have.

Jesus Christ.
about 9 years
Lol those poor minorities
deletedabout 9 years

MeetTerry says

btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.

I was reading about this earlier to understand, people on here are awful at explaining their point. They are labeling Systematic Racism as just racism and when its said like that there is a point. Poc are at a greater disadvantage when compared to whites in America.
about 9 years

MeetTerry says

btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.

Give me an example. How, Terry, can PoC be racist toward white people in a way that equates to more than hurt feelings?
about 9 years
btw, you are a part of the same crowd that thinks PoC can't be "racist" toward white people.

Which immediately puts you in the trash portion of society.
about 9 years
Before you even try to bring up more of these nonsense buzzwords, let Christina Hoff Sommers handle them all for you.

She is one of the few feminists who believe in true equity, not this militant ugly form.
about 9 years

badbread says

Funny you should complain about the use of buzzwords when "misandry" is in itself a buzzword for men with, oh, lookie, a victim complex. Male feelings of victimization by women such as yours will never be valid until you can prove that women are over-represented in the government (as men currently are) and therefore more politically powerful as a demographic. Your grandchildren will be six feet under by the time that happens, if it ever happens. That's how power dynamics work, and in comparison to women, men have a clear upper hand in that dynamic. Therefore, men cannot claim oppression by women in the same way that white people, Christians, and straight people cannot claim oppression by people of color, Muslims, and LGBT people respectively. A position of tangible power is a condition of the social oppression you claim that men experience when you use the term "misandry". And if by misandry you simply mean women lacking respect for you, then you should stop and consider how ironic that is, as you seem to have very little respect for women yourself. That's a personal choice and I have no right to push those beliefs on you, but you've got no one has the right to demand respect on the basis of gender alone. You're no exception. Also, I have never met a man with respect for women report misandry. Only the ones with some sort of preexisting grudge against an entire gender. That's not a coincidence.

tl;dr: You're not oppressed because our government over-represents you to death to the point that whatever social "oppression" you think you might face is trivial in comparison to the political power your demographic yields. Also, self awareness is a good thing to have.

about 9 years

badbread says

tl;dr: You're not oppressed because our government over-represents you to death to the point that whatever social "oppression" you think you might face is trivial in comparison to the political power your demographic yields. Also, self awareness is a good thing to have.

tfw you feel entitled to all jobs

tfw you aren't complaining about the numerous industries ruled by women

tfw you just want the fun blue-collared jobs

tfw nothing is barring women from entering politics

tfw women choose not to go into politics

tfw women think they are oppressed bc they don't have equal numbers in certain areas of life

about 9 years
Ari my fam